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quick way to disable multiple filters? - Printable Version

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quick way to disable multiple filters? - tunainoil - Dec. 04, 2008 04:07 PM

I'm using sidki's latest filter set and wondered if there's a way to quickly disable multiple filters instead of having to uncheck all those boxes. I want to use only a few filters as i'm using proxomitron in conjunction with outpost firewall's ad blocking module.

advices appreciatedRocker

RE: quick way to disable multiple filters? - ProxRocks - Dec. 04, 2008 05:09 PM

when you uncheck them all, do a 'save-as' to a different config name, then just load that config whenever you want to run with those unchecked...

RE: quick way to disable multiple filters? - tunainoil - Dec. 04, 2008 06:36 PM

thanks for the tip RockerRocker

RE: quick way to disable multiple filters? - Toppy - Dec. 04, 2008 07:34 PM

Yeah ! Rocker
Big Teeth