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sidki's config set: 2005-06-09 - Printable Version

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- sidki3003 - May. 23, 2005 07:33 PM

Lovecraft, i can't do the flyover for filters that are enabled in scripts, without adding a lot of overhead. Sad
(If someone knows how to do e.g. "onmouseover=PrxFlShow('\1','\2')" without single or double quotes - even not backslash-escaped ones, i'm all ears. Smile! )

Yeah, the browser's tooltip would be an alternative, but it disappears after a few seconds, and i can't copy text from there, both of which i dislike.

I agree with ProxRocks, "kill display" or even more "debug mode" isn't something most people want to have turned on all day (although i currently do). I don't know if you saw that, but you can change these settings on the fly now for the current session:
Open the Prox Menu, check "Debug Mode", and hit the "Session" button. Later, if you want to go back to normal, don't select anything, and hit "Session" again (or reload the config).

The kill display for banners are actually two links: left is the <a> href, right is the <img> src.

I've added this to Abbreviations.txt - thanks for the hint:

Kill Display and Log Abbreviations

Ad list matches:

AdH off-domain ad host

AdHr on-domain ad host

AdD ad domain (off-domain subdomain)

AdLr direct AdList match (on-domain subdomain)

AdP off-domain ad path

AdPa absolute on-domain ad path

AdPr relative ad path

Ad keyword matches in scripts:

AdKey.1 matched at start of code

AdKey.2 followed a "."

AdKey.3 followed a "+" or any type of space

AdKey.4 followed a "="

AdKey.5 followed a single or double quote

BTW: The previous "AdKeys" was merged into "AdList". The previous "AdStrings" in turn is now called "AdKeys".

PS: I'll have to rethink kill display at some point anyway. The current color coding for instance needs to go. It's no proper HTML (multiple ID assignments), and future browsers may not support it. But i probably still have a couple of years time for that. Smile!


- Lovecraft - May. 23, 2005 08:31 PM

Thanks for explanation, no problem, I understand the contras.

Usefull the abreviation info.

Quote:PS: I'll have to rethink kill display at some point anyway. The current color coding for instance needs to go. It's no proper HTML (multiple ID assignments), and future browsers may not support it. But i probably still have a couple of years time for that. smile.gif

You'll find a good solution...I'm sure Wink

- ProxRocks - May. 23, 2005 09:58 PM

sidki3003 Wrote:...isn't something most people want to have turned on all day (although i currently do).
lol, me too... (albeit, by way of that 'session' button...)

thanks for the abbreviations, very useful...

- sidki3003 - May. 24, 2005 07:56 PM

Fixed beta bugs (those that are limited to single filters):

Google untangler didn't untangle all links:
Name = "Google: Multi URL Untangler     5.05.21 (multi) [sd] (d.s) WIP2"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)([^.]|216.239.|66.102.[#0:15].|64.233.1[#60:91].)"
Bounds = "<a\s*>"
Limit = 512
Match = "<a(*href=)\1$AV(/url\?*=(http(s|)://)\2((\3\&[a-z]=|\3%26[a-z]%3D)[#1:*]|\3))\4"
Replace = "<a id=proxPref\1"\2$UESC(\3)"\4"

Half-SSL filter didn't convert all links:
Name = "<*>: Half-SSL     05.05.20 (cch! multi) [sd jjoe] (d.2) WIP6"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)$TST(keyword=*.i_ssl_h:[12].*)"
Bounds = "<[abefilmst]*>"
Limit = 2048
Match = "*https://"
"(*\s(href|src)=\\+"+ )\1https://\2"
"|(\1https://\2&(^$TST(\1=*\= \\+"+ (http:/|/|..|)/*)))"
Replace = "\1http://https..\2"

Washington Post photo section was broken:
Name = "<script> Block: Ad Scripts     5.05.23 [pr sd jd] (d.2) WIP22"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)(^$TST(keyword=*.(a_ads|a_js|a_adjs|a_adscr).*))"
Bounds = "<script$INEST(<script,</script)"
Limit = 2400
Match = "<script[^>]+>"
" "+{1,*} \+ "+{1,*}([a-z! -]+{0,20})\#"
"$SET(9=: \#+\# :)$TST((\#\#)=(img|ifr|div|lay|nos|!--|-)*)*"
"($LST(AdKeys))\8 [^a-z0-9](^\=)$SET(9=AdKey.1 \8)"
"|*.($LST(AdKeys))\8[^a-z0-9"']$SET(9=AdKey.2 \8)"
"|*\+($LST(AdKeys))\8[^a-z0-9]$SET(9=AdKey.3 \8)"
"|*\s($LST(AdKeys))\8 ([^a-z0-9,;&(]|\((^[a-z0-9_, ]+\) {))$SET(9=AdKey.3 \8)"
"|*\=($LST(AdKeys))\8[^a-z0-9]$SET(9=AdKey.4 \8)"
"|*"($LST(AdKeys))\8"$SET(9=AdKey.5 \8)"
"*\= [\[(]+\\+"+(^(^ [a-z0-9:_-]+{0,20}/))$AV( $LST(AdList)*)"
"|*" (:|(http|ftp)(s|):)(^(^//))$AV( $LST(AdList)*)"
"&$SET(eAdJS=$GET(eAdJS)<span class=ProxFlyVar>$GET(mHead) Content:</span>   \9<br />)"
"<span id=proxAdScript class=Prox style=display:$GET(displayD)>"
"? JS Ad: \9</span>"
"&($TST(volat=*.log:2.*)$ADDLST(Log-Main,[$DTM(d T)]\tWEB JS_Ad_HTM\t\9 \t\u)|)"
Replace = "\0<script type=text/javascript src=http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/dummy.js>\1"

Harmless images/CSS/JS were blocked at times:
[HTTP headers]
Key = "Location: 1 Kill false Image/Favicon Redirects     5.05.24 (full) [sd] (d.2) (In) WIP8"
URL = "$TST(uExt=bmp|gif|ico|jp(e|)g|png)(^$TST(keyword=*.(a_location|i_light:[12]).*))"
Match = "(^*.(bmp|gif|ico|jp(e|)g|png)(\?*|(^?))|([^/?]+/)+$TST(uFile))(?*)\1&($TST(uFile=(favicon)\2)$SET(3=sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/favblue.ico)|$TST(uExt=\2)$SET(3=killed.gif))&$LOG(wRESP $DTM(c) : Connection killed: No \2: \1)($TST(volat=*.log:2.*)$ADDLST(Log-Main,[$DTM(d T)]\tHDR_In Location\tNo \2 \t\1 \t\u)|)&$RDIR(http://local.ptron/\3)"
Replace = "\1"

Key = "Location: 2 Kill false CSS/JS Redirects     5.05.24 (full) [sd] (d.2) (In) WIP6"
URL = "$TST(uExt=css|js)(^$TST(keyword=*.(a_location|i_light:[12]).*))"
Match = "$TST(uExt=\2)(^*.$TST(\2)(\?|(^?))|([^/?]+/)+$TST(uFile))(?*)\1&$LOG(wRESP $DTM(c) : Connection killed: No \2: \1)($TST(volat=*.log:2.*)$ADDLST(Log-Main,[$DTM(d T)]\tHDR_In Location\tNo \2 \t\1 \t\u)|)($TST(volat=*.log:[12].*)$ADDLST(Log-Rare,HDR_In Location\tNo \2 \t\1 \t\u)|)&$RDIR(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/dummy.\2)"
Replace = "\1"

Speed things up a little:
Name = "<img>... Remove: Ad Images     5.05.22 [pr sd] (d.2) WIP9"
Active = TRUE
URL = "($TYPE(htm)|$TYPE(js))(^$TST(keyword=*.(a_ads|a_adban).*))"
Bounds = "<i(mg|nput(^$TST(keyword=*.a_adform.*))|mage)\4(^$TST(tAnc=*))[^>]++\ssrc=(\\(")\2 (*(\\$TST(\2))\0)\1|$AVQ(("|)\0 \1))*>"
Limit = 1024
Match = "$TST(flag=*.addim:[12].*)$TST(\1=[^/.]+//(^([^/]++.|)$TST(uDom))*|\+*)"
"(width(=\\+"+| :) [#60:*]*height*&&$LST(AdDimensions)*)"
"|(height*width(=\\+"+| :) [#60:*]*&&$LST(AdDimensions)*)"
"$AV( (publici(dad|te)|werbung|(*\s|)ad(^-hoc)([^a-z"'][a-z0-9_-]+|vert[a-z0-9_-]+|))\8([^a-z]*|))*"
"(*width(=\\+"+| :) ([#*:*])\6&*height(=\\+"+| :) ([#*:*])\7)*>$SET(3=alt \8 \6x\7)|$SET(3=alt \8)"
"((*width(=\\+"+| :) ([#*:*])\6&*height(=\\+"+| :) ([#*:*])\7)*>$SET(3= \6x\7)|*)"
"&(*alt=(\\(")\2*\\$TST(\2)|$AV(*))\2$SET(5= title=\2)|)"
"&($TST(volat=*.log:2.*)$ADDLST(Log-Main,[$DTM(d T)]\tWEB Image_i\4 \t\9\3 \t\u)|)"
Replace = "<span id=\0proxImage\0 class=\0Prox\0 style=\0display:$GET(displayD)\0>&#8593;"
"<a id=\0proxImage\0 class=\0Prox\0 href=\0\1 target=\0_top\0\5>i\4: \9\3"


- ProxRocks - May. 24, 2005 09:38 PM

Two quick 'adjustments' (due to forum software)...

"? JS Ad: \9</span>"
should be
"& # 8226 ; JS Ad: \9</span>"
withOUT the spaces before the semicolon...

Replace = "<span id=\0proxImage\0 class=\0Prox\0 style=\0display:$GET(displayD)\0>&#8593;"
should be
Replace = "<span id=\0proxImage\0 class=\0Prox\0 style=\0display:$GET(displayD)\0>& # 8593 ;"
withOUT the same spaces...

- sidki3003 - May. 24, 2005 09:42 PM

Thanks Smile!

- ProxRocks - May. 24, 2005 10:01 PM

No prob...

Just one of the things that Notepad will flag due to Unicode format if I try a save with those unconverted...

- sidki3003 - May. 26, 2005 09:55 AM

I've updated the ComputerCops filter.
Since it isn't restricted to Proxomitron forums anymore and cuts away a lot, it can be bypassed with the ALT key now (press until page has loaded).
Keep your old version, if you want to see the various new "add feed to..." buttons.


- sidki3003 - May. 28, 2005 03:15 PM

z12 Wrote:At I'm getting alot of matches like the following:

<Match: <a><body>: Block sel. JS Properties     4.01.22 (multi) [sd] (d.1) >
<a onMouseOut="cancelPreview()" onMouseOver="showPreview(event, 'hl_2', '/ap/20050516/ap_on_re_as/koreas_nuclear')" href="/s/ap/20050516/ap_on_re_as/koreas_nuclear">
<a onMouseOut="cancelPreview()" onMouseOver="showPreview(event, 'hl_2', '/ap/20050516/ap_on_re_as/koreas_nuclear')" href="/s/ap/20050516/ap_on_re_as/koreas_nuclear">

These are matching even though theres no matching property in the list to block.
Here's a version that doesn't always match anymore.
Name = "<a>...: Block sel. JS Properties     5.05.29 (multi) [sd] (d.1) WIP12"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)(^$TST(keyword=*.(a_jsprop|a_code).*))"
Bounds = "$NEST(<(a(^\sid\=\\+"+proxFl)|body)\s,(*\s|)(on[a-z]+=|href="+ javascript:)*,>)"
Limit = 1024
Match = "("
"(*\s((on[a-z]+)\1=|href="+ (javascript)\1:))+"
"($TST(volat=*.log:2.*)$ADDLST(Log-Main,[$DTM(d T)]\tWEB JS_Prop_\1 \t.\3 \t\u)|)*"
Replace = "\0\@"

The delay caused by failing gets compensated by the new bounds match. I don't know yet if the latter will miss in some single-quote scenarios. Requires testing...

edit: Filter updated


- sidki3003 - May. 29, 2005 09:25 AM

z12 Wrote:SpecialUAs.ptxt (list)

On every request I've been geting a Match on Line 62 of this list. Since the User-Agent header filter is checked, theres no need to log it.

added the following at bottom of list:
This doesn't work, because the User-Agent filter has to fail for UA's that aren't in the list. Going back to previous handling, concerns the beta only (critical bugfix - attached SpecialUAs.txt needs to be renamed to *.ptxt).

[HTTP headers]
Out = TRUE
Key = "User-Agent: Handle specified UAs - Set Var      4.05.29 [sd] (d.r) (Out) WIP2"
Match = "\0&$SET(hOrigUA=\0)&((^$TST(keyword=*.(a_headers|a_ua).*))$LST(SpecialUAs)|$SET(1=\0))"
Replace = "\1"


- sidki3003 - May. 29, 2005 09:57 AM

Lovecraft Wrote:When I enable it lines like "&#8593;Link: AdD melodiasmoviles 300x50" break the page layout
and some pages don't return to the original when dissable.
Information about killed code will be word-wrapped now, i hope that helps a bit. Smile!

You can do it in your copy by removing the "white-space: nowrap !important;" line within the longish declaration in ProxStyles.css that starts with ".Prox,".


- Lovecraft - May. 30, 2005 09:13 AM

sidki3003 Wrote:Information about killed code will be word-wrapped now, i hope that helps a bit. Smile!

You can do it in your copy by removing the "white-space: nowrap !important;" line within the longish declaration in ProxStyles.css that starts with ".Prox,".

Coooooooooool !!!! Smile!

God (and simple Wink ) solution, all information and no break layout anymore.


Thanks Hail

- sidki3003 - May. 31, 2005 12:33 AM

Hey, so we're all happy again. Smile!

- sidki3003 - May. 31, 2005 03:45 PM

sidki3003 Wrote:I've got another beta&nbsp; ready, this one isn't that shaky anymore, so why not mention it here. Smile!
If all runs well, it will have a short lifespan, until the next release is ready to go.
I was wrong: Beta 3.


- mozerd - Jun. 01, 2005 02:01 PM

Running Beta 3 -- so far working just great.

However the following site seems to pass a lot of adds: