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http requests
Oct. 23, 2011, 12:52 PM (This post was last modified: Oct. 23, 2011 12:57 PM by sbk.)
Post: #2
RE: http requests
i think you want a proxy switching filter.
filter would test for a site's domain (or url match), then use this "command" described in help:
(your proxomitron folder)/help/Matching Commands.html#SETPROXY
Restrictions: Match or replace
Filter Types: OUT header filters only

The $SETPROXY command will force a connection to use a particular proxy. It overrides both the "Use remote proxy" checkbox and the current proxy chosen in the proxy selector. It's useful for insuring a particular proxy is used in a given situation or with a particular URL.

The proxy to set must be one already entered into the External Proxy Selector list. This command simply looks up and sets a proxy from that list. It's usually only necessary type the first part of the proxy name - the first proxy matched in the list will be use. The partial match must be exact though (no wildcards).

Like the previous command this command must be also called in either the match or replace of an *outgoing* header filter.

For sites, you could use a text file of urls as either blacklist or whitelist
For certain apps, you could test for useragent,...as_qdr=all

(to startup an app, vbscript or batch, but can proxo start a vbscript or batch?)
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Messages In This Thread
http requests - sabersayed - Aug. 19, 2011, 10:50 PM
RE: http requests - sbk - Oct. 23, 2011 12:52 PM

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