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Sidki 2008-01-02 Beta Updates - Discussion
Jul. 12, 2008, 04:20 PM
Post: #1
Sidki 2008-01-02 Beta Updates - Discussion
I noticed CastleCops is currently down, so I've decided to post the same topic I posted over at CC here.

The Sponsored Ads block started re-appearing on Google Search a few weeks ago; this updated filter should remove it once again (note: this filter has been updated, see post #8):

Name = "Google Search: Remove Ad Blocks     7.08.08 (multi) [sd jd] (d.s) [unoff]"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)(|64.233.1[#60:91]|66.(102.[#0:15]|249.[#64:95])|72.14.[#192:255]|216.239.[#32:63])."
Limit = 32704
Match = "<("
        "(table[^>]++(width=30%$SET(#=width.)|height=40$SET(#=height.))|!-- Strip Me -->$SET(#=strip.))"
        "(*</table >(^ [^<]| <table)|*(????????)\2(^?)$SET(0= <!-- Strip Me -->\2))"
        " style=[^>]+> <font$INEST(<div,*href=$AV(/history\?*)$SET(#=history-d.)*,</div)</div >"
        "|[^>]++id=$AV(tpa[0-9]+)$INEST(<div,</div)</div >$SET(#=ad-div.)"
        " (<div[^>]++id=$AV(tpa[0-9]+)$INEST(<div,</div)</div >$SET(#=ad-div.) )+"
        "|table ("
        "cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr> <td valign[^>]+>( <font[^>]+>)+{2}([a-z]+ :)\#"
        "$INEST(<table,</table)</table >"
        "|[^>]+> <tr> <td (^class)[^>]+> <(/td > <td[^<]+<|)(/+font[^<]+<)+a href="
        "$INEST(<table,</table)</table >( <br*>|)"
        "|[^>]++width=$AV(100%) style=$AV(border: 1px solid*)$INEST(<table,</table)</table >$SET(#=custom-ad.)"
        "|center> <font"
        "</center >( <(br|p)>)+"
        "|td rowspan=[#2] > <a\s[^>/]+//(tool(bar|s)|checkout|desktop|pack|webaccelerator)\"
        "$INEST(<td,</td)</td > </tr > <tr> $NEST(<td,</td >)$SET(#= td.)"
        "|p>( <font[^>]+>)+[^<]+<a\s[^>/]+//(books.)\#google.[^<]+</a >( </font >)+ <br>"
        "(^(^<br clear=all>|<table))"
Replace = "\r\n<!-- PROX-S: Removed by Google Ad Links Filter (\@) -->\r\n\0"

If you notice that a filter isn't working, or if you have made an update to a filter, post in this thread Smile!
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Jul. 13, 2008, 01:10 PM
Post: #2
RE: Sidki 2008-01-02 Beta Updates
awesome, many thanks...
also a great idea to have a post-beta-release thread...
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Aug. 01, 2008, 11:26 PM
Post: #3
RE: Sidki 2008-01-02 Beta Updates
Noticed the Dark Blue/Dark Grey filters stopped working. I've updated the filters (Dark Grey filter updated, see post #10):

Name = ". + Google Dark Blue Theme     7.09.30 (!nn) [vc sd st] (d.s) [unoff]"
Active = FALSE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 4750
Match = "<("
        ")>( <br>|)$SET(1=<span id="logo\6"></span>)"
        "|div($INEST(<div,*/logo*,>)&&*width : [#270:400]px*)>$SET(1=<div align="left" id="logo-mn">)"
        "|a\s([^>]+>)\2 <img[^>]++src="
        "$AV(*/(logo_(google_suggest_$SET(3= class="logo-sg")$SET(4=Suggest)|)|experimental_)sm*)"
        "*>$SET(1=<a id="logo"\3 \2\4<span></span>)"
        "|style( id=\"themed\"*>$INEST(<style,//-->|-->|</style))\2(*</style >)\3"
        "$SET(5=: transparent; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader\(src=)"
        "|$SET(5=-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top left; background-image: url\()"
        "/* Proxomitron dark blue Google theme */\r\n"
        "body {background: #253960"
        " url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-bg-blue.png) repeat-x;}\r\n"
        "#logo-mn {display: block; margin-top: 7%; width: 281px; height: 103px;"
        " background\5http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-logo-m.png\);}\r\n"
        "a#logo span, span#logo"
        " {background\5http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-logo-s.png\); margin-top: 0px;}\r\n"
        "span#more, div#gbardd, .gb2, table.ra, table.ra td {background: #172E59 !important;}\r\n"
        ", .pb, #ssb, #bsf {background: #405882 !important; border: 1px outset #253960 !important; padding: 3px;}\r\n"
        ".even {background: #334B7B;}\r\n"
        ".nr, #nc, #nn, #nf, #np {background-image:none;} .nr, #nc {padding-left: 5px;} #nn {margin: 0px;padding:0px;}\r\n"
        ".cur {color: white;}\r\n .gbh, .gbd { border-top: none; }\r\n"
        "\3\r\n<style>@import url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-dark.css);</style>"
        "|\&copy;( [#*:*] Google)\2( </font>| - <a)\3"
        "$SET(1=&copy;\2 - Theme by <a href="">Valacar</a>\3)"
Replace = "\1"

Name = ". + Google Dark Gray Theme     7.09.30 (!nn) [vc sd st] (o.s) [unoff]"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 4750
Match = "<("
        ")>( <br>|)$SET(1=<span id="logo\6"></span>)"
        "|div($INEST(<div,*/logo*,>)&&*width : [#270:400]px*)>$SET(1=<div align="left" id="logo-mn">)"
        "|a\s([^>]+>)\2 <img[^>]++src="
        "$AV(*/(logo_(google_suggest_$SET(3= class="logo-sg")$SET(4=Suggest)|)|experimental_)sm*)"
        "*>$SET(1=<a id="logo"\3 \2\4<span></span>)"
        "|style( id=\"themed\"*>$INEST(<style,//-->|-->|</style))\2(*</style >)\3"
        "$SET(5=: transparent; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader\(src=)"
        "|$SET(5=-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top left; background-image: url\()"
        "/* Proxomitron dark gray Google theme */\r\n"
        "body {background: #333333"
        " url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-bg-gray.png) repeat-x;}\r\n"
        "#logo-mn {display: block; margin-top: 7%; width: 281px; height: 103px;"
        " background\5http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-logo-m.png\);}\r\n"
        "a#logo span, span#logo"
        " {background\5http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-logo-s.png\);margin-top: 0px;}\r\n"
        "span#more, div#gbardd, .gb2, table.ra, table.ra td {background: #272627 !important;}\r\n"
        ", .pb, #ssb, #bsf {background: #606060 !important; border: 1px outset #253960 !important; padding: 3px;}\r\n"
        ".even {background: #454343;}\r\n"
        ".nr, #nc, #nn, #nf, #np {background-image:none;} .nr, #nc {padding-left: 5px;} #nn {margin: 0px;padding:0px;}\r\n"
        ".cur {color: white;}\r\n .gbh, .gbd { border-top: none; }\r\n"
        "\3\r\n<style>@import url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-dark.css);</style>"
        "|\&copy;( [#*:*] Google)\2( </font>| - <a)\3"
        "$SET(1=&copy;\2 - Theme by <a href="">Valacar</a>\3)"
Replace = "\1"

(finally managed to get rid of that annoying white line that's at the top of the pages!)
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Aug. 02, 2008, 08:04 PM
Post: #4
RE: Sidki 2008-01-02 Beta Updates
Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to maintain these filters. Smile! These updated themes are working great.
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Aug. 03, 2008, 09:07 AM
Post: #5
RE: Sidki 2008-01-02 Beta Updates
Thanks, the updates work flawlessly Smile!
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Aug. 04, 2008, 03:12 PM
Post: #6
RE: Sidki 2008-01-02 Beta Updates
Kye-U Wrote:Noticed the Dark Blue/Dark Grey filters stopped working. I've updated the filters:

(finally managed to get rid of that annoying white line that's at the top of the pages!)

Kye - Anyway you could also update
"light blue filters" - has same problem - Thanks
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Aug. 05, 2008, 02:57 AM
Post: #7
RE: Sidki 2008-01-02 Beta Updates
turtle, here you go!

Name = ". + Google Light Blue Theme     7.06.08 (!nn) [jd sd] (o.s) [unoff]"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 4750
Match = "<style( id=\"themed\"*>$INEST(<style,//-->|-->|</style))\2(*</style >)\3"
Replace = "<style\2\r\n"
          "/* Proxomitron light blue Google theme */\r\n"
          ".g {margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;}\r\n"
          "div.g, p.g {line-height: 16px; padding: 2px 5px 4px 5px;}\r\n"
          ".odd {background: #EFF6FF;}\r\n"
          ".even {background: #DFEFFF;}\r\n"
          "div#topspace {padding-top: 6px; line-height: 0;}\r\n"
          "br.mainspace {line-height: 3px;}\r\n"
          "a {text-decoration: none;}\r\n"
          "a:link, .q a:link, a.toplink:visited {color: #0C5AA9;}\r\n"
          "a:visited {color: #087D7E;}\r\n"
          "a:hover {text-decoration: underline;}\r\n"
          "a:hover,.q a:hover, a.fl:hover {color: #1689FF;}\r\n"
          "a#topthumb, a.mainlink {font-size: 15px;}\r\n"
          "a.mainlink:hover, a.toplink:hover"
          " {color: #1689FF; text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 1px solid #1689FF;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPref:hover {color: #379CCD;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:hover {color: #968AFF;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPref.mainlink {padding-right: 20px; background:"
          " url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-bug.png) no-repeat right center;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs {padding-right: 0; background: none;}\r\n"
          ".j {width: 100%;}\r\n"
          ".gbh, .gbd { border-top: none; }\r\n"
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Aug. 05, 2008, 03:27 AM
Post: #8
RE: Sidki 2008-01-02 Beta Updates
Also updated the Google Ad Block filter thanks to the help of z12! (see his topic here:

Name = "Google Search: Remove Ad Blocks     7.08.08 (multi) [sd jd] (d.s) [unoff]"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)(|64.233.1[#60:91]|66.(102.[#0:15]|249.[#64:95])|72.14.[#192:255]|216.239.[#32:63])."
Limit = 32704
Match = "<("
        "(table[^>]++(width=30%$SET(#=width.)|height=40$SET(#=height.))|!-- Strip Me -->$SET(#=strip.))"
        "(*</table >(^ [^<]| <table)|*(????????)\2(^?)$SET(0= <!-- Strip Me -->\2))"
        " style=[^>]+> <font$INEST(<div,*href=$AV(/history\?*)$SET(#=history-d.)*,</div)</div >"
        "|[^>]++id=$AV(t(pa[0-9]+|ads))$INEST(<div,</div)</div >$SET(#=ad-div.)"
        " (<div[^>]++id=$AV(t(pa[0-9]+|ads))$INEST(<div,</div)</div >$SET(#=ad-div.) )+"
        "|table ("
        "cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr> <td valign[^>]+>( <font[^>]+>)+{2}([a-z]+ :)\#"
        "$INEST(<table,</table)</table >"
        "|[^>]+> <tr> <td (^class)[^>]+> <(/td > <td[^<]+<|)(/+font[^<]+<)+a href="
        "$INEST(<table,</table)</table >( <br*>|)"
        "|[^>]++width=$AV(100%) style=$AV(border: 1px solid*)$INEST(<table,</table)</table >$SET(#=custom-ad.)"
        "|[^>]++id=$AV(mbEnd)$INEST(<table,</table)</table >$SET(#=ad-div.)"
        "|center> <font"
        "</center >( <(br|p)>)+"
        "|td rowspan=[#2] > <a\s[^>/]+//(tool(bar|s)|checkout|desktop|pack|webaccelerator)\"
        "$INEST(<td,</td)</td > </tr > <tr> $NEST(<td,</td >)$SET(#= td.)"
        "|p>( <font[^>]+>)+[^<]+<a\s[^>/]+//(books.)\#google.[^<]+</a >( </font >)+ <br>"
        "(^(^<br clear=all>|<table))"
Replace = "\r\n<!-- PROX-S: Removed by Google Ad Links Filter (\@) -->\r\n\0"
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Aug. 05, 2008, 04:06 AM
Post: #9
RE: Sidki 2008-01-02 Beta Updates
Kye-U Wrote:turtle, here you go!

Name = ". + Google Light Blue Theme 7.06.08 (!nn) [jd sd] (o.s) ]

Thanks - thats what I needed!
Your the man!!!!!
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Aug. 05, 2008, 02:45 PM
Post: #10
RE: Sidki 2008-01-02 Beta Updates
Updated the Dark Grey theme to fix the background colour:

Name = ". + Google Dark Gray Theme     7.09.30 (!nn) [vc sd st] (o.s) [unoff]"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 4750
Match = "<("
        ")>( <br>|)$SET(1=<span id="logo\6"></span>)"
        "|div($INEST(<div,*/logo*,>)&&*width : [#270:400]px*)>$SET(1=<div align="left" id="logo-mn">)"
        "|a\s([^>]+>)\2 <img[^>]++src="
        "$AV(*/(logo_(google_suggest_$SET(3= class="logo-sg")$SET(4=Suggest)|)|experimental_)sm*)"
        "*>$SET(1=<a id="logo"\3 \2\4<span></span>)"
        "|style( id=\"themed\"*>$INEST(<style,//-->|-->|</style))\2(*</style >)\3"
        "$SET(5=: transparent; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader\(src=)"
        "|$SET(5=-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top left; background-image: url\()"
        "/* Proxomitron dark gray Google theme */\r\n"
        "body {background: #292929"
        " url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-bg-gray.png) repeat-x;}\r\n"
        "#logo-mn {display: block; margin-top: 7%; width: 281px; height: 103px;"
        " background\5http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-logo-m.png\);}\r\n"
        "a#logo span, span#logo"
        " {background\5http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-logo-s.png\);margin-top: 0px;}\r\n"
        "span#more, div#gbardd, .gb2, table.ra, table.ra td {background: #272627 !important;}\r\n"
        ", .pb, #ssb, #bsf {background: #606060 !important; border: 1px outset #253960 !important; padding: 3px;}\r\n"
        ".even {background: #454343;}\r\n"
        ".nr, #nc, #nn, #nf, #np {background-image:none;} .nr, #nc {padding-left: 5px;} #nn {margin: 0px;padding:0px;}\r\n"
        ".cur {color: white;}\r\n .gbh, .gbd { border-top: none; }\r\n"
        "\3\r\n<style>@import url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-dark.css);</style>"
        "|\&copy;( [#*:*] Google)\2( </font>| - <a)\3"
        "$SET(1=&copy;\2 - Theme by <a href="">Valacar</a>\3)"
Replace = "\1"
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Aug. 05, 2008, 03:41 PM
Post: #11
RE: Sidki 2008-01-02 Beta Updates
Thank you for continuing your updates to Sidki's config. HIGHLY APPRECIATED!!!
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Aug. 05, 2008, 04:04 PM
Post: #12
RE: Sidki 2008-01-02 Beta Updates
MANY thanks indeed...

probably wouldn't hurt for us to be "date-coding" our [unoff]'s... Smile!
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Aug. 05, 2008, 06:55 PM
Post: #13
RE: Sidki 2008-01-02 Beta Updates - Discussion
Thanks everyone! For clarity, I've made a separate thread where the updated filters will be posted:

Each filter is now timestamped with the date it was updated (in mmddyyyy format) Smile!

This thread is for discussion on any ineffective filters that need to be updated, and for the contribution of ideas, requests and/or updated filters!
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Aug. 06, 2008, 02:29 AM
Post: #14
RE: Sidki 2008-01-02 Beta Updates - Discussion
Thanks Kye-U

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Aug. 06, 2008, 03:46 PM
Post: #15
RE: Sidki 2008-01-02 Beta Updates - Discussion
KeyU, Thank you very much for supporting Proxo in the continuity. & thanks again for fixing that ennoying Google problem which was really a nail in my foot.
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