We need Sidki back...
Jul. 15, 2008, 05:39 PM
Post: #1
We need Sidki back...
...or someone like him to help update with Proxomitron. Some issues are starting to creep into the latest configuration set. I would post at Castlecops, but they don't let people post with anonymizers. They want your IP. Big brother at it's best. Anyways, hope sidki's doing well.
Jul. 16, 2008, 12:07 PM
Post: #2
RE: We need Sidki back...
please post those issues here...
ps - CC doesn't "want" your IP... "forcing" a log-in and NOT allowing 'anonymizers' (be careful, i could EASILY set up an "anonymizer" server and LOG YOUR EVERY MOVE, do you "really" TRUST the people running those anonymizer servers?) is merely the BEST way to keep out the SPAM posts (of which this web site has an occasional problem with, but much better of late)... me personally, if i hosted any sites such as this, i would NOT allow "guests" to post and would NOT allow "anonymizers"... it's got NOTHING to do with "wanting" IP addresses, it's got EVERYTHING to do with keeping the riff-raff OUT... hmm, i wonder how many "anonymizer" servers are GOVERNMENT-OWNED!!! seriously, "think about it"... |
Jul. 17, 2008, 12:12 AM
Post: #3
RE: We need Sidki back...
ProxRocks wrote, please post those issues here...
== Where? I don't see a link. ps - CC doesn't "want" your IP... == I don't agree at all. Companies love information. It's worth $$. "forcing" a log-in and NOT allowing 'anonymizers' == Forcing a log-in? I don't get it. I had/have a CC account and couldn't post with an anonymous IP address. (be careful, i could EASILY set up an "anonymizer" server and LOG YOUR EVERY MOVE, do you "really" TRUST the people running those anonymizer servers?) == Yeah, you've got a good point there ProxRocks, but it's a risk some folks are willing to take. For example, the Christian who feels homosexuality is immoral and a sin and speaks up about it. Apparently, in our politically charged and politically correct culture, honesty itself is now out of bounds. People debating in forums all over the Internet are seraching for ways to protect their privacy so they can speak up for what is right. Many citizens are opting for Anonymizers. Do you have any other suggestions? is merely the BEST way to keep out the SPAM posts (of which this web site has an occasional problem with, but much better of late)... == I emailed the owner of CC and he didn't mention anything about keeping away SPAM. He just said we had to use our real IP address or we could not post. No reason for it. It was really poor customer service. That was enough for me to say goodbye. I'll take my business elsewhere. It's sad because he's missing out on alot more hits to his website and revenue. For instance, I would post there and I know other people who would too. me personally, if i hosted any sites such as this, i would NOT allow "guests" to post and would NOT allow "anonymizers"... == I'm surprised you would say that. I've read your posts for a long time and I was under the impression you valued privacy. If you're so woried about the SPAM find another way to block it as opposed to making honest people who only want a little privacy pay for the SPAMMERS crime. it's got NOTHING to do with "wanting" IP addresses, it's got EVERYTHING to do with keeping the riff-raff OUT... === Er, okay. You have a right to your opinion, but I think that's bolshevik. hmm, i wonder how many "anonymizer" servers are GOVERNMENT- OWNED!!! seriously, "think about it"... == Read above. Thanks. |
Jul. 17, 2008, 12:14 AM
Post: #4
RE: We need Sidki back...
That was me who replied above. Forgot to add my username. Thanks.
Jul. 17, 2008, 11:24 AM
Post: #5
RE: We need Sidki back...
Guest Wrote:ProxRocks wrote, please post those issues here...start a NEW thread with any issues just like you did for this thread... Guest Wrote:Apparently, in our politically charged and politically correct culture, honesty itself is now out of bounds. People debating in forums all over the Internet are seraching for ways to protect their privacy so they can speak up for what is right. Many citizens are opting for Anonymizers. Do you have any other suggestions? you HONESTLY think you can "hide" behind an "anonymizer"? trust me, you cross the wrong line while speaking your constitutionally protected right and "slander" the wrong person, that person *WILL* be able to find you and "press charges"... an "anonymizer" will NOT prevent them from being able to "track you down"... your ISP knows where you've been, PERIOD... that ISP *can* be summoned into court to release your web records (which they are legally obliged to keep, but not to release unless summoned)... i'm talking USA here, but many other countries operate the same way - or stricter (China, anyone?)... Guest Wrote:== I'm surprised you would say that. I've read your posts for a long time and I was under the impression you valued privacy. of course, absolutely... but to jump through 50 hoops when 3 is all that is required is just plain bologna, without the bun and without condiments, just plain bologna... ie, my IP address changes whenever i unplug the modem for two minutes or more... i'm more content with "anonymizing" my IP address by something like that because it is 100% in MY control, no "middle man" that i have to BLINDLY "trust"... ie, preventing "usage statistics" and "profiling" via cookies, PID queries, tracking links, javascript as a whole, DNS 53 lookups to DNS servers OTHER THAN the one setup on my machine, et cetera, et cetera... but "anonymizers" - ppuulllease, you're wasting your time (and bandwidth) using those POC's... but yeah, "to each their own"... besides, IF i were "law enforcement" looking for "shady" characters, the "anonymizers" would be the FIRST place i looked... fyi, i have a friend in the FBI that tracks child predators, trust me on this, "anonymizers" don't do squat, lol... |
Jul. 17, 2008, 05:52 PM
Post: #6
RE: We need Sidki back...
ProxRocks Wrote:but "anonymizers" - ppuulllease, you're wasting your time (and bandwidth) using those POC's... besides, IF i were "law enforcement" looking for "shady" characters, the "anonymizers" would be the FIRST place i looked... ProxRocks, a couple of your remarks I found interesting. You wrote, "speaking your constitutionally protected right and "slander" the wrong person".... and then, "IF I were "law enforcement" looking for "shady" characters, the "anonymizers" would be the FIRST place I looked..." Um, it kinda seems like you automatically assume that anybody using an anonomyzer to protect there privacy on the Internet is a criminal or doing something wrong. Maybe you didn't mean to say that, but that's how it comes across. Newsflash for you pal. This just in: I don't surf shady porn sites and I don't "slander" people as you put it, and the reason I don't do that is not because I think I'll get caught, but because it's wrong. I'm very careful about what I do and say because one day I will have to stand before God (that's Jesus Christ if anybody's wondering). People like to talk about the love of the Lord, but the truth is the Bible says, "It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God" (Hebrews 10:31). Believe me, on judgment day you'll have to give an account of your sins... and you don't wanna come up short of God's righteousness. Watch this short video: http://www.godtube.com/view_video.php?vi...fed2511141 Bottom line ProxRocks: I am for truth and against error. Period. If something's true, I'm for it. If something's false, I'm against it. And it doesn't matter where it comes from. If it's false I'm against it, okay. End of story. And I think that's the attitude we should always keep on everything, okay, what is truth. So I have nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of. God knows that I want to be accurate and would never purposely tell a lie to promote my point. So there's something I'd like to establish here right now and that is just because somebody uses an anonomyzer doesn't mean they are doing something wrong. It's quite the opposite in fact. There are alot of decent, honest, hard-working people using them. Now I agree with you that everyone is trackable some way or the other, okay. I'm fully aware of that. I am under no illusions. But, people have a right to try to a little protection and privacy if they can get it. Look what Google is doing with people's IP's... why do you think there's a Scroogle? http://www.scroogle.org/ (Maybe the Government owns that too??). You have made some good points I appreciate your comments Proxrocks as you are correct in some of the things you said. Thanks for the discussion. ProxRocks Wrote:but yeah, "to each their own"... I'm glad you said that. Oh, by the way, watch this at your leisure. Evolution is a joke. A lie. Great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandpa was not a monkey swinging from a tree. One of the most important video's you'll ever watch in your life. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwuvYtBNZsk Ciao. PS -- Oh, yeah, the other thing: Proxomitron is awesome. |
Jul. 17, 2008, 06:41 PM
Post: #7
RE: We need Sidki back...
![]() (message too short, this space is just "filler", lol...) |
Jul. 18, 2008, 12:13 PM
Post: #8
RE: We need Sidki back...
Apacallyps wrote : "PS -- Oh, yeah, the other thing: Proxomitron is awesome"___I second at least that !
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Jul. 18, 2008, 06:02 PM
Post: #9
RE: We need Sidki back...
Ralph Wrote:Apacallyps wrote : "PS -- Oh, yeah, the other thing: Proxomitron is awesome"___I second at least that ! Oh. Th, thank you.. but, "at least that"... uh, that means you disagreed with something else I said. ![]() |
Jul. 18, 2008, 06:13 PM
Post: #10
RE: We need Sidki back...
why does it not surprise me that you'd add that, apac?
i mean, Ralph could have just as easily been disagreeing with my stance on "anonymizers", lol... seems to me that you've proven yourself to be an "extremist" right-winger that feels the need to "hide" from not us in the center, such as myself, that quite frankly "could care less", lol, but are "hiding under their desk" from the opposing corner, the "extremist" left-wingers... to that i can only add, be it "extreme" RIGHT *or* be it "extreme" LEFT, neither one is ANY "different" than the "extreme fundamentalist" of Islamic/Muslim/Arab nations... ![]() |
Jul. 19, 2008, 12:05 AM
Post: #11
RE: We need Sidki back...
ProxRocks Wrote:why does it not surprise me that you'd add that, apac? i mean, Ralph could have just as easily been disagreeing with my stance on "anonymizers", lol... Boy, you're itching for an argument arent you... lol ... you take things way to seriously PRocks. Are you okay man? Seriously. A little too much caffeine lately? Sure. Yeah. Of course, Ralph could have been talking about anonymizers. I thought about asking it in my question, but I have a special interest in the creation vs evolution subject. To me that's much more important than anonymizers. Last time I checked this was a forum for discussion. I asked a question. What's your problem dude? ProxRocks Wrote:seems to me that you've proven yourself to be an "extremist" right-winger What? Wha... Okay, this is where you gotta make sure I understand what you really mean by what you say, because I’ve read some of your stuff here and um, well, let me ask, what makes somebody an "extremist" right-winger? ProxRocks Wrote:be it "extreme" RIGHT *or* be it "extreme" LEFT, neither one is ANY "different" than the "extreme fundamentalist" of Islamic/Muslim/Arab nations... I think it’s caused by global warming! Give your head a shake buds. |
Jul. 19, 2008, 12:09 AM
Post: #12
RE: We need Sidki back...
Oops, sorry. That was me who replied above. Forgot to add my username again. Thanks.
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Jul. 19, 2008, 01:25 AM
Post: #13
RE: We need Sidki back...
er, what was the question again?
oh yeah, Proxo issues and where's the link to post them, lol... ![]() |
Jul. 19, 2008, 03:48 AM
Post: #14
RE: We need Sidki back...
ProxRocks Wrote:er, what was the question again? oh yeah, Proxo issues and where's the link to post them, lol... Speaking of issues. Please deal with yours... lol ... naturally, I categorically reject your unfortunate ad hominem attack. I'm a long-term Proxo user. I love Proxomitron! Take a look back: I posted a question asking for help and message basically hoping Sidki's okay and you come out guns a blazing with personal attacks against me. Then you're not even man enough to back up those accusations. The question about your posts is why the anger? Why the diatribes? Disagree? Sure, but your insulting, juvenile and frankly stupid attacks do you a diservice. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say will be misquoted, then used against you by PRocks... lol ... I’m not sure what was done to you in this life dude, but lashing out at random strangers is no solution. It was not my intent to anger or upset you. Seriously. No hard feelings, and I wish you the best. |
Jul. 19, 2008, 02:04 PM
Post: #15
RE: We need Sidki back...
whatever, dude...
i was diatribing against anonymizers and you somehow turned this into a religious evolutionary who-the-heck-cares thread and "all but" lashed at Ralph for what you perceived as a disagreement to said religious evolutionary who-the-heck-cares-about ideology... feel free to lash back if you must, i could care less, sure, "fun while it lasted", but stick a fork in me, this thread is obviously no longer worth reading... again, if you have a PROXO issue and request assistance with a filter, POST that, not this useless drival about evolution and God and your, and i quote, "that's Jesus Christ if anybody's wondering"... YOU started the "argument", pal... I was diatribing against "anonymizers" - everything else was thrown into the fray by YOU... YOU may not see it, but WE now have no doubt whatsoever as to WHY you "hide" behind "anonymizers"... stick a fork in me... When you meet someone better than yourself, turn your thoughts to becoming his equal. When you meet someone not as good as you are, look within and examine your own self. ~ Confucius |
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