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How to find the filter which is causing problems
Dec. 05, 2008, 12:40 PM (This post was last modified: Apr. 26, 2009 11:44 AM by lnminente.)
Post: #1
Exclamation How to find the filter which is causing problems
First of all delete the cache, bypass Proxomitron and reload the page. If the problem persists let’s find it:

Step 1:
Disable only web filters to see if the problem comes from them.
Delete the cache and reload. If the problem doesn't persist go to step 4.1.

Step 2:
The problem persisted so it comes from the header filters. Now disable only the incoming headers.
Delete the cache and reload. If the problem doesn't persist the problem is caused by a filter in the incoming header filters, go to step 4.2.

Step 3:
The problem persisted so it has to come from the other header filters, the outgoing header filters, disable only them.
Delete the cache and reload. If the problem does not persist go to step 4.2.

Step 4:
Now we know whether the problem comes from the filters for Web pages, Incoming or Outgoing Headers.

4.1: If the problem is caused by Web filters, it is easier to localize, as you can see which of them matched (replaced something), taking a look to the purple lines in the log window. Go to the "Web page" filters window, at the bottom you can see an empty bar called "Find:", type some words to easily find the filter you are looking for.

A technique is to select an area where the problem occurred, right click, and select to see the source code for the selected area in firefox. Later go into debug mode and see what filter matched in that area.

To go into Debug Mode, go to "Log window", right click on it and select "HTML Debug info". Reload or press F5 in the browser and you will see the debugging information. To disable Debug mode, untick "HTML Debug info" in the log window.

4.2: If the problem comes from header filters a user will not see it in the log window unless the filters that use the command to create log entries. We are speaking about the $LOG() command...
The only solution here would be to localize the filter by disabling them in groups of the same direction (incoming or outgoing), and later each filter one by one until you get it. Here you should close the header filters windows everytime you disable some filters to apply the changes.

Important: Save a backup of your default.cfg before doing modifications. When you think you know the filter that is causing the problems, come back to your backup, and disable the filter(s) that is/are causing problems. Once more delete the cache and reload the page to make sure you chose well.
After that, try to resolve it. If you find the problem, post it in the forum. If you can't get a solution, ask in the forum telling us which config set you’re using, its date/version, and what custom filters you added.

Edit: English upgraded by Kye-U. Thanks Wink
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Dec. 05, 2008, 03:22 PM
Post: #2
RE: How to find the filter wich is causing problems
Oddisey suggested a good tip for using CTRL+F5 for bypassing the cache. But there we have some doubts, while we are testing use delete the cache and reload.

Siamesecat said:
"I sometimes find helpful is to open the log window, reload the page, and read the purple print in the log window. That gives a complete list of all the web fllters used in the loading and processing of code on the page. The debug view shows the filters used in the web page, but it usually does not show all the filters that were used during the page loading because extra code is contained in stylesheets and javascript files."

Give your feedback and suggestions
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Dec. 18, 2008, 11:17 AM
Post: #3
RE: How to find the filter which is causing problems
Thank you so much! I just read your tutorial and it helped me to be able to find the filter that is the culprit at dslreports forums. I would never have found the specific filter without your excellent tutorial. I'm going to post in the filter forum now and ask for help ...other Proxo users at dslr are having the problem also.
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Apr. 25, 2009, 01:30 PM
Post: #4
RE: How to find the filter which is causing problems
A small but needed change. When we connect to a server we do a request, have a response, and receive the content of the file if there is one. So the typical order for our filters is Outgoing headers, Incoming headers and web filters. Well as we can set variables and later use them. The order to debug our config must be the opposite to the typical order, so first disable web filters, later incoming and finally outgoing. Before i had written to disable outgoing before than incoming, now fixed.
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