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[Kye-U] Google Alternate Display...
Feb. 20, 2009, 09:35 AM
Post: #16
RE: [Kye-U] Google Alternate Display...
It seems something is broken...

Attached File(s)
.png  google.png (Size: 67.98 KB / Downloads: 924)
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Feb. 20, 2009, 11:13 AM
Post: #17
RE: [Kye-U] Google Alternate Display...
could you try your search AGAIN and see if it's still broken for you?

it's not broken for me, but there is word that Google has been doing some daily "experimenting", so what you bumped into might very well have been a one-time-only snafu...
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Feb. 20, 2009, 12:44 PM
Post: #18
RE: [Kye-U] Google Alternate Display...
Still broken but not at the same position. The link and indent disappear randomly on some result titles.

Maybe we should wait for google to finish their experiments before update the filter.
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Jun. 06, 2009, 10:09 PM (This post was last modified: Jun. 09, 2009 09:24 PM by sidki3003.)
Post: #19
RE: [Kye-U] Google Alternate Display...
For the records, currently scrambled:

(No one complained yet, so no action required.)
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Jun. 16, 2009, 10:28 PM
Post: #20
RE: [Kye-U] Google Alternate Display...
All but one of above listed broken localized Google's are the result of myself having chosen an unknown user-agent (Space Bison) to be sent to Google Search pages (in order to prevent Ajax'ed results, rendering the Google theme filters close to useless).

What works for me thus far is to pretend being Opera for all browsers but Opera and IE -> $SET(0=f_ua_opie.)
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Jun. 27, 2009, 06:46 AM
Post: #21
RE: [Kye-U] Google Alternate Display...

I've tried the latest config with (v6.6) and what I see in Google themes is - the intention to make a small gap (additional 3px) between text block and <CITE> block below is not working in IE7 or FF3. It's because the gap is supposedly made by <BR class="mainspace"> element. But whatever you assign to its style (using "br.mainspace {line-height: 3px;}\r\n" line) - 3px, 30px or 300px - there is no any reaction on that setting. There is no additional space created.

To mitigate the problem I've made small change in "Google Search: Alternate Display 9.04.30" filter replacing
"( <br>$SET(7=<br class=mainspace>)|( <(table|cite))\7)"
with this code
"( <br>$SET(7=<div class=mainspace></div>)|( <(table|cite))\7)"
It simply replaces the <BR> element with <DIV> block. In the result I can adjust the gap as I need.

Here is code that I currently use in my filters that uses the new <DIV> tag (see the line before the last line):
Name = ". + Google Light Theme     9.06.26 (!nn) [ozo] (o.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 32
Match = "<style( id=\"themed\"*>$INEST(<style,//-->|-->|</style))\2(*</style >)\3"
Replace = "<style\2\r\n"
          "/* Google Light Theme */\r\n"
          "a {text-decoration: none;}\r\n"
          "a:link, .q a:link, a.toplink:visited {color: #00A !important;}\r\n"
          "a:visited {color: #A0D;}\r\n"
          "a:active, .q a:active, a.fl:active {color: #D00 !important;}\r\n"
          "a:hover, .q a:hover, a.fl:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: #000 !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPref:hover {color: #379CCD;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs {color: #008 !important; }\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:visited {color: #A0D !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:active {color: #D00 !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:hover {color: #000 !important;}\r\n"
          ".odd {background: #F0F0FE;}\r\n"
          ".even {background: #F0FEF0;}\r\n"
          ".s {max-width: none !important; width: auto !important;}\r\n"
          " {padding-right: 0 !important;}\r\n"
          "li {padding-left: .5em; padding-right: .5em;}\r\n"
          ".g {line-height: 16px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;}\r\n"
          "div.mainspace {padding-top: 3px;}\r\n"

It's not a big deal, but rather something to consider in a future config set...
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Jun. 27, 2009, 11:50 AM (This post was last modified: Jun. 27, 2009 11:58 AM by sidki3003.)
Post: #22
RE: [Kye-U] Google Alternate Display...
Ahh yes. Thanks for the heads-up. Smile!

Styling <br> does work for me in Firefox 3, but not in IE6 and Opera 9. In fact, for latter browsers i can't find *any* vertical adjustment that works with <br>. As for <div>, i don't like to get warnings by validators about config generated code, in this case "element is empty".

Also, i just noticed that the vertical <cite> adjustment didn't work for all search results anyway. So i'd suggest simplifying "Google Search: Alternate Display" and styling <cite> instead. Below filter is for the alpha. For the 2/13 version, adjust accordingly. I think the only critical difference is: $TST(hCT=*html) <-> $TYPE(htm)

Name = "Google Search: Alternate Display     09.06.27 (multi) [sd ku] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)[^/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?|webhp|(^?))$SET(keyword=$TST(keyword=\1.(i_layout:[#*:0].)+\2)\1.i_layout:2.\2)"
Limit = 2048
Match = "(^?)$SET(a=)$SET(b=)$STOP()"
        "<br>(\r\n+|\n\r+)$SET(1= )"
        "/b> of (about )+<b>[0-9,]+</b> ((from|over the) $NEST(<b>,</b >) )+for <b>( <b>)+[^<]+"
        "</style >(^$TST(b=s))$SET(b=s)$SET(1="
        "</style>\r\n<script type="text/javascript">"
        "var prxSpics=["http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-","
        "new Image(),new Image(),new Image()];"
        "\r\n<style id="themed"></style>"
        "<div ("
        "$AV(ie6tb)>$INEST(<div,</div)</div >( $NEST(<script,</script >))+"
        "|$AV(exp_msgs)$INEST(<div,</div)</div >"
        "|style=$AV(margin : -5px 0 5px)$INEST(<div,</div)</div >"
        "<(div|li)\2 class="
        "((^ style=$AV(margin-(left|right)*))($TST(a=odd)$SET(a=even)|$SET(a=odd))|)$SET(#=$GET(a))"
        "(*( href=$AV(/interstitial\?url\=h\9|([^/]+//[^/]+/)\9?*|*))\5*</a >)\4"
        "<a href="h\9"><img src="http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-bug.png""
        " width=16 height=10 border=0 title="Malware warning!"></a>&#160;&#160;"
        "<a href="\9"><img src="http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-top.png""
        " width=10 height=10 border=0 title="Go to top domain"></a>&#160;&#160;"
        "<\2 class=g&#x20;\#\#\4&#160;&#160;\0"
        "<a\5 target=_blank><img src="http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-new.png""
        " width=14 height=10 border=0 title="Open in new window"></a>&#160;&#160;"
Replace = "\1"

Light blue filter:
cite {line-height: 18px;}\r\n

CSS for dark themes:
cite { line-height: 18px; }
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Jun. 27, 2009, 07:43 PM
Post: #23
RE: [Kye-U] Google Alternate Display...
For a strange reason your new version of "Google Search: Alternate Display 09.06.27" doesn't work in my IE7. But I've tried your idea of removing the line "( <br>$SET(7=<br class=mainspace>)|( <(table|cite))\7)" and applying "line-height:18px" style for <cite> elements. To compensate additional gap at the bottom created by increasing the overall height of the line I added "position:relative; top:2px;" style as well. And to correct position of the next in the line "" element I've added that to its style too. So, now it looks like:
"cite {line-height:18px; position:relative; top:2px;}\r\n"
" {position:relative; top:2px;}\r\n"
Everything was fine in IE7 and FF3 until I tried zoom in IE and discovered that when I change it from 100% IE displaced <span class=gl> element (putting it over the <cite> element, perhaps a bug in IE7). So, I went back to idea with <div> tag.

Taking into consideration your good point about validating the code without "element is empty" error I've decided to give one more try to it by adding "&nbsp;" inside the <div> element. And it looks like it's working well in IE7 and FF3, even if I zoom the page.

So, what I've done comparing to the latest "update" version 6.6 is:

1) I've replaced the line in "Google Search: Alternate Display 9.04.30" filter
"( <br>$SET(7=<br class=mainspace>)|( <(table|cite))\7)"
"( <br>$SET(7=<div class=mainspace>&nbsp;</div>)|( <(table|cite))\7)"

2) I've used the code for "Google Light Theme":
Name = ". + Google Light Theme     9.06.27 (!nn) [ozo] (o.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 32
Match = "<style( id=\"themed\"*>$INEST(<style,//-->|-->|</style))\2(*</style >)\3"
Replace = "<style\2\r\n"
          "/* Google Light Theme */\r\n"
          "a {text-decoration: none;}\r\n"
          "a:link, .q a:link, a.toplink:visited {color: #00A !important;}\r\n"
          "a:visited {color: #A0D;}\r\n"
          "a:active, .q a:active, a.fl:active {color: #D00 !important;}\r\n"
          "a:hover, .q a:hover, a.fl:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: #000 !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPref:hover {color: #379CCD;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs {color: #008 !important; }\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:visited {color: #A0D !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:active {color: #D00 !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:hover {color: #000 !important;}\r\n"
          ".odd {background: #F0F0FE;}\r\n"
          ".even {background: #F0FEF0;}\r\n"
          ".s {max-width: none !important; width: auto !important;}\r\n"
          " {padding-right: 0 !important;}\r\n"
          "li {padding-left: .5em; padding-right: .5em;}\r\n"
          ".g {line-height: 16px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;}\r\n"
          "div.mainspace {line-height: 3px;}\r\n"
(It's actually similar to what I already posted earlier, except the "line-height" style for "div.mainspace" element)

And it works in IE7 and FF3.
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Jun. 27, 2009, 08:31 PM
Post: #24
RE: [Kye-U] Google Alternate Display...
(Jun. 27, 2009 07:43 PM)OZO Wrote:  Everything was fine in IE7 and FF3 until I tried zoom in IE and discovered that when I change it from 100% IE displaced <span class=gl> element (putting it over the <cite> element, perhaps a bug in IE7).

wow! very interesting find indeed...
i don't have a VM with IE7, but did observe the misplaced element in IE6 after changing the zoom...

this doesn't happen in IE8...
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Jun. 28, 2009, 08:43 AM
Post: #25
RE: [Kye-U] Google Alternate Display...
ProxRocks, are you saying that the posted 6/27 filter doesn't work for you in the alpha either?

If so, i can't reproduce. In my VM IE7 mentioned span element ("Cached", "Similar") displays properly after zooming in. Same with IE6 Maxthon. I don't see a zoom option (usually CTRL +/-) in my plain IE6.
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Jun. 28, 2009, 11:28 AM
Post: #26
RE: [Kye-U] Google Alternate Display...
in IE6, you can zoom in/out by holding the Ctrl key down and scrolling your mouse's scroll wheel...

the 6/27 themes work perfectly with Ctrl/Scroll...
but they do NOT work with any shell to IE6 or IE7 that has a zooming feature...

the themes DO work for IE shells and zooming via Ctrl/Scroll, but they do NOT work via the shells zooming option (Ctrl +/- or selecting a zoom percentage via the status toolbar)...

in your IE6 Maxthon, i agree, Cached/Similar zooms as intended...
BUT what about the Show Options and Thumbnails links?
for my IE6 Maxthon, those links do not zoom properly, position-wise...

i was using the Thumbnails link as my guide, not the Cached/Similar...
is your Thumbnails link "moving" when you zoom in your IE6 Maxthon?
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Jun. 28, 2009, 11:45 AM (This post was last modified: Jun. 28, 2009 11:50 AM by sidki3003.)
Post: #27
RE: [Kye-U] Google Alternate Display...
Ahh okay! Yep, in Maxthon "Web ... Thumbnails" is jumping out of the "Results 1 - ..." bar when zooming in. However, this also happens when i bypass Proxomitron ("Web ..." jumping out, that is).

My question is about the <cite> row, though. E.g.: " - Cached - Similar"

OZO is saying that controlling the vertical position via "cite {line-height: ...}" - as done via posted filter/CSS rule - doesn't work for him (with 2/13) when zooming.

It does work for me, with the alpha, in IE 6/7. Does it work for you?
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Jun. 28, 2009, 11:56 AM (This post was last modified: Jun. 28, 2009 11:58 AM by ProxRocks.)
Post: #28
RE: [Kye-U] Google Alternate Display...
(Jun. 28, 2009 11:45 AM)sidki3003 Wrote:  It does work for me, with the alpha, in IE 6/7. Does it work for you?

yep, works for me... (edit, my bad, i didn't look for "where" that cite-line was, i just looked for something that looked out-of-whack, i see now that the web/thumbnails jumps around in bypass...)
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Jun. 29, 2009, 03:05 AM
Post: #29
RE: [Kye-U] Google Alternate Display...
(Jun. 27, 2009 11:50 AM)sidki3003 Wrote:  I think the only critical difference is: $TST(hCT=*html) <-> $TYPE(htm)
Is the $TST(hCT=*html) only used in alpha config for development or to be replacing $TYPE(htm) in the future release?
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Jun. 29, 2009, 04:03 PM
Post: #30
RE: [Kye-U] Google Alternate Display...
For personal filters - if you don't need to filter XHTML - you may stick to $TYPE(htm), of course.
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