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Google : Add search parameters
Mar. 23, 2009, 04:58 PM (This post was last modified: Mar. 23, 2009 05:00 PM by Toppy.)
Post: #1
Google : Add search parameters

So often, I'm looking for a specific fileversion of a program, only to be presented with the well-known malware sites that offer hidden malware as cracks, and other scum sites.

For example, I search for "Foldermatch 3.5.5" and most links that come up first are those of malware cracks sites, like h--p://www.fullfileaccess.c0m/warez-download-full-version-rapidshare-file-crack-serial-keygen-Foldermatch+3.5.5.html

Is there any way we could add things to our search strings like something :
- Do not search this site : http://www.fullfileaccess.c0m

I know there's something with site: in the searchbox, but it's only to search that site specifically, don't know if there's a way to not show results from that malware domain by default, other than adding for example -www.fullfileaccess.c0m to our search string, but this doesn't guarentee we do not get results from that domain.

Thanks in advance !

Info : changed the .com in the domain to .c0m to protect from clicking this malware domain.
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Mar. 23, 2009, 05:58 PM (This post was last modified: Mar. 23, 2009 06:00 PM by lnminente.)
Post: #2
RE: Google : Add search parameters
With my adfilters still not released but some early version soon, we could replace that links for another one with toggle. You should add that address to the Adlist for links to a third party hosts, or AdlistOnSite for links to first party host.

If you are using the lastest Sidki's you could do something similar, i don't know the name of the list you should need to use.
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Mar. 23, 2009, 06:07 PM
Post: #3
RE: Google : Add search parameters
i suppose it could be pretty easy to alter the "alternate display" to hide search results matching a set blacklist...
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Mar. 23, 2009, 09:09 PM
Post: #4
RE: Google : Add search parameters
Did you try -site:fullfileaccess.c0m? That's what i use. Excluding the main domain is sufficient.
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Mar. 24, 2009, 06:25 AM
Post: #5
RE: Google : Add search parameters
Oh great !
I thought I tried it that way, anyway that works. Smile!
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