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Addings/modifications to help files
Jun. 08, 2009, 03:03 PM (This post was last modified: Jun. 08, 2009 03:23 PM by lnminente.)
Post: #1
Addings/modifications to help files
Community, post here things you think Sidki should add to his documentation.
You can explain here how some filter work or whatever you want to help people to know how the sidki config work.

Here we will write what we would put in help files, but the config is from Sidki so he will use whatever he will consider of course.

I will start writing some minimal things i would modify:

File: sidki-etc\Readme.txt from update 20090606

Line:111 "Content-Type: 4c Filter GIFs", now has another name suggest to put 5c or just remove 4c.
Line:199 "IncludeExclude.ptxt", i'm not sure if you changed its name to exclusions finally.
Line:276 Importing URL Header Filters. Maybe call more attention to people to read that to avoid problems.

File: sidki-etc\Config_control.txt
Section Cookies: Scripts has a section about "Block all Third Party Scripts", maybe a new section like that should be added to cookies as you added a new filter for doing that.
Line:414 Section Flash & Media Toggle: Show/Play by Default (off). Maybe menction it in readme.txt as you know many people only will read that file Sad

File: sidki-etc\Global_Vars.txt
Maybe should be more detailed as it is very important to understand how your config works. It could be useful for standarization, and to create filters for your config.

That's all, i did a fast reading Sidki can't speak more deeply as i am in my own proxo-world Wink
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Jun. 08, 2009, 05:25 PM (This post was last modified: Jun. 08, 2009 05:27 PM by sidki3003.)
Post: #2
RE: Addings/modifications to help files
lnminente Wrote:
File: sidki-etc\Readme.txt from update 20090606

Line:111 "Content-Type: 4c Filter GIFs", now has another name suggest to put 5c or just remove 4c.

Done, in 2/13 and alpha2 ReadMe,

Quote:Line:199 "IncludeExclude.ptxt", i'm not sure if you changed its name to exclusions finally.

"IncludeExclude" in 2/13 ReadMe and all possible further updates.
"Exceptions" in alpha2 ReadMe and possible future config versions.

Quote:Line:276 Importing URL Header Filters. Maybe call more attention to people to read that to avoid problems.

That has already its own section in the ReadMe. I can't force people to read it.
Maybe rename "Importing URL Header Filters". OTOH, that name fits to the next topic, "Importing Filters that target Scripts".

Quote:File: sidki-etc\Config_control.txt
Section Cookies: Scripts has a section about "Block all Third Party Scripts", maybe a new section like that should be added to cookies as you added a new filter for doing that.

"Block all Third Party Scripts" and the other filters in that section aren't "real" filters but switches that control other real filters, whereas "Set-Cookie: 2c Block Third Party Cookies" is a real filter, hence can't be moved up to the Header Control section.

Should there emerge a need of disabling image/3rd party cookie blocking, i'll add a control filter (switch) for that.

However, it's a good idea to mention this new behavior:
Config_Control Wrote:5.2 Block Cookies by Default (off)
No cookies are allowed to arrive at or leave your browser.
*Except* cookies from sites listed in the default "AllowCookies" list.

Note: Cookies set by images or by documents coming from domains other than
the one where the main page is located are always blocked by default.

Quote:Line:414 Section Flash & Media Toggle: Show/Play by Default (off). Maybe menction it in readme.txt as you know many people only will read that file Sad

Respective paragraph in the "Installation" section (2/13 & alpha2) reworded to:
ReadMe Wrote:- Have a look at the "Config Control" section in the headers and the web
filters window, and adjust the defaults to suit your needs!
For instance, to show Flash and movies without having to click a "toggle"
link, you would activate "Flash & Media Toggle: Show/Play by Default".

Please read "Config_Control.txt" for an explanation of the various options.

Quote:File: sidki-etc\Global_Vars.txt
Maybe should be more detailed as it is very important to understand how your config works. It could be useful for standarization, and to create filters for your config.

Sure, but such things are time intense. The respective document in the alpha2 distribution is more detailed BTW, but can't be distributed with 2/13, because some things have changed.

Thanks Smile!
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Jun. 08, 2009, 06:32 PM
Post: #3
RE: Addings/modifications to help files
A pleasure to help Sidki, here precisely without watching code, so everybody can help here too Wink
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Jun. 21, 2009, 04:40 AM
Post: #4
RE: Addings/modifications to help files
I am not good at documenting but here is a draft about flyover. I hope somebody could correct the mistakes and improve it. Smile!


Important things like exploit attempts or site-specific actions are displayed
as a flyover, if you hover over the respective links at the bottom left of the


js in
js out


Clickable links to toggle target objects on/off:

Blocked JS events to button, click to execute:

js in: blocked inline scripts

Format: Location: Ad_list Ad_keyword - ? - Length (Bytes)

js out: blocked external scripts

Format: Location: Ad_list Ad_keyword
Example: body Func Code: AdD adlink

comments: blocked comments

hits: blocked JS Methods

site: site-specific keywords

The site-specific keywords are set in Exceptions.ptxt and Exceptions-U.ptxt

cookies: site-specific cookies

stroke lined if the browser has rejected the cookie, or denied JS access to it

Possible fields:

First Set-Cookie Header In
Last Original Set-Cookie Header In
Cookies Killed or Modified
Cookie Header Out
Cookies in Session

Please note a document may come with a bunch of set-cookie headers, hence

"First" is the first set-cookie header after possible manipulations on our part
"Last" is the last set-cookie header before possible manipulations on our part

"First" is only identical to "Last" if there was just one set-cookie header
*and* its value hasn't been modified by the config
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Jun. 21, 2009, 08:33 AM
Post: #5
RE: Addings/modifications to help files
Sidki 2009-05-24 Alpha 2

Abbreviations.txt line 23 Year.Month.Day

y should be yy

Config_Control.txt line 282 & 291 Wrote:This is a trade-off between options "a" and "c".
- Same as option "a" otherwise.

"a" and "c" might be changed to "6.1" and "6.3"

Config_Control.txt line 360 Wrote:Gecko and Internet Explorer based browsers only.

Opera tested OK

FAQ.txt line 181 Wrote:A4: Go to the "html\sidki_h_*\css\" subdirectory, open "proxcss-b-moz.css" and "proxcss-b-ie.css", ...

Those 2 css files don't exist any more

FAQ.txt line 208 Wrote:A7: Open the "Header Filters" window and untick "Content-Type: 1a Kill Favicon Error Responses".

Now "Content-Type: 2a"

Prox_Menu.txt line 83 Wrote:The menu item doesn't work, if a page script is setting "document.domain" to something else than the current host.

I remember you have already fixed this issue but I am not sure if it works 100% so you decide to keep it or not.

ReadMe.txt line 128 Wrote:In case you already have any personal URL aliases, open
"Lists\sidki_l_xxxx-xx-xx\Exceptions-U.ptxt" and
"Lists\URL Alias List.txt".

"Lists\URL Alias List.txt" doesn't seem to be called in your config set any more.
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Jun. 21, 2009, 01:26 PM (This post was last modified: Jun. 21, 2009 04:59 PM by sidki3003.)
Post: #6
RE: Addings/modifications to help files
(Jun. 21, 2009 08:33 AM)whenever Wrote:  Opera tested OK

Line removed.

Quote:Those 2 css files don't exist any more

Replaced with current names.

Quote:I remember you have already fixed this issue but I am not sure if it works 100% so you decide to keep it or not.

Removed. "1.5 Debug Mode" description extended instead:

Config_Control.txt Wrote:1.5 Debug Mode (off, "l.5")

Not to be confused with Prox' "dbug.." URL command.
This switch activates several verbose JavaScript and filter subroutines, plus:

All Proxomitron kills are displayed inline, including scripts and
comment-blocks (going beyond the "Toggle Kills" menu item).

Another bottom flyover link, "vars", is added, showing all Proxomitron global
variables that haven't been reset.

Show "xxx" Scripts / Show "xxx" CSS in the Proxomitron menu also displays the
files injected by the config.

Changes to the "document.domain" JS property are blocked, which may help if the
browser is complaining about cross-domain security violations.

Our own scripts aren't removed from the DOM anymore after execution.

New paragraph added at this spot:
Prox_Menu.txt Wrote:Show "xxx" CSS:
Similar to above menu item. Shows all external, inline, and imported style
sheets. "xxx" shows the number of all page CSS entities - minus ours, minus
imports - including those that are disabled by default (e.g. thru the
"alternate stylesheet" flag).

This menu item is hidden if there is no style information. Part of the code
written by Jesse Ruderman. "Show imports" idea by ddandyy.

Quote:"Lists\URL Alias List.txt" doesn't seem to be called in your config set any more.

That is intended for people previously using Scott's config. Added "Scott's default":
ReadMe.txt Wrote:- In case you already have any personal URL aliases, open
"Lists\sidki_l_xxxx-xx-xx\Exceptions-U.ptxt" and Scott's default
"Lists\URL Alias List.txt". Copy your aliases to the "REDIRECT URLS
(ALIASES)" section, which is at the bottom of Exceptions-U.

Everything else changed exactly as suggested. Thanks Smile!

edit: attachment updated.

Attached File(s)
.zip (Size: 23.91 KB / Downloads: 659)
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Jun. 21, 2009, 01:44 PM (This post was last modified: Jun. 21, 2009 02:29 PM by sidki3003.)
Post: #7
RE: Addings/modifications to help files
(Jun. 21, 2009 04:40 AM)whenever Wrote:  I am not good at documenting but here is a draft about flyover. I hope somebody could correct the mistakes and improve it. Smile!

Some notes:

There's also
- pics (content copied from blocked "PICS-Label" meta tag)
- vars in Debug Mode (global Prox vars not being reset)

Clickable links to toggle target objects on/off:
- flash/iframe/java/marquee/media toggle all such element instances at once.
- "styles" opens a popup with a style selector.
- "toggle: bg-xxx" toggles a single bgsound element, where the source's extension is "xxx".

Blocked JS events to button, click to execute:
Three types:
- timers (setTimeout and setInterval)
- event handlers (many, e.g.: onerror, onload)
- event listeners for window, document, and document.body (e.g.: listen:load, attach:error)
(Intercepting document.body listeners is new in the alpha, thus the extra Prox script right after <body>.)

If that is going to be a new document, called "Flyovers.txt" (is it? or is that to be merged with an existing one?), i guess that people would also try to find an explanation there for the Proxomitron flyovers appearing over certain links. Those that have been unprefixed (de-trackified), turned from JavaScript to normal, etc.. The flyover contains the unmodified link in these cases.
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Jun. 21, 2009, 05:01 PM
Post: #8
RE: Addings/modifications to help files
Regarding the alpha: added some missing descriptions:
Config_Control.txt Wrote:Status Bar: Add Page Load Timer (on)

Measures the time a page takes to load and displays it in the status bar.
In advanced mode a second value is shown: The time after all "onload" and
"DOMContentLoaded" jobs have finished.

Status Bar: Add Time (off)

Appends the time when the page was last loaded to the status bar text.
Thus partly overlapping with above described "Title: Append Time, Snip Excess"

Status Bar: Add Last-Modified or ETag (off)

Similar to above described "Title: Append Last-Modified or ETag" option, but
the information is appended to the status bar text instead.

Above attached zip updated.
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Jun. 21, 2009, 11:45 PM
Post: #9
RE: Addings/modifications to help files
ahhhh.....we need a block diagram....maybe it too much to ask Smile!
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Jun. 23, 2009, 08:12 AM
Post: #10
RE: Addings/modifications to help files
(Jun. 21, 2009 01:44 PM)sidki3003 Wrote:  Some notes:
Added to attached txt.

(Jun. 21, 2009 01:44 PM)sidki3003 Wrote:  If that is going to be a new document, called "Flyovers.txt" (is it? or is that to be merged with an existing one?), i guess that people would also try to find an explanation there for the Proxomitron flyovers appearing over certain links. Those that have been unprefixed (de-trackified), turned from JavaScript to normal, etc.. The flyover contains the unmodified link in these cases.
"Flyovers.txt" is OK. You make the decision.

I will try to keep updating this document, but might be slowly.

Attached File(s)
.txt  Flyovers.txt (Size: 2.96 KB / Downloads: 651)
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Jul. 19, 2009, 09:15 AM
Post: #11
RE: Addings/modifications to help files
After thinking about it, since it's not only about flyovers, i've renamed attached revision to "Page_Info.txt".

Attached File(s)
.txt  Page_Info.txt (Size: 5.14 KB / Downloads: 680)
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Jul. 19, 2009, 10:48 AM
Post: #12
RE: Addings/modifications to help files
Here is another draft. Chapter 10 for Techniques.txt.

Quote:10a Loops -- Limiting expression scopes.
You can use "+" loops to isolate subexpressions, removing their
capatibility to look ahead.

Say we want to match <foo ... >, but only if the following tag isn't </foo >

<foo*>(^*</foo >)
... wouldn't work, because "*>" doesn't stop at the first match but is looking

<foo[^>]+>(^[^<]+</foo >)
... would work, but [^...] forces inspection of each character.

<foo(*>)+{1}(^(*<)+{1}/foo >)
... does what we want, quickly. "*>", "*<" are not looking ahead anymore.

10b Avoiding superfluous tests in OR conditions.

Say we want to match "prefix-possible_suffix ... some_string" and capture
"-possible_suffix" if present.

... would cause the filter attempting twice to match:
"prefix-possible_suffix ... no_match"

... does what we want.

10c However, +/++ loops remove the uniqueness of the string under test, even if
followed by {1,*}.
If possible, and if you aren't just testing the very beginning of a
document or bounds match, try to start your test string with at least one
unique character (better more),

To test for 100 asterisk symbols anywhere in a document:

Suggestions welcome.
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Jul. 19, 2009, 02:27 PM (This post was last modified: Jul. 19, 2009 02:29 PM by eclipse.)
Post: #13
RE: Addings/modifications to help files

Config_Control.txt line 226
Quote:4.1.b Log to Main (ctrl+shift key) + Rare (on)

Same as above option, except that logging to Log-Main.log only happens, if you
press and hold CTRL+SHIFT. Don't enable "a" *and* "b".

Bold text above could be removed and add the following text like Section 5 and 6 (I like standarization Wink )
4 Logging (only enable one or none)

OR, simply replace "a" and "b" by corresponding section numbering.
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Jul. 19, 2009, 02:53 PM
Post: #14
RE: Addings/modifications to help files
(Jul. 19, 2009 02:27 PM)eclipse Wrote:  Bold text above could be removed and add the following text like Section 5 and 6 (I like standarization Wink )
4 Logging (only enable one or none)

"4.2 Log common Nuisances" may be (and is by default in 2/13) enabled along with one of the 4.1 switches, so that statement would be incorrect.

Quote:OR, simply replace "a" and "b" by corresponding section numbering.

Do you mean "Don't enable 4.1.a *and* 4.1.b."? If so, fine by me.
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Jul. 19, 2009, 04:00 PM
Post: #15
RE: Addings/modifications to help files
Oops, you're right! I might need to get more sleep. I can't believe I've miss that.

Quote:Do you mean "Don't enable 4.1.a *and* 4.1.b."? If so, fine by me.
Yes. Very explicit Wink
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