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Prox Menu and GreenBrowser
Jun. 25, 2009, 05:12 AM (This post was last modified: Jun. 25, 2009 05:17 AM by dave.)
Post: #1
Prox Menu and GreenBrowser
The menu will not disappear using GreenBrowser. This behavior is mostly consistent although sometimes it will disappear. I have not been able to figure why for the disappearance or for not disappearing although I've tried by going thru most of the GreenBrowser preferences.

My guess is the problem is my system which is an under-powered Windows 98se and perhaps something to do with transparency which GreenBrowser uses and Win 98 doesn't support.

ProxRocks mentioned this browser in a recent post which got me to try it. Thanks! It's great. I'm wondering if you have any problems with the menu.

This is with both the 2-13 update and alpha 3.

Is there anything that can be done with the menu or anything else that might get it working?
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Jun. 25, 2009, 08:18 AM
Post: #2
RE: Prox Menu and GreenBrowser
Check if you have any GB plugins set to auto run after page loads.
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Jun. 25, 2009, 08:59 AM
Post: #3
RE: Prox Menu and GreenBrowser
None were set to auto I think. Still learning GB. To make sure I took them all out and the problem persists.
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Jun. 25, 2009, 08:59 AM (This post was last modified: Jun. 25, 2009 09:00 AM by ProxRocks.)
Post: #4
RE: Prox Menu and GreenBrowser
(Jun. 25, 2009 05:12 AM)dave Wrote:  ProxRocks mentioned this browser in a recent post which got me to try it. Thanks! It's great. I'm wondering if you have any problems with the menu.

i'm not having any problems with the Prox Menu...
like mentioned above, do you have any plugins set to autorun/autostart? cross-posted...

if you're talking about the circle/triangle "menu access icon", it's not supposed to disappear until you scroll the page up or down...

if you're talking about the actual menu itself, yes, it's supposed to disappear as soon as your mouse no longer hovers over it...
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Jun. 25, 2009, 10:10 AM (This post was last modified: Jun. 25, 2009 10:12 AM by dave.)
Post: #5
RE: Prox Menu and GreenBrowser
Hi ProxRocks,

I am talking about the actual menu which works fine in the three major browsers. I just dl'd a no-install version and ran that and only changed one thing which was to use IE proxy settings. The menu now works as it should.

Didn't know about the no-install version but I've figured it out. In Options>Download I had unchecked 'Enable ActiveX' and this is what causes the menu problem. This can be toggled from the toolbar without changing the general preference. When toggled, the prox menu disappears. I think there may be other ways including some plugins that may accomplish the disable ActiveX feature and perhaps not give the prox menu problems. I hope to look into those eventually and will report back here if I can come up with a better solution.

Can I ask you to set your activex options like I did and let me know if you get the same problem? I would expect you're not running 98se. Thanks.
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Jun. 25, 2009, 10:50 AM
Post: #6
RE: Prox Menu and GreenBrowser
did the 'enable ActiveX' test here and it made no difference, my menu continued to work as intended...

i'm on WinXP Pro SP3 "shelling" IE8...

i could GreenBrowse under 98SE in a virtual environment, but wouldn't be able to get to that until over the weekend...
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Jun. 25, 2009, 11:02 AM
Post: #7
RE: Prox Menu and GreenBrowser
Thanks ProxRocks, I appreciate that and would be interested In the VM test for 98 if it's not too much trouble. It's quite possible something is broken on my 98 and testing on another 98 would help me trying to fix the problem.
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Jun. 25, 2009, 11:40 AM
Post: #8
RE: Prox Menu and GreenBrowser
no prob, i'll report back over the weekend...
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Jun. 25, 2009, 01:00 PM
Post: #9
RE: Prox Menu and GreenBrowser
Thanks ProxRocks. I'll be interested. However, my little problem requiring activex blocking has been solved thanks to a GB plugin which I have just finished testing. It's an activex class ID blocker and it works although you might never know it because it does not show up in the tools menu. The ini file can be edited and all I did was edit for the activex class ID that was giving me problems and got rid of the rest. It's called NotTroubleMe and can be downloaded from
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Jun. 25, 2009, 02:24 PM
Post: #10
RE: Prox Menu and GreenBrowser
what is the activex class id that was giving you problems?
something tells me you have a "toolbar" installed or something, is that correct? (not a GreenBrowser toolbar, but an IE toolbar...)
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Jun. 25, 2009, 06:58 PM
Post: #11
RE: Prox Menu and GreenBrowser
No, no toolbars on IE. I got over that bad habit a while ago. The Class ID is D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000. This comes up for sites requiring the latest flash which is some version of Flash 9 (on 98). I have Flash 8 which will probably work for just about everything when a site doesn't run this particular Adobe/Macromedia install script.

Now I probably have some sort of system problem because youtube videos crash IE, Opera and FF if I use flash 9 yet they play fine with flash 8. I use the standard adobe installers and uninstallers and can switch between flash versions quickly. I have heard about some sort of something that may stay on the system despite using the standard uninstallers. I've yet to research that and meanwhile I've learned quite a bit about proxo and script blocking while wrestling with this problem. I've learned how to use Proxo to block this for IE. The problem only occurs in IE because of the activex.

I have come up with a work-around that I can use with Sidki's set that blocks objects by this particular Class ID and is activated by a list. This is a result of modifying a number of filters created by Sidki, Kye-U, Grypen and Scott. What I have now is a modification of a Grypen filter - 'Disable: Objects {8.e.js}'. I've set it up with a list and it works pretty well. When I come to a site where the activex install prompt appears, I add it to the list and the prompt disappears but the page will not fully load unless I enable flash on the IncludeExclude-U/Exceptions-U list. Then the page will load and what is more embedded youtubes will play despite the install Class ID being blocked.

This is one of the reasons I like GreenBrowser and why I disabled activex. Now that I've found NotTroubleMe all I will have to do with that browser is enable flash on the pages that won't fully load.
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Jun. 25, 2009, 08:26 PM
Post: #12
RE: Prox Menu and GreenBrowser
(Jun. 25, 2009 05:12 AM)dave Wrote:  My guess is the problem is my system which is an under-powered Windows 98se and perhaps something to do with transparency which GreenBrowser uses and Win 98 doesn't support.

If you're going to keep that Win98SE then you might want to give KernelEx a shot.

It's a small open-source package that extends many of the low level OS system functions to be compatible with XP and newer software. For example: I did my taxes with TaxCut again this year, and I occasionally use Firefox 3 (as well as Firefox 2). You may get the normal transparency behavior in GreenBrowser (I haven't tried GB).

For any program or shortcut on your PC you can choose whether KernelEx extension is enabled for it or not. It extends the right-click, Properties of Windows Explorer to let you specify. The attached image shows I've disabled KernelEx on my Firefox 2 program, and left it enabled it for a portable version of Firefox 3.

Attached File(s)
.gif  Win98_KernelEx.gif (Size: 8.33 KB / Downloads: 673)
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Jun. 26, 2009, 12:03 AM
Post: #13
RE: Prox Menu and GreenBrowser
Thanks Graycode. Sounds interesting and I may give it a try but this PC is 9 years old so you can imagine how under-powered it is.
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