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Google Light Theme - fixed 2010-05-06
May. 07, 2010, 06:06 AM
Post: #1
Google Light Theme - fixed 2010-05-06
New Google redesigned format of search results page broke old filters that I used all the time. It's time to make a fix. This new filter is based on old Kye-U and sidki3003 filter, plus mine code and SUMware/BBR idea.

It's working so far... until the next change of the Google code of cause.
Here is old Kye-U and sidki3003 filter:
Name = "Google Search: Alternate Display     9.04.30 (multi) [sd ku] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)[^/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?|webhp|(^?))$SET(keyword=$TST(keyword=\1.(i_layout:[#*:0].)+\2)\1.i_layout:2.\2)"
Limit = 2048
Match = "(^?)$SET(a=)$SET(b=)$STOP()"
        "<br>((\r|)\n$SET(1= )| <br>( <table)\2$SET(1=</p><br class=mainspace>\2))"
        "/b> of (about )+<b>[0-9,]+</b> ((from|over the) $NEST(<b>,</b >) )+for <b>( <b>)+[^<]+"
        "</style >(^$TST(b=s))$SET(b=s)$SET(1="
        "</style>\n<script type="text/javascript">"
        "var prxSpics=["http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-","
        "new Image(),new Image(),new Image()];"
        "\n<style id="themed"></style>"
        "<div ("
        "$AV(ie6tb)>$INEST(<div,</div)</div >( $NEST(<script,</script >))+"
        "|$AV(exp_msgs)$INEST(<div,</div)</div >"
        "|style=$AV(margin : -5px 0 5px)$INEST(<div,</div)</div >"
        "<(div|li)\2 class="
        "((^ style=$AV(margin-(left|right)*))($TST(a=odd)$SET(a=even)|$SET(a=odd))|)$SET(#=$GET(a))"
        "(*( href=$AV(/interstitial\?url\=h\9|([^/]+//[^/]+/)\9?*|*))\5*</a >)\4\6"
        "( <br>$SET(7=<div class=mainspace>&nbsp;</div>)|( <(table|cite))\7)"
        "<a href="h\9"><img src="http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-bug.png""
        " width=16 height=10 border=0 title="Malware warning!"></a>&#160;&#160;"
        "<a href="\9"><img src="http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-top.png""
        " width=10 height=10 border=0 title="Go to top domain"></a>&#160;&#160;"
        "<\2 class=g&#x20;\#\#\4&#160;&#160;\0"
        "<a\5 target=_blank><img src="http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-new.png""
        " width=14 height=10 border=0 title="Open in new window"></a>&#160;&#160;"
Replace = "\1"

Here is new/fixed code:
Name = ". + Google Light Theme     10.05.06 (!nn) [ozo] (o.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 32
Match = "<style( id=\"themed\"*>$INEST(<style,//-->|-->|</style))\2(*</style >)\3"
Replace = "<style\2\r\n"
          "/* Google Light Theme */\r\n"
          "a {text-decoration: none;}\r\n"
          "a:link, .q a:link, a.toplink:visited {color: #00A !important;}\r\n"
          "a:visited {color: #A0D;}\r\n"
          "a:active, .q a:active, a.fl:active {color: #D00 !important;}\r\n"
          "a:hover, .q a:hover, a.fl:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: #000 !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPref:hover {color: #379CCD;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs {color: #008 !important; }\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:visited {color: #A0D !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:active {color: #D00 !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:hover {color: #000 !important;}\r\n"
          ".odd {background: #F0F0FE;}\r\n"
          ".even {background: #F0FEF0;}\r\n"
          ".s {max-width: none !important; width: auto !important;}\r\n"
          " {padding-right: 0 !important;}\r\n"
          "li {padding-left: .5em; padding-right: .5em;}\r\n"
          ".g {line-height: 16px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;}\r\n"
          "div.mainspace {line-height: 3px;}\r\n"
          "/* Fixing center column: */\r\n"
          "#center_col { MARGIN-LEFT: 0px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px;}\r\n"

Name = ". + Google - No left bar     10.05.06 (!nn) [ozo,sumw] (o.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 15000
Match = "<div id=leftnav*<div id=foot class=tsf-p"
Replace = "\r\n<!-- Removed LeftNav -->\r\n<div id=foot class=tsf-p$STOP()"

Name = ". + Google - No Logo     10.05.06 (!nn) [ozo] (o.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 500
Match = "<div style="position*<div class=tsf-p"
Replace = "\r\n<!-- Removed Logo -->\r\n<div class=tsf-p$STOP()"

Result you may see here:
[Image: googlelighttheme.png]
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May. 07, 2010, 08:03 AM
Post: #2
RE: Google Light Theme - fixed 2010-05-06
Nice work, thanks.

But are the three filters intended to work independently?

If I enable all three I get the result as per your picture.

But if I only enable Google Light Theme (plus Google Search: Alternate Display of course) I get this mangled result :-

[Image: pa828.jpg]

And if I try those two plus either Google - No left bar or Google - No Logo, I get a differently mangled result. Only by enabling all three do I get the clean result.

Is it just me? I tested with sidki_oob too, with the same result. But perhaps it's some other customisation I've done, and forgotten about.
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May. 07, 2010, 12:11 PM
Post: #3
RE: Google Light Theme - fixed 2010-05-06
has anyone been able to figure out what part of the css code is causing the HUGE (in my opinion) "gap" between our 'even' and 'odd' search results?

Attached File(s)
.png  scrn-cap.png (Size: 12.67 KB / Downloads: 760)
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May. 07, 2010, 06:33 PM
Post: #4
RE: Google Light Theme - fixed 2010-05-06
@ProxRocks - those gaps are defined as margins.
You may change them, e.f. in mine code by replacing these lines:
Name = ". + Google Light Theme     10.05.06 (!nn) [ozo] (o.s)"
          ".odd {background: #F0F0FE;}\r\n"
          ".even {background: #F0FEF0;}\r\n"
with the lines:
Name = ". + Google Light Theme     10.05.06 (!nn) [ozo] (o.s)"
          ".odd {background: #F0F0FE; margin-bottom:0.7em !important;}\r\n"
          ".even {background: #F0FEF0; margin-bottom:0.7em !important;}\r\n"
Or change the "margin-bottom" value to whatever is best for you.
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May. 07, 2010, 07:18 PM
Post: #5
RE: Google Light Theme - fixed 2010-05-06
awesome! (not sure why i didn't try that one, lol)...

i like my results "butted up" against each other...
why scroll that wheel 20 times to get to the bottom of the page when eight or so is MORE than enough Big Teeth
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May. 07, 2010, 09:32 PM
Post: #6
RE: Google Light Theme - fixed 2010-05-06
Great to hear that it works for you Smile!

I've made some corrections to the code. And I added hiding unnecessary "Search English pages" horizontal bar. Here is the new code:
Name = ". + Google Light Theme     10.05.07 (!nn) [ozo] (o.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 32
Match = "<style( id=\"themed\"*>$INEST(<style,//-->|-->|</style))\1(*</style >)\2"
Replace = "<style\1\r\n"
          "/* Google Light Theme */\r\n"
          "a {text-decoration: none;}\r\n"
          "a:link, .q a:link, a.toplink:visited {color: #00A !important;}\r\n"
          "a:visited {color: #A0D;}\r\n"
          "a:active, .q a:active, a.fl:active {color: #D00 !important;}\r\n"
          "a:hover, .q a:hover, a.fl:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: #000 !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPref:hover {color: #379CCD;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs {color: #008 !important; }\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:visited {color: #A0D !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:active {color: #D00 !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:hover {color: #000 !important;}\r\n"
          ".odd {background: #F0F0FE; margin-bottom:0.7em !important;}\r\n"
          ".even {background: #F0FEF0; margin-bottom:0.7em !important;}\r\n"
          ".s {max-width: none !important; width: auto !important;}\r\n"
          "li {padding-left: .5em; padding-right: .5em;}\r\n"
          ".g {line-height: 16px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;}\r\n"
          "div.mainspace {line-height: 3px;}\r\n"
          "/* Fixing center column: */\r\n"
          "#center_col { margin: 0px; padding:0px;}\r\n"

Name = ". + Google - No left bar     10.05.07 (!nn) [ozo,sumw] (o.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 15000
Match = "<div id=leftnav*(<div id=foot class=tsf-p)\1"
Replace = "\r\n<!-- Removed LeftNav -->\r\n\1$STOP()"

Name = ". + Google - No Logo     10.05.07 (!nn) [ozo] (o.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 500
Match = "<div style="position:absolute;left*(<div class=tsf-p)\1"
Replace = "\r\n<!-- Removed Logo -->\r\n\1$STOP()"

Name = ". + Google - No Search English pages bar     10.05.07 (!nn) [ozo] (o.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 500
Match = "<div id=tbbc*(<div id=res class=med)\1"
Replace = "\r\n<!-- Removed Search English pages bar -->\r\n\1d$STOP()"
Please use the latest version.

Here is the picture how it looks with the filters above:
[Image: googlelighttheme100507.png]

@Dave Guest
I'd like to merge some of those filters and put them into just one, but I don't know how to apply multiple matches to corresponding multiple replacements in one filter. Perhaps it's impossible. And if it is, to remove the left column, the huge logo image and "Search English pages" bar we have to use separate filters...
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May. 07, 2010, 11:07 PM
Post: #7
RE: Google Light Theme - fixed 2010-05-06
don't merge the fitlers please...some of us like the left bar and the top bar and the logo Big Teeth
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May. 08, 2010, 12:38 AM
Post: #8
RE: Google Light Theme - fixed 2010-05-06
you may be interested in adding
"div#cnt {max-width: none;}\r\n"
to the theme so that the odd/even shading "fills the screen" regardless of your screen resolution, widescreen or not...
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May. 08, 2010, 01:17 AM (This post was last modified: May. 08, 2010 01:18 AM by Dave Guest.)
Post: #9
RE: Google Light Theme - fixed 2010-05-06
(May. 07, 2010 09:32 PM)OZO Wrote:  @Dave Guest
I'd like to merge some of those filters and put them into just one, but I don't know how to apply multiple matches to corresponding multiple replacements in one filter. Perhaps it's impossible. And if it is, to remove the left column, the huge logo image and "Search English pages" bar we have to use separate filters...
Thanks, but I think we're at cross-purposes. I don't mind using multiple filters, but I want to keep the left column!

I was hoping that simply unchecking the Google - No left bar filter would achieve that. As per my image above, it doesn't seem to. Is it just me?

(There's more Google update stuff in this thread too, btw).
(May. 07, 2010 11:07 PM)bugger Wrote:  don't merge the fitlers please...some of us like the left bar and the top bar and the logo Big Teeth

Do you mean Ozo's Google Light Theme currently works for you without the extra Left Bar and Logo filters!?
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May. 08, 2010, 01:55 AM
Post: #10
RE: Google Light Theme - fixed 2010-05-06
i'm not seeing a way to "reflow" the search results "leftward" so that some users (myself included!) can *AXE* that "dumb" 'left bar' while others be permitted to allow it...

ie, many of you may recall a "alternate display" filter that when the 'left bar' was toggled off, the "content" 'reflowed' to fill in the area now empty because the 'left bar' content was turned off...

ie, we are axeing the STUPID "sponsored links" 'RIGHT bar' and our search results "reflow" to fill in the empty space that the "sponsored links" 'used to' reside in...

i'm not seeing a way to do that with the Google 'left bar'...

HOWEVER, what could be pretty easily (?) done is for us Proxo users to turn that VERTICAL 'left bar' into a HORIZONTAL 'toolbar' instead and add it to the TOP of the page similair to Google's already-present "web/images/videos/maps/news..." 'toolbar'...

and this way, whether we Proxo users "want" those dumb links, we can have them... or whether we Proxo users, myself included, do NOT want those dumb links, we can "turn them off"... EITHER WAY, our "search results" span the page width and no "reflow" is needed...

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May. 08, 2010, 04:47 AM (This post was last modified: May. 08, 2010 04:55 AM by OZO.)
Post: #11
RE: Google Light Theme - fixed 2010-05-06
@ ProxRocks
Thanks for suggestion to add "div#cnt {max-width: none;}\r\n". I've added it. But now the problem is - Google doesn't provide enough text to fill it to the right end of mine wide screen Big Teeth

Below is the new code with it. I've fixed "No Search English pages bar" too. I've seen some occasions then it doesn't work (interference with another Proxo filter). Now it should cover those cases too. Here is the fixed version of filters:
Name = ". + Google Light Theme     10.05.07 (!nn) [ozo] (o.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 32
Match = "<style( id=\"themed\"*>$INEST(<style,//-->|-->|</style))\1(*</style >)\2"
Replace = "<style\1\r\n"
          "/* Google Light Theme */\r\n"
          "a {text-decoration: none;}\r\n"
          "a:link, .q a:link, a.toplink:visited {color: #00A !important;}\r\n"
          "a:visited {color: #A0D;}\r\n"
          "a:active, .q a:active, a.fl:active {color: #D00 !important;}\r\n"
          "a:hover, .q a:hover, a.fl:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: #000 !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPref:hover {color: #379CCD;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs {color: #008 !important; }\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:visited {color: #A0D !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:active {color: #D00 !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:hover {color: #000 !important;}\r\n"
          ".odd {background: #F0F0FE; margin-bottom:0.7em !important;}\r\n"
          ".even {background: #F0FEF0; margin-bottom:0.7em !important;}\r\n"
          ".s {max-width: none !important; width: auto !important;}\r\n"
          "li {padding-left: .5em; padding-right: .5em;}\r\n"
          ".g {line-height: 16px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;}\r\n"
          "div.mainspace {line-height: 3px;}\r\n"
          "div#cnt {max-width: none;}\r\n"
          "/* Fixing center column: */\r\n"
          "#center_col { margin: 0px; padding:0px;}\r\n"

Name = ". + Google - No left bar     10.05.07 (!nn) [ozo,sumw] (o.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 15000
Match = "<div id=leftnav*(<div id=foot class=tsf-p)\1"
Replace = "\r\n<!-- Removed LeftNav -->\r\n\1$STOP()"

Name = ". + Google - No Logo     10.05.07 (!nn) [ozo] (o.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 500
Match = "<div style="position:absolute;left*(<div class=tsf-p)\1"
Replace = "\r\n<!-- Removed Logo -->\r\n\1$STOP()"

Name = ". + Google - No Search English pages bar     10.05.07 (!nn) [ozo] (o.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 500
Match = "<div id=tbbc*</div>"
Replace = "\r\n<!-- Removed Search English pages bar -->\r\n$STOP()"

@ Dave Guest
As you may guess, there is the problem with floating text around the left bar (and especially if its code on HTML page is below the main central block). I don't see a solution to make center column text to flow around the left bar. But without that floating - I don't want to loose a lot of space on the left side of the page (below the left bar), while I'm browsing my 100 results page...

If you want to un-check the option "No left bar" - you may try the code below. It is a hack. Keep in mind: 1) text doesn't flow around it; 2) code becomes less efficient (you may see extra an delay displaying the page if you check the option "No left bar").

I'd prefer to keep option checked all the time and use the official code above...

Name = ". + Google Light Theme     10.05.07.h (!nn) [ozo] (o.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 32
Match = "<style( id=\"themed\"*>$INEST(<style,//-->|-->|</style))\1(*</style >)\2"
Replace = "<style\1\r\n"
          "/* Google Light Theme */\r\n"
          "a {text-decoration: none;}\r\n"
          "a:link, .q a:link, a.toplink:visited {color: #00A !important;}\r\n"
          "a:visited {color: #A0D;}\r\n"
          "a:active, .q a:active, a.fl:active {color: #D00 !important;}\r\n"
          "a:hover, .q a:hover, a.fl:hover {text-decoration: underline; color: #000 !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPref:hover {color: #379CCD;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs {color: #008 !important; }\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:visited {color: #A0D !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:active {color: #D00 !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:hover {color: #000 !important;}\r\n"
          ".odd {background: #F0F0FE; margin-bottom:0.7em !important;}\r\n"
          ".even {background: #F0FEF0; margin-bottom:0.7em !important;}\r\n"
          ".s {max-width: none !important; width: auto !important;}\r\n"
          "li {padding-left: .5em; padding-right: .5em;}\r\n"
          ".g {line-height: 16px; margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;}\r\n"
          "div.mainspace {line-height: 3px;}\r\n"
          "div#cnt {max-width: none;}\r\n"
          "/* Fixing center column: */\r\n"
          "#center_col {width:80%; }\r\n"

Name = ". + Google - No left bar     10.05.07.h (!nn) [ozo,sumw] (o.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 15000
Match = "<div id=leftnav*(<div id=foot class=tsf-p)\1"
Replace = "\r\n<!-- Removed LeftNav -->\r\n<style>#center_col { margin: 0px !important; padding:0px !important; width:100% !important;}</style>\1$STOP()"

Name = ". + Google - No Logo     10.05.07 (!nn) [ozo] (o.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 500
Match = "<div style="position:absolute;left*(<div class=tsf-p)\1"
Replace = "\r\n<!-- Removed Logo -->\r\n\1$STOP()"

Name = ". + Google - No Search English pages bar     10.05.07 (!nn) [ozo] (o.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))[^:/]+/(intl/[^/]+/(^?)|search\?(^q\=cache:)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 500
Match = "<div id=tbbc*</div>"
Replace = "\r\n<!-- Removed Search English pages bar -->\r\n$STOP()"
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May. 08, 2010, 08:09 AM
Post: #12
RE: Google Light Theme - fixed 2010-05-06
(May. 08, 2010 01:55 AM)ProxRocks Wrote:  HOWEVER, what could be pretty easily (?) done is for us Proxo users to turn that VERTICAL 'left bar' into a HORIZONTAL 'toolbar' instead and add it to the TOP of the page similair to Google's already-present "web/images/videos/maps/news..." 'toolbar'...

I like the sound of that, though it sure sounds far from easy to me!
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May. 08, 2010, 08:12 AM
Post: #13
RE: Google Light Theme - fixed 2010-05-06
(May. 08, 2010 04:47 AM)OZO Wrote:  @ Dave Guest
As you may guess, there is the problem with floating text around the left bar (and especially if its code on HTML page is below the main central block). I don't see a solution to make center column text to flow around the left bar. But without that floating - I don't want to loose a lot of space on the left side of the page (below the left bar), while I'm browsing my 100 results page...

Though, as you mentioned, Google's text doesn't reach the right-hand margin on our screens anyway, so the practical effect is pretty marginal. On a test 100 result page without the sidebar, I had to page-down 7 times to reach the bottom. With the sidebar, it took 8 times. Shrug. But it certainly looks a lot of 'wasted' space, and flowing round would be cool. Oh well Sad.

Quote:If you want to un-check the option "No left bar" - you may try the code below. It is a hack. Keep in mind: 1) text doesn't flow around it; 2) code becomes less efficient (you may see extra an delay displaying the page if you check the option "No left bar").

It's a nice hack! I default to 10 results, and it works fine and speedily with that.

But ... if I also leave the Google - No Logo filter unchecked, it mangles the icons next to the sidebar items, as well as the logo. It looks just like the image in my first post above where the logo and all the icons are in their own overlaying box.

I'm not bothered by having the logo on or off. But the icons next to the sidebar links are handy visual cues, so if it's possible to tweak the filters so that they work with both the sidebar and logo filters unchecked, that would be great?

Lastly, I noticed that the filters seem to disable the "Fewer" link in the sidebar (though the "More", "More search tools" and "Fewer search tools" all still work). Frankly, I can't imagine ever wanting to bother collapsing the options after specifically expanding them, so it's not a fix I need. But I thought you'd want to know.

And thanks for taking the time and trouble to work on these Smile!
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May. 08, 2010, 11:52 AM
Post: #14
RE: Google Light Theme - fixed 2010-05-06
yeah, the right-hand space not being filled by results text looks odd also - but in my opinion, it looked MORE ODD to have empty white space just sitting there, lol...

we could always throw "word-spacing" and/or "letter spacing" css code in there to fill out the odd/even blocks Big Teeth (but i then have to wonder how my filled-out widescreen Google view would look when i take my portable Proxo to a 4:3 aspect ratio computer, lol)...

a Google-search also showed a "font-stretch" css3 code - but also had Firefox and IE users reporting that it did not work for them...
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May. 08, 2010, 06:50 PM (This post was last modified: May. 08, 2010 06:53 PM by newbee.)
Post: #15
RE: Google Light Theme - fixed 2010-05-06
sorry to having to ask here, but i should be doing something wrong because i cannot make those filter to work. If someone would be so kind to tell me what is wrong with my settings:

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