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url alias/search
Jan. 13, 2011, 04:34 PM
Post: #1
url alias/search
I'm using the default header (alias redirector out).
But it seems that it does not take unicode/non-alphanumeric strings, all of them are converted into garbage characters.
Is there a way to work around?
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Jan. 14, 2011, 03:11 AM
Post: #2
RE: url alias/search
I'll guess that your browser is converting what it sees as a Internationalized Domain Name to ASCII using punycode.

You may be able to disable IDN in the browser but it sounds like you might need that.
Any Proxomitron based work around would probably involve only using ASCII characters which could make data entry difficult.

Which browser and operating system are you using?
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Jan. 17, 2011, 05:12 PM (This post was last modified: Jan. 17, 2011 05:32 PM by femp1345.)
Post: #3
RE: url alias/search
I'm using firefox mainly, I was trying to use proxomitron to replace firefox's url alias (url alias redirect AND use specified search engine if specified in the prefix), so that I can use it in other browsers too.

If I disable IDN, it seems working only for unicode characters (only tested with the default google search). The alias header does not function normally.

I think I will handle it later, trying to setup sidki's filters but there are many of them. Gonna take some time.

Thanks for the reply.
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Jan. 17, 2011, 10:11 PM
Post: #4
RE: url alias/search
do you care if the "alias" search is from the ADDRESS bar or from the SEARCH bar?

i have my browser (GreenBrowser) set to have its SEARCH bar do a modified Google-search if i just type in some "string"...

BUT if that "string" is 'pre-fixed' by the letter I (lowercase or capitalized), for example, followed by a "string", then my PROXO-config 'redirects' to a Google-IMAGE search...

OR if that "string" is 'pre-fixed' by the letter F, then it pulls up a Yahoo Finance lookup on the ticker symbol that followed that F...

OR if that "string is 'pre-fixed' by the letter S, then it pulls up a Scroogle-search for the "string" following that S...

OR if that "string" is 'pre-fixed' by the WORD wiki, then it pulls up a Wikipedia page for that "string"...

this way, i can plug that "pre-fix" into ANY browser (routing through Proxo) and the search "string" is UNIVERSAL from one browser to the next, whether i'm wanting to do a ticker lookup, a Wikipedia lookup, a Google Image search, a Scroogle search, a Yahoo search, et cetera...

is that what you are searching for?
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Feb. 16, 2011, 11:00 AM
Post: #5
RE: url alias/search
I'm only vaguely catching what this is about (other than i recall idn "social engineering" exploit, in the firfox2 era, i think).
i wonder if a JavaScript/bookmarklet can be used to re-encode at some stage of the workaround?
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