Post Reply 
[F] Update to Google Filters (support for Google SSL)
Jun. 12, 2011, 09:59 PM (This post was last modified: Jun. 12, 2011 11:38 PM by Kye-U.)
Post: #1
[F] Update to Google Filters (support for Google SSL)
I've incorporated the updates by JJoe in this thread into the below filters:

To support the SSL version of Google (domain ""), an update was needed to be done to the google-css-dark.css file (in \Proxomitron Naoko-4\html\sidki_h_2010-10-23\Google), where the modifications were made to the stylesheet sections for a#logo ( doesn't assign the "logo" id to the logo, so I added "#tsf div div a" to allow the alternate style to apply to the logo; lines 48, 57, and 58)

.css  google-css-dark.css (Size: 3.29 KB / Downloads: 943)

The URL matches for all of the below filters were also updated, changing "www" to "(www|encrypted)". In addition, the inline CSS for the Dark Blue/Grey themes were updated: a#logo { to #tsf div div a, a#logo { and a#logo img { to #tsf div div a img, a#logo img {

Name = "Google Search: Remove Ad Blocks     11.06.12 [sd ku] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google."
Limit = 32766
Match = "<("
        "!-- PROX:( Header Bottom Insertion*-->)\1"
        "$SET(0=<!-- PROX:\1\r\n<style type="text/css">#tads,#mbEnd{display:none!important;}</style>\r\n)"
        "|table[^>]++id=$AV(mbEnd)$SET(#=mbEnd.)$INEST(<table,</table)</table >"
        " style=(*>)+{1} <font$INEST(<div,*href=$AV(/history\?*)$SET(#=history-d.)*,</div >)</div >"
        "|> <h2(*>)+{1}Sponsored$SET(#=sponsfloat.))$INEST(<div,</div >)</div >"
        "|table ("
        "cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr> <td valign(*>)+{1}( <font*>)+{2}([a-z]+ :)\#"
        "width=$AV(100%) style=$AV(border: 1px solid*)$SET(#=custom-ad.)"
        ")$INEST(<table,</table >)</table >"
        "|(*>)+{1} <tr> <td (^class)(*>)+{1} (<(/td > <td*<)+{0,1}(/+font*<)+|((*<)+{1}/+br+ > )+<)"
        "a href=$AV("
        ")$INEST(<table,</table >)</table >( <br*>)+{0,1}"
        "|center> <font$INEST(<center,"
        ",</center >)</center >( <(br|p)>)+"
        "|td rowspan=[#2] > <a\s[^>/]+//(tool(bar|s)|checkout|desktop|pack|webaccelerator)\"
        "$INEST(<td,</td >)</td > </tr > <tr> $NEST(<td,</td >)$SET(#= td.)"
        "|p>( <font*>)+(*<)+{1}a\s[^>/]+//(books.)\#google.(*<)+{1}/a >( </font >)+ <br>"
        "(^(^<br clear=all>|<table))"
Replace = "\r\n<!-- PROX-S: Modified/Removed by Google Ad Links Filter (\@) -->\r\n\0"

Name = "Google Search: Alternate Display     11.06.12 (multi) [sd ku] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))$SET(keyword=$TST(keyword=\1.(i_layout:[#*:0].)+\2)\1.i_layout:2.\2)"
Limit = 2048
Match = "(^?)$SET(a=)$SET(b=)$STOP()"
        "<br>(\r\n+|\n\r+)$SET(1= )"
        "/b> of (about )+<b>[0-9,]+</b> ((from|over the) $NEST(<b>,</b >) )+for <b>( <b>)+[^<]+"
        "</style >(^$TST(b=s))$SET(b=s)$SET(1="
        "</style>\r\n<script type="text/javascript">"
        "var prxSpics=["http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-","
        "new Image(),new Image(),new Image()];"
        "\r\n<style id="themed">\r\n"
        "/* Proxomitron "Google Alternate" CSS import */\r\n"
        "@import url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-css-alt.css);\r\n\r\n"
        "<div ("
        "$AV(ie6tb)>$INEST(<div,</div)</div >( $NEST(<script,</script >))+"
        "|$AV(exp_msgs)$INEST(<div,</div)</div >"
        "|style=$AV(margin : -5px 0 5px)$INEST(<div,</div)</div >"
        "<(div|li)\2 class="
        "((^ style=$AV(margin-(left|right)*))($TST(a=odd)$SET(a=even)|$SET(a=odd))|)$SET(3=$GET(a))"
        "(*( href=$AV(/interstitial\?url\=h\9|((*/)+{1}/(*/)+{1})\9?*|*))\5*</a >)\4"
        "<a href="h\9"><img src="http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-bug.png""
        " width=16 height=10 border=0 title="Malware warning!"></a>&#160;&#160;"
        "<a href="\9"><img src="http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-top.png""
        " width=10 height=10 border=0 title="Go to top domain"></a>&#160;&#160;"
        "<\2 class=\#&#x20;\3\#\#\4&#160;&#160;\0"
        "<a\5 target="_blank"><img src="http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-new.png""
        " width=14 height=10 border=0 title="Open in new window"></a>&#160;&#160;"
Replace = "\1"

Name = ". + Google Toggle: Left NavBar     11.06.12 (!nn multi) [ozo] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 256
Match = "<("
        "style( id="themed">*\*prox-dummy\*/)\2"
        "<style\2\r\n/* Proxomitron LeftNav adjustments */\r\n"
        "#leftnav {visibility: hidden;}\r\n"
        "#center_col {margin-left: 0 ;border: none;}\r\n"
        "#prox-navtoggle {\r\n"
        "  position: absolute; top: -17px; left: 10px; cursor: pointer;\r\n"
        "  color: #AAAAAA !important; font-size: 13px;\r\n"
        "|div id=($AV(leftnav))\2$STOP()"
        "\r\n\r\n<!-- PROX-S: Inserted by Google LeftNav Toggle -->\r\n"
        "<div id="prox-navtoggle" onclick="(function(){"
        "var c=document.getElementById('leftnav').style;c.visibility=c.visibility=='visible'?'hidden':'visible'"
        "})();">&#9660;&#160;Navigation</div>\r\n\r\n<div id=\2 class="prox-nav""
Replace = "\1"

Name = ". + Google Theme: Dark Blue     11.06.12 (!nn) [vc sd st] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 512
Match = "<("
        ")>( <br>|)$SET(1=<span id="logo\6"></span>)"
        "|div($INEST(<div,*/logo*,>)&&*width : [#267:400]px*)>$SET(1=<div align="left" id="logo-mn">)"
        "|a\s((*>)+{1})\2 <img[^>]++src="
        "$AV(*/(logo_(google_suggest_$SET(3= class="logo-sg")$SET(4=Suggest)|)|experimental_)sm*)"
        "*>$SET(1=<a id="logo"\3 \2\4<span>&#160;</span>)"
        "|style id="themed">\0/\*prox-dummy\*/"
        "$SET(5=: transparent; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader\(src=)"
        "|$SET(5=-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top left; background-image: url\()"
        "<style type="text/css">\0"
        "/* Proxomitron "Google Dark" CSS import */\r\n"
        "@import url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-css-dark.css);\r\n\r\n"
        "/* Proxomitron dark blue Google theme */\r\n"
        "body {background: #253960"
        " url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-bg-blue.png) repeat-x !important;}\r\n"
        "#logo-mn {display: block; margin-top: 7%; width: 281px; height: 103px;"
        " background\5http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-logo-m.png\);}\r\n"
        "#tsf div div a, a#logo {background\5http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-logo-s.png\);}\r\n"
        "#tsf div div a img, a#logo img {visibility: hidden;}\r\n"
        "span#more, div#gbardd, .gb2, .mbEnd, table.ra, table.ra td, div#ss-box, div#po-box, div.prox-nav"
        " {background: #172E59 !important;}\r\n"
        ", .pb, #ssb, #bsf {background: #405882 !important;}\r\n"
        ".even {background: #334B7B;}\r\n"
        "|\&copy;( [#*:*])\2("
        "( Google)\3( </font>| - <a)\4"
        "|( - <a)\4$SET(3= <a href=""
        "">Gooogle</a>))$SET(1=&copy;\2\3 - Theme by <a href="">Valacar</a>\4)"
Replace = "\1"

Name = ". + Google Theme: Dark Gray     11.06.12 (!nn) [vc sd st] (o.s)"
Active = FALSE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 512
Match = "<("
        ")>( <br>|)$SET(1=<span id="logo\6"></span>)"
        "|div($INEST(<div,*/logo*,>)&&*width : [#267:400]px*)>$SET(1=<div align="left" id="logo-mn">)"
        "|a\s((*>)+{1})\2 <img[^>]++src="
        "$AV(*/(logo_(google_suggest_$SET(3= class="logo-sg")$SET(4=Suggest)|)|experimental_)sm*)"
        "*>$SET(1=<a id="logo"\3 \2\4<span>&#160;</span>)"
        "|style id="themed">\0/\*prox-dummy\*/"
        "$SET(5=: transparent; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader\(src=)"
        "|$SET(5=-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top left; background-image: url\()"
        "<style type="text/css">\0"
        "/* Proxomitron "Google Dark" CSS import */\r\n"
        "@import url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-css-dark.css);\r\n\r\n"
        "/* Proxomitron dark gray Google theme */\r\n"
        "body {background: #333333"
        " url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-bg-gray.png) repeat-x !important;}\r\n"
        "#logo-mn {display: block; margin-top: 7%; width: 281px; height: 103px;"
        " background\5http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-logo-m.png\);}\r\n"
        "#tsf div div a, a#logo {background\5http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-logo-s.png\);}\r\n"
        "#tsf div div a img, a#logo img {visibility: hidden;}\r\n"
        "span#more, div#gbardd, .gb2, .mbEnd, table.ra, table.ra td, div#ss-box, div#po-box, div.prox-nav"
        " {background: #272627 !important;}\r\n"
        ", .pb, #ssb, #bsf {background: #606060 !important;}\r\n"
        ".even {background: #454343;}\r\n"
        "|\&copy;( [#*:*])\2("
        "( Google)\3( </font>| - <a)\4"
        "|( - <a)\4$SET(3= <a href=""
        "">Gooogle</a>))$SET(1=&copy;\2\3 - Theme by <a href="">Valacar</a>\4)"
Replace = "\1"

Name = ". + Google Theme: Light Blue     11.06.12 (!nn) [...] (o.s)"
Active = FALSE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 256
Match = "<style id="themed">"
        "$STOP(Code by: JD5000, sidki, Kye-U, ProxRocks, OZO)"
Replace = "<style type="text/css">\1"
          "/* Proxomitron light blue Google theme */\r\n"
          "body {margin-right: 1%;}\r\n"
          ".odd {background: #EFF6FF;}\r\n"
          ".even {background: #DFEFFF;}\r\n"
          "a:link, a:link span, .q a:link, a.prox-atop:visited {color: #0C5AA9;}\r\n"
          "a:visited {color: #087D7E;}\r\n"
          "a.l:hover {text-decoration: underline !important;}\r\n"
          "a:hover, a:hover span, a:visited:hover, .g .fl:hover {color: #1689FF;}\r\n"

Name = "Google Search: Fix Shortcuts     11.06.12 [sd] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "(www|encrypted).google.(*/)+{1}extern_js/f/(*/)+{1}(*.)+{1}js"
Bounds = "\(function\(\) { var b=true, [ef]=false, g={};$INEST({,})"
Limit = 6000
Match = "(\#("
        "b.className=="g"$SET(#=a.b.className=="g"||a.b.className.indexOf("g ")==0)"
        "O</th>$SET(#=<tr><th>N</th><td>Opens the selected result in a new window.</td></tr><tr><th>O</th>)"
        "|/</th>$SET(#=<tr><th>S</th><td>Puts the cursor in the search box.</td></tr><tr><th>/</th>)"
        "$SET(#=<tr><th>&lt;Tab&gt;</th><td>Removes the cursor from the search box.</td></tr><tr><th>&lt;Esc)"
        "|,\"g\",$SET(#=,"g","g odd","g even",)"
        "|;case 47:$SET(#=;case 47:case 83:case 115:)"
        "|<table border=0 class=\"lg std\""
        "$SET(#=<table border=0 class="lg std" style="display:none;padding-bottom:10px;")"
        "|<(span[^>]+)\2>Keyboard Shortcuts*</span >"
        "$SET(#=<\2 style=\\"text-align:right;float:right;width:252px;font-size:13px;cursor:pointer;\\""
        " onclick=\\""
Replace = "\@"

Name = "Google Search: Add Modifier Links     11.06.12 (multi) [sd] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 5500
Match = "<!-- PROX: Body Insertion Ends -->$SET(a=\q)("
        "(\?)\0complete=1(\&hl=en|)(\&\2|)|\0\&complete=1(\&hl=en|) \2"
        "|(*[?&]hl=en|$SET(9=&hl=en))$SET(5=<a class=prox-atop href="\u&complete=1\9">Autocomplete</a>)*"
        "&(\4\&esrch=BetaShortcuts\6|$SET(s=<a class=prox-atop href="\u&esrch=BetaShortcuts">Shortcuts</a>)*)"
        "?$SET(#=<a class=prox-atop href="$GET(uProt)//$GET(uHost)\p)"
        "|$TST(\4=*)$SET(#=<a class=prox-atop href="$GET(uProt)//$GET(uHost)\p\4\6">Reset</a>)|"
        "$SET(5=<a class=prox-atop href="$GET(uProt)//$GET(uHost)/webhp?complete=1&hl=en">Autocomplete</a>)"
        "(^(^ <("
        "center>( <table(*>)+{1} <tr(*>)+{1} <td*>)+{0,1}"
        "|table(*>)+{1} <tr(*>)+{1}( <form*>)+{0,1} <td(*>)+{1} <a(*>)+{1}"
        ") <img src=$AV([a-z]+/*)))"
        "<!-- PROX: Body Insertion Ends -->\r\n<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">"
        "<tr><td align="right2 nowrap><font size="-1">\8</font></td></tr></table>"
        "( ($NEST(<noscript,</noscript >) |$NEST(<textarea,</textarea >)"
        " |$NEST(<script,</script >) |$NEST(<iframe,</iframe >)"
        " )+(<span*> )+<div)\3"
        "(*>(\&nbsp;\|\&nbsp;|\ \|\ |))\7(^(^"
        " <a[^>]++href="+https(*<)+{1}(^img|span)"
        "$SET(1=<!-- PROX: Body Insertion Ends -->\3\7\8&#160;|&#160;)"
Replace = "\1$SET(a=)$SET(s=)"

Name = "Google Images: Direct Links     11.06.12 [po] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(|*/)+{1}images\?|(www|encrypted).google.*\&tbm=isch)"
Bounds = "<a\s*>"
Limit = 1024
Match = "*/imgres\?imgurl\=\1\&(amp;)+imgrefurl\=\2\&*"
Replace = "<a class="Pr0XFlPref" href="\1" onmouseover="prxO.oFly.flShow(prxO.oFly.flLink("
          "'Originating&#160;Page','\2'),event,1);" onmouseout="prxO.oFly.flDHide();">"
Visit this user's website
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Jul. 30, 2011, 05:46 PM (This post was last modified: Jul. 30, 2011 05:47 PM by Toppy.)
Post: #2
RE: [F] Update to Google Filters (support for Google SSL)
Sorry to break into this thread, but does the "Show more Results" at the bottom of the Google Images pages correctly load more images ?
It doesn't work here, and I only see the [listen: click] and [onblur] proxo-buttons. Perhaps something still is disallowing the option to correctly load more search results there ?
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Jul. 31, 2011, 12:29 AM
Post: #3
RE: [F] Update to Google Filters (support for Google SSL)
I don't see "Show more Results". I have "Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Next"

Which browser and an affected address please?

My current filters use an unaltered google-css-dark.css.

Name = "Google Search: Remove Ad Blocks     11.07.11 [sd ku] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google."
Limit = 32766
Match = "<("
        "!-- PROX:( Header Bottom Insertion*-->)\1"
        "$SET(0=<!-- PROX:\1\r\n<style type="text/css">#tads,#mbEnd{display:none!important;}</style>\r\n)"
        "|table[^>]++id=$AV(mbEnd)$SET(#=mbEnd.)$INEST(<table,</table)</table >"
        " style=(*>)+{1} <font$INEST(<div,*href=$AV(/history\?*)$SET(#=history-d.)*,</div >)</div >"
        "|> <h2(*>)+{1}Sponsored$SET(#=sponsfloat.))$INEST(<div,</div >)</div >"
        "|table ("
        "cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr> <td valign(*>)+{1}( <font*>)+{2}([a-z]+ :)\#"
        "width=$AV(100%) style=$AV(border: 1px solid*)$SET(#=custom-ad.)"
        ")$INEST(<table,</table >)</table >"
        "|(*>)+{1} <tr> <td (^class)(*>)+{1} (<(/td > <td*<)+{0,1}(/+font*<)+|((*<)+{1}/+br+ > )+<)"
        "a href=$AV("
        ")$INEST(<table,</table >)</table >( <br*>)+{0,1}"
        "|center> <font$INEST(<center,"
        ",</center >)</center >( <(br|p)>)+"
        "|td rowspan=[#2] > <a\s[^>/]+//(tool(bar|s)|checkout|desktop|pack|webaccelerator)\"
        "$INEST(<td,</td >)</td > </tr > <tr> $NEST(<td,</td >)$SET(#= td.)"
        "|p>( <font*>)+(*<)+{1}a\s[^>/]+//(books.)\#google.(*<)+{1}/a >( </font >)+ <br>"
        "(^(^<br clear=all>|<table))"
Replace = "\r\n<!-- PROX-S: Modified/Removed by Google Ad Links Filter (\@) -->\r\n\0"

Name = "Google Search: Fix Shortcuts     11.07.11 [sd] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "(www|encrypted).google.(*/)+{1}extern_js/f/(*/)+{1}(*.)+{1}js"
Bounds = "\(function\(\) { var b=true, [ef]=false, g={};$INEST({,})"
Limit = 6000
Match = "(\#("
        "b.className=="g"$SET(#=a.b.className=="g"||a.b.className.indexOf("g ")==0)"
        "O</th>$SET(#=<tr><th>N</th><td>Opens the selected result in a new window.</td></tr><tr><th>O</th>)"
        "|/</th>$SET(#=<tr><th>S</th><td>Puts the cursor in the search box.</td></tr><tr><th>/</th>)"
        "$SET(#=<tr><th>&lt;Tab&gt;</th><td>Removes the cursor from the search box.</td></tr><tr><th>&lt;Esc)"
        "|,\"g\",$SET(#=,"g","g odd","g even",)"
        "|;case 47:$SET(#=;case 47:case 83:case 115:)"
        "|<table border=0 class=\"lg std\""
        "$SET(#=<table border=0 class="lg std" style="display:none;padding-bottom:10px;")"
        "|<(span[^>]+)\2>Keyboard Shortcuts*</span >"
        "$SET(#=<\2 style=\\"text-align:right;float:right;width:252px;font-size:13px;cursor:pointer;\\""
        " onclick=\\""
Replace = "\@"

Name = "Google Search: Alternate Display     11.07.30 (multi) [sd ku] (d.s) test"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))$SET(keyword=$TST(keyword=\1.(i_layout:[#*:0].)+\2)\1.i_layout:2.\2)"
Limit = 2048
Match = "(^?)$SET(a=)$SET(b=)$STOP()"
        "<br>(\r\n+|\n\r+)$SET(1= )"
        "/b> of (about )+<b>[0-9,]+</b> ((from|over the) $NEST(<b>,</b >) )+for <b>( <b>)+[^<]+"
        "</style >(^$TST(b=s))$SET(b=s)$SET(1="
        "</style>\r\n<script type="text/javascript">"
        "var prxSpics=["http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-","
        "new Image(),new Image(),new Image()];"
        "\r\n<style id="themed">\r\n"
        "/* Proxomitron "Google Alternate" CSS import */\r\n"
        "@import url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-css-alt.css);\r\n\r\n"
        "<div ("
        "$AV(ie6tb)>$INEST(<div,</div)</div >( $NEST(<script,</script >))+"
        "|$AV(exp_msgs)$INEST(<div,</div)</div >"
        "|style=$AV(margin : -5px 0 5px)$INEST(<div,</div)</div >"
        "<(div|li)\2 class="
        "((^ style=$AV(margin-(left|right)*))($TST(a=odd)$SET(a=even)|$SET(a=odd))|)$SET(3=$GET(a))"
        "(*( href=$AV(/interstitial\?url\=h\9|((*/)+{1}/(*/)+{1})\9?*|*))\5*</a >)\4"
        "<a href="h\9"><img src="http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-bug.png""
        " width=16 height=10 border=0 title="Malware warning!"></a>&#160;&#160;"
        "<a href="\9"><img src="http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-top.png""
        " width=10 height=10 border=0 title="Go to top domain"></a>&#160;&#160;"
        "<\2 class=\#&#x20;\3\#\#\4&#160;&#160;\0"
        "<a\5 target="_blank"><img src="http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-new.png""
        " width=14 height=10 border=0 title="Open in new window"></a>&#160;&#160;"
        "<div class="sfbg nojsv" style="top:30px"></div>"
        "<div class="sfbgg"></div>"
        "<div style="position:relative;height:29px;z-index:2">"
        "$SET(1=<div style="position:relative;z-index:2">)"
        "<a (^(^href=$AV(https+://**) >"
        " <img src(*>&&*alt=$AV(\2)*)))"
        "$SET(1=<a id="logo" )"
Replace = "\1"

Name = ". + Google Toggle: Left NavBar     11.07.11 (!nn multi) [ozo] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 256
Match = "<("
        "style( id="themed">*\*prox-dummy\*/)\2"
        "<style\2\r\n/* Proxomitron LeftNav adjustments */\r\n"
        "#leftnav {visibility: hidden;}\r\n"
        "#center_col {margin-left: 0 ;border: none;}\r\n"
        "#prox-navtoggle {\r\n"
        "  position: absolute; top: -17px; left: 10px; cursor: pointer;\r\n"
        "  color: #AAAAAA !important; font-size: 13px;\r\n"
        "|div id=($AV(leftnav))\2$STOP()"
        "\r\n\r\n<!-- PROX-S: Inserted by Google LeftNav Toggle -->\r\n"
        "<div id="prox-navtoggle" onclick="(function(){"
        "var c=document.getElementById('leftnav').style;c.visibility=c.visibility=='visible'?'hidden':'visible'"
        "})();">&#9660;&#160;Navigation</div>\r\n\r\n<div id=\2 class="prox-nav""
Replace = "\1"

Name = ". + Google Theme: Dark Blue     11.07.11 (!nn) [vc sd st] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 512
Match = "<("
        ")>( <br>|)$SET(1=<span id="logo\6"></span>)"
        "|div($INEST(<div,*/logo*,>)&&*width : [#267:400]px*)>$SET(1=<div align="left" id="logo-mn">)"
        "|a\s((*>)+{1})\2 <img[^>]++src="
        "$AV(*/(logo_(google_suggest_$SET(3= class="logo-sg")$SET(4=Suggest)|)|experimental_)sm*)"
        "*>$SET(1=<a id="logo"\3 \2\4<span>&#160;</span>)"
        "|style id="themed">\0/\*prox-dummy\*/"
        "$SET(5=: transparent; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader\(src=)"
        "|$SET(5=-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top left; background-image: url\()"
        "<style type="text/css">\0"
        "/* Proxomitron "Google Dark" CSS import */\r\n"
        "@import url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-css-dark.css);\r\n\r\n"
        "/* Proxomitron dark blue Google theme */\r\n"
        "body {background: #253960"
        " url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-bg-blue.png) repeat-x !important;}\r\n"
        "#logo-mn {display: block; margin-top: 7%; width: 281px; height: 103px;"
        " background\5http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-logo-m.png\);}\r\n"
        "a#logo {background\5http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-logo-s.png\);}\r\n"
        "a#logo img {visibility: hidden;}\r\n"
        "span#more, div#gbardd, .gb2, .mbEnd, table.ra, table.ra td, div#ss-box, div#po-box, div.prox-nav"
        " {background: #172E59 !important;}\r\n"
        ", .pb, #ssb, #bsf {background: #405882 !important;}\r\n"
        ".even {background: #334B7B;}\r\n"
        "|\&copy;( [#*:*])\2("
        "( Google)\3( </font>| - <a)\4"
        "|( - <a)\4$SET(3= <a href=""
        "">Gooogle</a>))$SET(1=&copy;\2\3 - Theme by <a href="">Valacar</a>\4)"
Replace = "\1"

Name = ". + Google Theme: Dark Gray     11.07.11 (!nn) [vc sd st] (o.s)"
Active = FALSE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 512
Match = "<("
        ")>( <br>|)$SET(1=<span id="logo\6"></span>)"
        "|div($INEST(<div,*/logo*,>)&&*width : [#267:400]px*)>$SET(1=<div align="left" id="logo-mn">)"
        "|a\s((*>)+{1})\2 <img[^>]++src="
        "$AV(*/(logo_(google_suggest_$SET(3= class="logo-sg")$SET(4=Suggest)|)|experimental_)sm*)"
        "*>$SET(1=<a id="logo"\3 \2\4<span>&#160;</span>)"
        "|style id="themed">\0/\*prox-dummy\*/"
        "$SET(5=: transparent; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader\(src=)"
        "|$SET(5=-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top left; background-image: url\()"
        "<style type="text/css">\0"
        "/* Proxomitron "Google Dark" CSS import */\r\n"
        "@import url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-css-dark.css);\r\n\r\n"
        "/* Proxomitron dark gray Google theme */\r\n"
        "body {background: #333333"
        " url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-bg-gray.png) repeat-x !important;}\r\n"
        "#logo-mn {display: block; margin-top: 7%; width: 281px; height: 103px;"
        " background\5http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-logo-m.png\);}\r\n"
        "a#logo {background\5http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-logo-s.png\);}\r\n"
        "a#logo img {visibility: hidden;}\r\n"
        "span#more, div#gbardd, .gb2, .mbEnd, table.ra, table.ra td, div#ss-box, div#po-box, div.prox-nav"
        " {background: #272627 !important;}\r\n"
        ", .pb, #ssb, #bsf {background: #606060 !important;}\r\n"
        ".even {background: #454343;}\r\n"
        "|\&copy;( [#*:*])\2("
        "( Google)\3( </font>| - <a)\4"
        "|( - <a)\4$SET(3= <a href=""
        "">Gooogle</a>))$SET(1=&copy;\2\3 - Theme by <a href="">Valacar</a>\4)"
Replace = "\1"

Name = ". + Google Theme: Light Blue     11.07.11 (!nn) [...] (o.s)"
Active = FALSE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 256
Match = "<style id="themed">"
        "$STOP(Code by: JD5000, sidki, Kye-U, ProxRocks, OZO)"
Replace = "<style type="text/css">\1"
          "/* Proxomitron light blue Google theme */\r\n"
          "body {margin-right: 1%;}\r\n"
          ".odd {background: #EFF6FF;}\r\n"
          ".even {background: #DFEFFF;}\r\n"
          "a:link, a:link span, .q a:link, a.prox-atop:visited {color: #0C5AA9;}\r\n"
          "a:visited {color: #087D7E;}\r\n"
          "a.l:hover {text-decoration: underline !important;}\r\n"
          "a:hover, a:hover span, a:visited:hover, .g .fl:hover {color: #1689FF;}\r\n"

Name = "Google Search: Add Modifier Links     11.07.11 (multi) [sd] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 5500
Match = "<!-- PROX: Body Insertion Ends -->$SET(a=\q)("
        "(\?)\0complete=1(\&hl=en|)(\&\2|)|\0\&complete=1(\&hl=en|) \2"
        "|(*[?&]hl=en|$SET(9=&hl=en))$SET(5=<a class=prox-atop href="\u&complete=1\9">Autocomplete</a>)*"
        "&(\4\&esrch=BetaShortcuts\6|$SET(s=<a class=prox-atop href="\u&esrch=BetaShortcuts">Shortcuts</a>)*)"
        "?$SET(#=<a class=prox-atop href="$GET(uProt)//$GET(uHost)\p)"
        "|$TST(\4=*)$SET(#=<a class=prox-atop href="$GET(uProt)//$GET(uHost)\p\4\6">Reset</a>)|"
        "$SET(5=<a class=prox-atop href="$GET(uProt)//$GET(uHost)/webhp?complete=1&hl=en">Autocomplete</a>)"
        "(^(^ <("
        "center>( <table(*>)+{1} <tr(*>)+{1} <td*>)+{0,1}"
        "|table(*>)+{1} <tr(*>)+{1}( <form*>)+{0,1} <td(*>)+{1} <a(*>)+{1}"
        ") <img src=$AV([a-z]+/*)))"
        "<!-- PROX: Body Insertion Ends -->\r\n<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">"
        "<tr><td align="right2 nowrap><font size="-1">\8</font></td></tr></table>"
        "( ($NEST(<noscript,</noscript >) |$NEST(<textarea,</textarea >)"
        " |$NEST(<script,</script >) |$NEST(<iframe,</iframe >)"
        " )+(<span*> )+<div)\3"
        "(*>(\&nbsp;\|\&nbsp;|\ \|\ |))\7(^(^"
        " <a[^>]++href="+https(*<)+{1}(^img|span)"
        "$SET(1=<!-- PROX: Body Insertion Ends -->\3\7\8&#160;|&#160;)"
Replace = "\1$SET(a=)$SET(s=)"

Name = "Google Images: Direct Links     11.07.11 [po] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(|*/)+{1}images\?|(www|encrypted).google.*\&tbm=isch)"
Bounds = "<a\s*>"
Limit = 1024
Match = "*/imgres\?imgurl\=\1\&(amp;)+imgrefurl\=\2\&*"
Replace = "<a class="Pr0XFlPref" href="\1" onmouseover="prxO.oFly.flShow(prxO.oFly.flLink("
          "'Originating&#160;Page','\2'),event,1);" onmouseout="prxO.oFly.flDHide();">"
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Jul. 31, 2011, 01:48 PM
Post: #4
RE: [F] Update to Google Filters (support for Google SSL)
Hi JJoe,

When you don't see any "Show more results", then you're probably on the Google WEB page, I was refering to the Google IMAGES page, which you can switch to at the very top of the Google results pages.
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Jul. 31, 2011, 02:10 PM
Post: #5
RE: [F] Update to Google Filters (support for Google SSL)

.png  opera.png (Size: 270.28 KB / Downloads: 954)
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Jul. 31, 2011, 05:52 PM (This post was last modified: Jul. 31, 2011 06:50 PM by Toppy.)
Post: #6
RE: [F] Update to Google Filters (support for Google SSL)
Weird, when I open the same url, this is mine :


EDIT: Indeed, with Opera it shows the result like yours, with Firefox 5 it shows the non-working button.Banging Head

EDIT2: In order to get the same "layout" in firefox as in opera, I have to click the "Switch to basic version" link at the bottom of the images pages.
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Jul. 31, 2011, 07:08 PM
Post: #7
RE: [F] Update to Google Filters (support for Google SSL)
Attach a copy of
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Jul. 31, 2011, 11:48 PM
Post: #8
RE: [F] Update to Google Filters (support for Google SSL)
Try it with my current Exceptions.ptxt.
Backup the old one.


Attached File(s)
.ptxt  Exceptions.ptxt (Size: 71.5 KB / Downloads: 792)
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Aug. 01, 2011, 08:47 AM (This post was last modified: Aug. 01, 2011 09:27 AM by Mele20.)
Post: #9
RE: [F] Update to Google Filters (support for Google SSL)
I have the same problem with Fx4 in that with the Standard Image search at Google the "show more results" button does not work.

However, that is a horrible search! As long as Google allows Basic Image search I will use that and it works just fine on Fx4.

I don't do image searches often...I don't use Google hardly ever...I use Scroogle instead. When did Google change to that awful Standard image search?

Opera 10.62 (I have 11.5 but I don't like any 11 version and I don't know if 11+ can do Standard search - it probably can) cannot do the Standard search. It only does the Basic thus there is no non-working button on it.

Hmmm....on Fx there is no way to BEGIN image search using Basic Search. You have to do the Standard search and THEN switch to basic. UGH.

How come I can't switch the Safe Search from Moderate to Off in Fx4? Also, how come only 18 images per page but 100 for Web search? On Opera Safe Search is set to Off, but I don't know how since I never have made a profile there and the only cookie is Proxo's. I also get only 18 images in Opera per page. The 18 images only is when I use Basic Image search on either Fx or Opera.

If I use Standard search on either browser I get 100 images per page. But I don't like Standard search.

There is another Proxo problem on Fx4, but not on Opera, and that is text on top of text if trying to click on Safe Search or Advanced Search. This is on both Standard Search and Basic Search. If I bypass Proxo it displays correctly. If I try several times to position the mouse in one very specific spot on those buttons then they work but I try repeatedly until I hit just the right spot since the buttons are so crowded together.

Attached File(s)
.png  Sunday, July 31, 2011 22;58;40001.png (Size: 28.6 KB / Downloads: 812)
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Aug. 15, 2011, 03:52 AM (This post was last modified: Dec. 16, 2011 10:42 PM by JJoe.)
Post: #10
RE: [F] Update to Google Filters (support for Google SSL)
Definitely, a work in progress.
Lightly tested with Dark Blue theme and IE9, Firefox5, ChromePlus, Opera 11, K-Meleon.
May get to look at IE7 tomorrow, .

Have fun?

Name = "|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Google"
Active = TRUE
URL = "^?"
Limit = 1
Match = "<end>"

Name = "Google: Cached Header Mover     10.08.26 [th sd] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)|cse|custom)\?*q=cache(:|%3)"
Limit = 4096
Match = "$STOP()*<div style=$AV(position : relative*) >&&("
        "(<meta*> )\8|(<base*> )\9|of <a href=$AV(\1)*</a >[^<]++appeared on([^<]++GMT)\2"
        "|> <A HREF=$AV(http://$TST(uHost)(^.)&\4)$SET(3="
        "&#160;&#160;<span class=\\"Pr0xAlert Pr0x\\">"
        "<a class=\\"Pr0x\\" href=\\"\4\\">[toggle&#160;format]<\\/a><\\/span>"
        "|highlighted: (($NEST(<span,</span >) \&nbsp; )+&&(\#(\"$SET(#=\\")|</$SET(#=<\\/)))+\#)"
        "$SET(sSpec=$GET(sSpec)cached Header.)"
        "<table class=\\"Pr0x\\" style=\\"display:$GET(displayI)\\"><tr><td>"
        "<span class=\\"Pr0xAlert Pr0x\\">"
        "<a class=\\"Pr0x\\" href=\\"\1\\">\1<\\/a><\\/span>"
        "<span class=\\"Pr0xDummy Pr0x\\"> at: \2.<\\/span>\3"

Name = "Google: Multi URL Untangler     11.10.10 (multi) [sd jjoe] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(*.)+{1}google."
Bounds = "<a\s*>"
Limit = 512
Match = "<a(\s*)\7("
        "| onmousedown=$AV(return (clk|rwt|hlprwt) \(*)$SET(1=Js)"
Replace = "<a class="Pr0XPref\1$GET(s)$SET(s=)"\@\2\3"

Name = "Google Search: Remove Ad Blocks part 1     11.12.06 [multi] (d.s) ADD test"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google."
Limit = 32766
Match = "<div\s?(*>)+{1} <h2 class=$AV(spon)*"
        "( (<div id=$AV( i+res ) >)+{1,2} <ol>)\#"
        "(</div> <div id=$AV(foot) >)\#"
Replace = "\@"

Name = "Google Search: spacebug     11.11.18 [multi] (d.s) ADD test"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google."
Limit = 5120
Match = "<(div(*>)+{1} <h2(*>)+{1}Sponsored)"
        "((*<(div|table|td|tr|li)[^\r\n<>]+)\#[\r\n] (^(^[^<>]+>))"
        "(([^\r\n<>]+)\#[\r\n] "
Replace = "\@"

Name = "Google Search: Remove Ad Blocks     11.11.21 [sd ku] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google."
Limit = 32766
Match = "<("
        "!-- PROX:( Header Bottom Insertion*-->)\1"
        "$SET(0=<!-- PROX:\1\r\n<style type="text/css">h2.spon,li.taf,li.tal,li.tam,#tads,#mbEnd{display:none!important;}</style>\r\n)"
        "|table[^>]++id=$AV(mbEnd)$SET(#=mbEnd.)$INEST(<table,</table)</table >"
        " style=(*>)+{1} <font$INEST(<div,*href=$AV(/history\?*)$SET(#=history-d.)*,</div >)</div >"
        "|(*>)+{1} <h2(*>)+{1}Sponsored$SET(#=sponsfloat.)"
        "|(*>)+{1} <table[^>]++align=$AV(right)(*>)+{1}( <(*>)+{1}( \&NBSP;)+)+ sponsored$SET(#=sponsoreddivtbl-ad.))$INEST(<div,</div >)</div >"
        "|table ("
        "cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr> <td valign(*>)+{1}( <font*>)+{2}([a-z]+ :)\#"
        "(width=$AV(100%) style=$AV(border: 1px solid*)$SET(#=custom-ad.)|align=$AV(right)(*>)+{1}( <(*>)+{1}( \&NBSP;)+)+ sponsored$SET(#=sponsoredtbl-ad.))"
        ")$INEST(<table,</table >)</table >"
        "|(*>)+{1} <tr> <td (^class)(*>)+{1} (<(/td > <td*<)+{0,1}(/+font*<)+|((*<)+{1}/+br+ > )+<)"
        "a href=$AV("
        ")$INEST(<table,</table >)</table >( <br*>)+{0,1}"
        "|center> <font$INEST(<center,"
        ",</center >)</center >( <(br|p)>)+"
        "|td rowspan=[#2] > <a\s[^>/]+//(tool(bar|s)|checkout|desktop|pack|webaccelerator)\"
        "$INEST(<td,</td >)</td > </tr > <tr> $NEST(<td,</td >)$SET(#= td.)"
        "|p>( <font*>)+(*<)+{1}a\s[^>/]+//(books.)\#google.(*<)+{1}/a >( </font >)+ <br>"
        "(^(^<br clear=all>|<table))"
Replace = "\r\n<!-- PROX-S: Modified/Removed by Google Ad Links Filter (\@) -->\r\n\0"

Name = "Google Search: Fix Shortcuts     11.07.11 [sd] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "(www|encrypted).google.(*/)+{1}extern_js/f/(*/)+{1}(*.)+{1}js"
Bounds = "\(function\(\) { var b=true, [ef]=false, g={};$INEST({,})"
Limit = 6000
Match = "(\#("
        "b.className=="g"$SET(#=a.b.className=="g"||a.b.className.indexOf("g ")==0)"
        "O</th>$SET(#=<tr><th>N</th><td>Opens the selected result in a new window.</td></tr><tr><th>O</th>)"
        "|/</th>$SET(#=<tr><th>S</th><td>Puts the cursor in the search box.</td></tr><tr><th>/</th>)"
        "$SET(#=<tr><th>&lt;Tab&gt;</th><td>Removes the cursor from the search box.</td></tr><tr><th>&lt;Esc)"
        "|,\"g\",$SET(#=,"g","g odd","g even",)"
        "|;case 47:$SET(#=;case 47:case 83:case 115:)"
        "|<table border=0 class=\"lg std\""
        "$SET(#=<table border=0 class="lg std" style="display:none;padding-bottom:10px;")"
        "|<(span[^>]+)\2>Keyboard Shortcuts*</span >"
        "$SET(#=<\2 style=\\"text-align:right;float:right;width:252px;font-size:13px;cursor:pointer;\\""
        " onclick=\\""
Replace = "\@"

Name = "Google Search: Alternate Display     11.12.13 (multi) [sd ku] (d.s) test"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^tbm=isch|*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))$SET(keyword=$TST(keyword=\1.(i_layout:[#*:0].)+\2)\1.i_layout:2.\2)"
Limit = 2048
Match = "(^?)$SET(a=)$SET(b=)$STOP()"
        "(<td class=$AV(j)$SET(classj=1))+"
        "<br>(\r\n+|\n\r+| <$SET(classj=)(^)|$TST(classj=1))$SET(1= )"
        "/b> of (about )+<b>[0-9,]+</b> ((from|over the) $NEST(<b>,</b >) )+for <b>( <b>)+[^<]+"
        "</style >(^$TST(b=s))$SET(b=s)$SET(1="
        "</style>\r\n<script type="text/javascript">"
        "var prxSpics=["http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-","
        "new Image(),new Image(),new Image()];"
        "\r\n<style id="themed">\r\n"
        "/* Proxomitron "Google Alternate" CSS import */\r\n"
        "@import url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-css-alt.css);\r\n\r\n"
        "<div ("
        "$AV(ie6tb)>$INEST(<div,</div)</div >( $NEST(<script,</script >))+"
        "|$AV(exp_msgs)$INEST(<div,</div)</div >"
        "|style=$AV(margin : -5px 0 5px)$INEST(<div,</div)</div >"
        "<(div|li)\2 class="
        "((^ style=$AV(margin-(left|right)*))($TST(a=odd)$SET(a=even)|$SET(a=odd))|)$SET(3=$GET(a))"
        "(*( href=$AV(/interstitial\?url\=h\9|((*/)+{1}/(*/)+{1})\9?*|*))\5*</a >)\4"
        "<a href="h\9"><img src="http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-bug.png""
        " width=16 height=10 border=0 title="Malware warning!"></a>&#160;&#160;"
        "<a href="\9"><img src="http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-top.png""
        " width=10 height=10 border=0 title="Go to top domain"></a>&#160;&#160;"
        "<\2 class=\#&#x20;\3\#\#\4&#160;&#160;\0"
        "<a\5 target="_blank"><img src="http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-new.png""
        " width=14 height=10 border=0 title="Open in new window"></a>&#160;&#160;"
        "<div class="sfbg nojsv" style="top:30px"></div>"
        "<div class="sfbgg"></div>"
        "<div style="position:relative;height:29px;z-index:2">"
        "$SET(1=<div style="position:relative;z-index:2">)"
        "<a (^(^href=$AV(https+://**) >"
        " <img src(*>&&*alt=$AV(\2)*)))"
        "$SET(1=<a id="logo" )"
        "<a (^(^href=$AV(https+://*) >"
        " <img src=\"/logo(*>&&*alt=$AV(\2)*)))"
        "$SET(1=<a id="logo" )"
        "<div id="logocont""
        "<div style=$AV(max-width:509px)>"
        "#(mn{ table-layout:fixed;width:)\2996px"
Replace = "\1"

Name = ". + Google Toggle: Left NavBar     11.12.13 (!nn multi) [ozo] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^tbm=isch|*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 10000
Match = "<("
        "style( id="themed">*\*prox-dummy\*/)\2"
        "<style\2\r\n/* Proxomitron LeftNav adjustments */\r\n"
        "#leftnav {visibility: hidden;}\r\n"
        "#center_col {margin-left: 0 ;border: none;}\r\n"
        "#prox-navtoggle {\r\n"
        "  position: absolute; top: -17px; left: 10px; cursor: pointer;\r\n"
        "  color: #AAAAAA !important; font-size: 13px;\r\n"
        "|div id=($AV(leftnav))\2$STOP()"
        "\r\n\r\n<!-- PROX-S: Inserted by Google LeftNav Toggle -->\r\n"
        "<div id="prox-navtoggle" onclick="(function(){"
        "var c=document.getElementById('leftnav').style;c.visibility=c.visibility=='visible'?'hidden':'visible'"
        "})();">&#9660;&#160;Navigation</div>\r\n\r\n<div id=\2 class="prox-nav""
        "|tr><td valign=$AV(top) id=$AV(leftnav)$STOP()(*>)+{1}\2</td>"
        "</table>\r\n<!-- Hide LeftNav -->\r\n<style>"
        "#leftnav {visibility:hidden;border:solid 1px blue;width:12em;position:absolute;top:10em;left:.8em;background:white;}"
        "<div style=\"position:absolute;top:12em;left:0em;cursor:pointer;color:blue;font-size:75%;\" title=\"Toggle Left Bar\"  onclick=\"c=document.getElementById('leftnav').style;c.visibility!='visible'?(c.visibility='visible',this.innerHTML='&#9668;'):(c.visibility='hidden',this.innerHTML='&#9658;');return false;\">&#9658;</div>\r\n"
        "<div id="leftnav">\2</div><table id=cont><tr>"
Replace = "\1"

Name = ". + Google Theme: Dark Blue     11.12.13 (!nn) [vc sd st] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^tbm=isch|*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 512
Match = "<("
        ")>( <br>|)$SET(1=<span id="logo\6"></span>)"
        "|div($INEST(<div,*/logo*,>)&&*width : [#267:400]px*)>$SET(1=<div align="left" id="logo-mn">)"
        "|a\s((*>)+{1})\2 <img[^>]++src="
        "$AV(*/(logo_(google_suggest_$SET(3= class="logo-sg")$SET(4=Suggest)|)|experimental_)sm*)"
        "*>$SET(1=<a id="logo"\3 \2\4<span>&#160;</span>)"
        "|style id="themed">\0/\*prox-dummy\*/"
        "$SET(5=: transparent; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader\(src=)"
        "|$SET(5=-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top left; background-image: url\()"
        "<style type="text/css">\0"
        "/* Proxomitron "Google Dark" CSS import */\r\n"
        "@import url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-css-dark.css);\r\n\r\n"
        "/* Proxomitron dark blue Google theme */\r\n"
        "body {background: #253960"
        " url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-bg-blue.png) repeat-x !important;}\r\n"
        "#logo-mn {display: block; margin-top: 7%; width: 281px; height: 103px;"
        " background\5http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-logo-m.png\);}\r\n"
        "a#logo {background\5http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-logo-s.png\);}\r\n"
        "a#logo img {visibility: hidden;}\r\n"
        "span#more, div#gbardd, .gb2, .mbEnd, table.ra, table.ra td, div#ss-box, div#po-box, div.prox-nav"
        ", div#leftnav, div#gbd.gbm,  {background: #172E59 !important;}\r\n"
        ", .pb, #ssb, #bsf {background: #405882 !important;}\r\n"
        ".even {background: #334B7B;}\r\n"
        "|\&copy;( [#*:*])\2("
        "( Google)\3( </font>| - <a)\4"
        "|( - <a)\4$SET(3= <a href=""
        "">Gooogle</a>))$SET(1=&copy;\2\3 - Theme by <a href="">Valacar</a>\4)"
Replace = "\1"

Name = ". + Google Theme: Dark Gray     11.12.13 (!nn) [vc sd st] (o.s)"
Active = FALSE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^tbm=isch|*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 512
Match = "<("
        ")>( <br>|)$SET(1=<span id="logo\6"></span>)"
        "|div($INEST(<div,*/logo*,>)&&*width : [#267:400]px*)>$SET(1=<div align="left" id="logo-mn">)"
        "|a\s((*>)+{1})\2 <img[^>]++src="
        "$AV(*/(logo_(google_suggest_$SET(3= class="logo-sg")$SET(4=Suggest)|)|experimental_)sm*)"
        "*>$SET(1=<a id="logo"\3 \2\4<span>&#160;</span>)"
        "|style id="themed">\0/\*prox-dummy\*/"
        "$SET(5=: transparent; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader\(src=)"
        "|$SET(5=-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: top left; background-image: url\()"
        "<style type="text/css">\0"
        "/* Proxomitron "Google Dark" CSS import */\r\n"
        "@import url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-css-dark.css);\r\n\r\n"
        "/* Proxomitron dark gray Google theme */\r\n"
        "body {background: #333333"
        " url(http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-bg-gray.png) repeat-x !important;}\r\n"
        "#logo-mn {display: block; margin-top: 7%; width: 281px; height: 103px;"
        " background\5http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-logo-m.png\);}\r\n"
        "a#logo {background\5http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-logo-s.png\);}\r\n"
        "a#logo img {visibility: hidden;}\r\n"
        "span#more, div#gbardd, .gb2, .mbEnd, table.ra, table.ra td, div#ss-box, div#po-box, div.prox-nav"
        ", div#leftnav, div#gbd.gbm, {background: #272627 !important;}\r\n"
        ", .pb, #ssb, #bsf {background: #606060 !important;}\r\n"
        ".even {background: #454343;}\r\n"
        "|\&copy;( [#*:*])\2("
        "( Google)\3( </font>| - <a)\4"
        "|( - <a)\4$SET(3= <a href=""
        "">Gooogle</a>))$SET(1=&copy;\2\3 - Theme by <a href="">Valacar</a>\4)"
Replace = "\1"

Name = ". + Google Theme: Light Blue     11.08.14 (!nn) [...] (o.s)"
Active = FALSE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^tbm=isch|*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 256
Match = "<style id="themed">"
        "$STOP(Code by: JD5000, sidki, Kye-U, ProxRocks, OZO)"
Replace = "<style type="text/css">\1"
          "/* Proxomitron light blue Google theme */\r\n"
          "body {margin-right: 1%;}\r\n"
          ".odd {background: #EFF6FF;}\r\n"
          ".even {background: #DFEFFF;}\r\n"
          "a:link, a:link span, .q a:link, a.prox-atop:visited {color: #0C5AA9;}\r\n"
          "a:visited {color: #087D7E;}\r\n"
          "a.l:hover {text-decoration: underline !important;}\r\n"
          "a:hover, a:hover span, a:visited:hover, .g .fl:hover {color: #1689FF;}\r\n"

Name = "Google Search: Add Modifier Links     11.08.14 (multi) [sd] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^tbm=isch|*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 5500
Match = "<!-- PROX: Body Insertion Ends -->$SET(a=\q)("
        "(\?)\0complete=1(\&hl=en|)(\&\2|)|\0\&complete=1(\&hl=en|) \2"
        "|(*[?&]hl=en|$SET(9=&hl=en))$SET(5=<a class=prox-atop href="\u&complete=1\9">Autocomplete</a>)*"
        "&(\4\&esrch=BetaShortcuts\6|$SET(s=<a class=prox-atop href="\u&esrch=BetaShortcuts">Shortcuts</a>)*)"
        "?$SET(#=<a class=prox-atop href="$GET(uProt)//$GET(uHost)\p)"
        "|$TST(\4=*)$SET(#=<a class=prox-atop href="$GET(uProt)//$GET(uHost)\p\4\6">Reset</a>)|"
        "$SET(5=<a class=prox-atop href="$GET(uProt)//$GET(uHost)/webhp?complete=1&hl=en">Autocomplete</a>)"
        "(^(^ <("
        "center>( <table(*>)+{1} <tr(*>)+{1} <td*>)+{0,1}"
        "|table(*>)+{1} <tr(*>)+{1}( <form*>)+{0,1} <td(*>)+{1} <a(*>)+{1}"
        ") <img src=$AV([a-z]+/*)))"
        "<!-- PROX: Body Insertion Ends -->\r\n<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">"
        "<tr><td align="right2 nowrap><font size="-1">\8</font></td></tr></table>"
        "( ($NEST(<noscript,</noscript >) |$NEST(<textarea,</textarea >)"
        " |$NEST(<script,</script >) |$NEST(<iframe,</iframe >)"
        " )+(<span*> )+<div)\3"
        "(*>(\&nbsp;\|\&nbsp;|\ \|\ |))\7(^(^"
        " <a[^>]++href="+https(*<)+{1}(^img|span)"
        "$SET(1=<!-- PROX: Body Insertion Ends -->\3\7\8&#160;|&#160;)"
Replace = "\1$SET(a=)$SET(s=)"

Name = "Google Books/Groups: Remove Ad Blocks     09.01.17 [jd ku sd] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(books|groups).google."
Limit = 32766
Match = "<table\s[^>]++id=$AV(adt|rhssection&\1)"
        "$INEST(<table,</table)</table >"
        "|$SET(0=<table style="display:none">)*>"
Replace = "\r\n<!-- PROX-S: Removed by Google Books/Groups Filter (\1) -->\r\n\0"

Name = "Google Images: Direct Links     11.08.14 [po] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)$TST(hCT=*html)(|*/)+{1}images\?|(www|encrypted).google.(*/)+{1}search\?(tbm=isch|*\&tbm=isch))"
Bounds = "<a\s*>"
Limit = 1024
Match = "*/imgres\?imgurl\=\1\&(amp;)+imgrefurl\=\2\&*"
Replace = "<a class="Pr0XFlPref" href="\1" onmouseover="prxO.oFly.flShow(prxO.oFly.flLink("
          "'Originating&#160;Page','\2'),event,1);" onmouseout="prxO.oFly.flDHide();">"

[HTTP headers]
Out = TRUE
Key = "! : JUMP: Google complete off (out) (11.12.13)"
URL = "*/)+{1}(^(images|csi)\?)((^?)$SET(\0=webhp?)|(*\?)+{1}(^(*\&)++complete=0)$SET(\0=&))&$JUMP(\u\0complete=0)"
Replace = "$LOG(R$DTM(c) JUMP to google complete off)"

Edit to add "Google: Multi URL Untangler 11.10.10 (multi) [sd jjoe] (d.s)"
Edit to add:
"Google Search: Remove Ad Blocks part 1 11.11.18 [multi] (d.s) ADD test",
"++ Google Search: - Hide LeftNav 11.11.19 [ozo] ADD MOD"
Google Search: Remove Ad Blocks 11.11.18 [sd ku] (d.s),
Google Search: Alternate Display 11.11.18 (multi) [sd ku] (d.s) test

Edit to update Exceptions.ptxt 2011-12-11
Edit to add: google-css-dark.css 2011-12-11, ! : JUMP: Google complete off (out) (11.11.26)

Edit 11.12.13: fixed found drop menu backgrounds and logo issues. tweaked, merged, and organized filters and features. HTH

Edit 11.12.14: Added googlefilters.txt per

Edit 11.12.16: Removed warning added on 11.12.14. Code appears to be correct.

Attached File(s)
.css  google-css-alt.css (Size: 2.05 KB / Downloads: 794)
.ptxt  Exceptions.ptxt (Size: 70.74 KB / Downloads: 759)
.css  google-css-dark.css (Size: 3.31 KB / Downloads: 732)
.txt  googlefilters.txt (Size: 21.57 KB / Downloads: 780)
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Oct. 10, 2011, 09:13 PM
Post: #11
RE: [F] Update to Google Filters (support for Google SSL)
Responding to

Name = "Google: Multi URL Untangler     11.10.10 (multi) [sd jjoe] (d.s)"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(*.)+{1}google."
Bounds = "<a\s*>"
Limit = 512
Match = "<a(\s*)\7("
        "| onmousedown=$AV(return (clk|rwt|hlprwt) \(*)$SET(1=Js)"
Replace = "<a class="Pr0XPref\1$GET(s)$SET(s=)"\@\2\3"

Added (\s*)\7 to ensure that \7 contains at least a space.
Kept the space in " onmousedown" to prevent extra space in the filter's output, .
Had totally forgot about
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Nov. 21, 2011, 03:31 AM
Post: #12
RE: [F] Update to Google Filters (support for Google SSL)
Aug. 14, 2011 11:52 PM post's filters updated.

"Google Search: Remove Ad Blocks part 1 11.11.18 [multi] (d.s) ADD test",
"++ Google Search: - Hide LeftNav 11.11.19 [ozo] ADD MOD"
Google Search: Remove Ad Blocks 11.11.18 [sd ku] (d.s),
Google Search: Alternate Display 11.11.18 (multi) [sd ku] (d.s) test

Have fun.
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Dec. 11, 2011, 08:21 PM
Post: #13
RE: [F] Update to Google Filters (support for Google SSL)
Since a while ago, Google sends me a different page layout. I'm using Opera 11.52 and the dark blue theme. I'm using the above filters and replaced the original "google-css-alt.css" and "Exceptions.ptxt"

1. The text in the search input box is white (you can't read what you type!)
2. Google suggest is kicking in although it shouldn't, according to the set's fake cookie.

.jpg  google search.jpg (Size: 33.3 KB / Downloads: 803)

3. In the results page, the left nav bar toggle isn't working.
4. In the results page, there's some word highlighting to black (which is impossible to read). This can be easily fixed by changing the correct attribute to !important in google-css-dark.css.

.jpg  CSS !important.jpg (Size: 273.72 KB / Downloads: 854)

Then I tried to fake IE UA, and I got the same good old layout that was working well, BUT (and there's always a but) the left nav bar toggle isn't working.

Also I'm getting a double i_layout:2 keyword.
when "++ Google Search: - Hide LeftNav 11.11.19 [ozo] ADD MOD" is checked. Is that OK??

.jpg  double i_layout2.jpg (Size: 126.52 KB / Downloads: 816)

In the last screenshot, you can see all the google filters I'm using, I have found two new ones in another thread but the results are the same.
Google Search: Remove Ad Blocks 11.11.29 [sd ku] (d.s)
Google Search: Alternate Display 11.11.29 (multi) [sd ku] (d.s) test
(in a quick comparison with Alternate Display dated 11.11.18 the only difference was the DATE??!)

I remember Sidki chose to fake UA because of the ajax stuff, maybe it's time to fake another browser again?

OMG! I think my head is going to explode! Banging Head Wink
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Dec. 12, 2011, 03:26 AM (This post was last modified: Dec. 12, 2011 03:57 AM by JJoe.)
Post: #14
RE: [F] Update to Google Filters (support for Google SSL)
(Dec. 11, 2011 08:21 PM)eclipse Wrote:  1. The text in the search input box is white (you can't read what you type!)
2. Google suggest is kicking in although it shouldn't, according to the set's fake cookie.

These are related. Google is sometimes ignoring the cookie. I think there is also an error in the posted "Exceptions.ptxt". I'll update the file but the cookie may still be ignored.

Google Employee Wrote:With regard to your post, it's in keeping with our vision of a unified Google search experience to make popular, useful features part of the default experience, rather than maintain different versions of Google. As Autocomplete quality has improved, we felt it was appropriate to have it always on for all of our users.

However, the "complete=off" parameter still appears to work

[HTTP headers]
Out = TRUE
Key = "! : JUMP: Google complete off (out) (11.11.26)"
URL = "*/)+{1}(^(images|csi)\?)((^?)$SET(\0=webhp?)|*\?(^(*\&)++complete=0)$SET(\0=&))&$JUMP(\u\0complete=0)"
Replace = "$LOG(R$DTM(c) JUMP to google complete off)"

(Dec. 11, 2011 08:21 PM)eclipse Wrote:  3. In the results page, the left nav bar toggle isn't working.

Is working for me. Using the posted leftnav filters.
Can you post the code that is not matched and the address of the page?

(Dec. 11, 2011 08:21 PM)eclipse Wrote:  4. In the results page, there's some word highlighting to black (which is impossible to read). This can be easily fixed by changing the correct attribute to !important in google-css-dark.css.

What is your preference?

(Dec. 11, 2011 08:21 PM)eclipse Wrote:  Also I'm getting a double i_layout:2 keyword.
when "++ Google Search: - Hide LeftNav 11.11.19 [ozo] ADD MOD" is checked. Is that OK??

It won't hurt. After the two filters are merged there will be only one keyword entry.

(Dec. 11, 2011 08:21 PM)eclipse Wrote:  (in a quick comparison with Alternate Display dated 11.11.18 the only difference was the DATE??!)

Date was a typo. [blush]

(Dec. 11, 2011 08:21 PM)eclipse Wrote:  I remember Sidki chose to fake UA because of the ajax stuff, maybe it's time to fake another browser again?

Is there one that you like that always gets the same code?
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Dec. 12, 2011, 02:02 PM
Post: #15
RE: [F] Update to Google Filters (support for Google SSL)
(Dec. 12, 2011 03:26 AM)JJoe Wrote:  
(Dec. 11, 2011 08:21 PM)eclipse Wrote:  (in a quick comparison with Alternate Display dated 11.11.18 the only difference was the DATE??!)

Date was a typo. [blush]

i've done that more than a time or two myself...
for me, it's because sidki uses a "non-standard" date (year first, month, then day)...

okay, not really "non-standard", but here in the US, "most" of us really are far too accustomed to month/day/year and seeing it done differently than that does look really weird Smile!

even after looking at sidki's date-code for "years", i STILL have to scroll through the filters to find numbers higher than "12" as a reminder to myself to know which one is the "month" and which one is the "day"...
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