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Google Updates...
Nov. 09, 2011, 05:15 PM
Post: #1
Google Updates...
from a curiosity perspective, how many here use alternate display Google filters?

i'm in-process of running mine through the gauntlet and i'm curious as to whether there is a "public need" for them or not...
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Nov. 09, 2011, 05:28 PM
Post: #2
RE: Google Updates...
I do Smile!
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Nov. 11, 2011, 10:59 AM (This post was last modified: Nov. 11, 2011 10:59 AM by Toppy.)
Post: #3
RE: Google Updates...
i do too Smile!
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Nov. 13, 2011, 01:26 PM
Post: #4
RE: Google Updates...
here are the Google Search filters that i am now using...
i use a "preview" feature (opens search results in an iframe within the same page instead of opening a new browser tab or window) that was first introduced by JD5000 and was never officially incorporated by sidki...

first off, these no longer require the ". + Google Toggle: Left NavBar" filter and it should be un-checked (disabled)...
these filters axe the NavBar and having "two" filters targeting the NavBar probably just introduces "risk" of them not 'playing well with others'...

the other sidki, jjoe, et alia Google filters maintained by the Proxo Community should be kept in place ("Google: Convert Results: &", "Google: Cached Header Mover", "Google: Multi URL Untangler", "Google Search: Remove Ad Blocks", "Google Search: Fix Shortcuts", "Google Books/Groups: Remove Ad Blocks", "Google Images: Direct Links")... be sure to un-check (disable) the other "theme" filters, of course... also un-check (disable) the infor bar, left bar, and logo theme-filters that are floating about (if you have them, you know the one's i'm referring to - these are not abandoned, per se, they are incorporated directly into my "theme")...

these are not 'tested' with the "Google Search: Add Modifier Links" filter that 'comes with' sidki's config and is enabled by default as i disable that one for my own preference - i do not know if it "interferes" with my theme or not, to be honest... i'll let anybody that decides to use my theme report findings on that front...

okay, "intro" / "disclaimers" aside, lol...

here is the first filter that you will need to add...
i have it placed directly beneath "Header Top Add: User JS Code on sel. Sites" in the "||| Pre-Body" section...
you only need this if you want the "preview" function that JD5000 used to use...
Name = "Header Top Add: User JS Code - Google Preview [add]"
Active = TRUE
URL = "(^TYPE(oth))"
Limit = 16
Match = "(^(^<ProxHdrTop>))$STOP()"
Replace = "\t<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[\r\n"
          "\t function GooglePrv(Gid,Gsrc,Glid,Gplid) {\r\n"
          "\t \r\n"
          "\t prxO.oInt.inToggleB(Gplid,'id','a',1);\r\n"
          "\t prxO.oInt.inToggleB(Glid,'id','a',1);\r\n"
          "\t prxO.oInt.inToggleB(Gid,'id','div',1);\r\n"
          "\t \r\n"
          "\t var Giframe = document.createElement("iframe");\r\n"
          "\t Giframe.setAttribute("src", Gsrc );\r\n"
          "\t Giframe.setAttribute("width", "95%" );\r\n"
          "\t Giframe.setAttribute("height", "300px" );\r\n"
          "\t \r\n"
          "\t document.getElementById(Gid).appendChild(Giframe);\r\n"
          "\t }\r\n"
          "\t \r\n"
          "\t function GooglePrvC(Gid,Glid,Gplid) {\r\n"
          "\t \r\n"
          "\t prxO.oInt.inToggleB(Gplid,'id','a',1);\r\n"
          "\t prxO.oInt.inToggleB(Glid,'id','a',1);\r\n"
          "\t prxO.oInt.inToggleB(Gid,'id','div',1);\r\n"
          "\t \r\n\t }\r\n\t//]]></script>\r\n"

these next three are placed immediately following the un-checked (disabled) publicly-maintained "Google Search: Alternate Display" (any publicly-maintained updates are incorporated into my theme)...
Name = "Google Search: Alternate Display - Part 1     11.11.12 {PFR} [add]"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^tbm=isch|*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))$SET(keyword=$TST(keyword=\1.(i_layout:[#*:0].)+\2)\1.i_layout:2.\2)"
Limit = 2048
Match = "(^?)$SET(a=)$SET(b=)$STOP()"
        "}\s</style >(^$TST(b=s))$SET(b=s)$SET(1="
        "\r\n<style id="themed">\r\n"
        "<(div|li)\2 class="
        "((^ style=$AV(margin-(left|right)*))($TST(a=odd)$SET(a=even)|$SET(a=odd))|)$SET(3=$GET(a))"
        "(*( href=$AV(/interstitial\?url\=h\9tp(s$SET(Gsecure=https-px-.)|):\/\/\8|http(s$SET(Gsecure=https-px-.)|):\/\/(([^/]+/)\9?*)\8|http(s$SET(Gsecure=https-px-.)|):\/\/\8)*)\5>*</a >)\4\6"
        "<a href="http://$GET(Gsecure)\8"><span dir=ltr><img src="http://local.ptron/My_HTML/storm119_HTML/sim.png""
        " width=15 height=15 border=0 align="top" title="Malware warning!"></a>"
        ")*|$SET(0=&#160;<a class="tool" href="http://$GET(Gsecure)\9" title="open in this window">&#160;&#160;</a>"
        "<a href="http://$GET(Gsecure)\9" target=_blank><span dir=ltr><img src="http://local.ptron/sidki_h_$GET(cfg)/Google/google-top.png""
        " width=10 height=10 border=0 align="middle" title="Go to top domain"></a>"
        "$SET(iframe=<div id="google$GET(google)" style="display:none"></div>)"
        "<\2 class=\#&#x20;\3\#\#\4\0"
        "<a class="tool"\5 title="open in this window"><span dir=ltr>&#160;&#160;</a>"
        "<a class="tool"\5 target=_blank><span dir=ltr><img src="http://local.ptron/Grypen_HTML/imgs/google/new.png""
        " width=13 height=13 border=0 align="middle">&#160;New&#160;Window</a>&#160;&#160;"
        "<a id="plink$GET(google)" class="tool" style="display:inline""
        " href="javascript:GooglePrv('google$GET(google)','&#104;ttp://$GET(Gsecure)\8','link$GET(google)','plink$GET(google)')">"
        "<img src="http://local.ptron/My_HTML/storm119_HTML/preview.png""
        " width=15 height=15 border=0 align="top">&#160;Preview</a>"
        "<a id="link$GET(google)" class="tool" style="display:none""
        " href="javascript:GooglePrvC('google$GET(google)','link$GET(google)','vlink$GET(google)')">"
        "<img src="http://local.ptron/My_HTML/storm119_HTML/close.png""
        " width=15 height=15 border=0 align="top">&#160;Close&#160;Preview</a>"
        "<a id="vlink$GET(google)" class="tool" style="display:none""
        " href="javascript:GooglePrvC('google$GET(google)','link$GET(google)','vlink$GET(google)')">"
        "<img src="http://local.ptron/My_HTML/storm119_HTML/reload.png""
        " width=15 height=15 border=0 align="top">&#160;Show&#160;Preview</a>"
Replace = "\1$GET(Gtranslate)$SET(Gtranslate=)"

Name = "Google Search: Alternate Display - Part 2     11.11.12 {PFR} [add]"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^tbm=isch|*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))$SET(keyword=$TST(keyword=\1.(i_layout:[#*:0].)+\2)\1.i_layout:2.\2)"
Limit = 10000
Match = "(<div style="background\2"\3</div>(\4</ol>|))$SET(1=<!-- Sponsored Links Killed -->\r\n\r\n)"
        "|<td style\2SafeSearch\3</td>$SET(1=<!-- SafeSearch Indicator Killed -->\r\n\r\n)"
        "|<div id="tbbc"\2</div>$SET(1=<!-- tbbc killed -->\r\n\r\n)"
        "|<tr><td valign="top" id="leftnav"\2</td>$SET(1=</table><!-- leftnav killed -->\r\n\r\n)"
        "|<div id="rhs_block"\2>$SET(1=<!-- rhs_block killed -->\r\n\r\n)"
        "|<td\2id="logo"\3</td>$SET(1=<!-- logo killed -->\r\n\r\n)"
        "|<cite>\2</cite>$SET(1=<cite><span class="flc">\2</span></cite>)"
        "|>Cached</a>$SET(1=><span class="flc">Cached</span></a>)"
        "|>Similar</a>$SET(1=><span class="flc">Similar</span></a>)"
        "|<div id="subform_ctrl"><div style="float:right">$SET(1=<div id="subform_ctrl"><div style="float:right;margin-right:17px;">)"
        "|<blockquote style="margin-bottom:0">$SET(1=<blockquote style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;">)"
        "|<span class="csb ch" style="background-position:(-|)(0|26|44|60|76)(px|) 0;(float:right;|)width:(16|18|42|44|66)px">$SET(1=<span style="display:block;margin-left:15px">)"
        "|<span style="display:block;margin-(right|left)\2:(35|53)px(;|")(clear:right"|)>$SET(1=<span style="display:block;margin-\2:15px;clear:right;">)"
        "|<td valign="top" style="padding-left:9px" width="559"><form\2method="GET" action="/search"\3>\4id="sbhost"\5>\6</td>"
        "$SET(1=<div><form method="GET" action="/search">\4width="100%" "
        "style="border-bottom:1px solid #e7e7e7;padding:8px;position:relative">\6</div>)"
Replace = "\1"

Name = ". + Google Tight Light Blue Theme     11.11.12 {PFR} [add]"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(www|encrypted).google.(^$TST(hOrigUA=mozilla/4.[1-9](^*opera)*))(*/)+{1}(intl/(*/)+{1}(^?)|search\?(^tbm=isch|*\&tbm=isch)|webhp|(^?))"
Limit = 256
Match = "<style id="themed">"
        "$STOP(Code by: JD5000, sidki, Kye-U, ProxRocks, OZO)"
Replace = "<style type="text/css">\1"
          "\r\n/* Proxomitron Tight Light Blue Google Theme */\r\n"
          "a {font-family: tahoma; font-size: 12px; text-decoration: none !important;}\r\n"
          "a:link, .q a:link, a.toplink:visited {color: #0000cc !important;}\r\n"
          "a:visited {color: #990066;}\r\n"
          "a:active, .q a:active, a.fl:active {color: #000066 !important;}\r\n"
          "a:hover, .q a:hover, a.fl:hover {color: #0066cc !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPref:hover {color: #379CCD;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs {color: #968AFF !important; }\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:visited {color: #990066 !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:active {color: #000066 !important;}\r\n"
          "a.ProXPrefJs:hover {color: #0066cc !important;}\r\n"
          ".odd {background: #EFF6FF; margin-bottom: 0em !important;}\r\n"
          ".even {background: #DFEFFF; margin-bottom: 0em !important;}\r\n"
          "li {padding-left: .5em; padding-right: .5em;}\r\n"
          ".g {margin: 0px; line-height: 13px; border-top: 2px solid #dddddd;}\r\n"
          "a.tool {color: #999999; padding: 0px 3px 0px 3px;}\r\n"
          "a.tool:hover {background-color: #ffff99; color: #0000cc; padding: 0px 3px 0px 3px;}\r\n"
          "a.tool:visited {color: #990066;}\r\n"
          "a.fl, span.flc {font-family: tahoma; font-size: 9px;}\r\n"

optionally, i also use this (placed directly above "Google Search: Add Modifier Links")...
Name = "Google Black Bar to Navy        11.07.03"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)[^.]"
Limit = 256
Match = "#gbx3,#gbx4\{background-color:#2d2d2d"
Replace = "#gbx3,#gbx4\{background-color:Navy"

that "should" be everything, i don't think i overlooked anything...
it's a little more complex than just copying over a puplicly-maintained filter and "replacing" a sidki-provided filter - but well worth it, IMO, lol...

these will be maintained and updated by me and re-released as changes come about... (i admit that "publicly" maintaining THREE themes that comes with sidki's config [dark blue, dark gray, light blue] is a wee-bit over-my-head...)

but since i use "these" filters DAILY, i have a "vested interest" in keeping "these" up-to-date Big Teeth

i figure at this point, anyone that wants different "colors" or different "spacing" can just 'edit' these accordingly Smile!

please keep me posted if you find these useful, if you have problems getting them to work, et cetera...

oh, one last note, my "theme" uses images that i save in Proxomitron -> html -> My_HTML -> storm119_HTML, those are attached as well...
oh, and one from Proxomitron -> html -> Grypen_HTML -> imgs -> google...
maintain the "directory structure" of the attached .zip and copy into your Proxo's "html" directory...

a screen-cap is also attached for reference...

Attached File(s)
.zip (Size: 4.7 KB / Downloads: 875)
.png  11-13-2011 8-25-07 AM.png (Size: 120.58 KB / Downloads: 963)
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Nov. 14, 2011, 06:05 PM
Post: #5
RE: Google Updates...
ProxRocks,your filters work nicely in IE 9,but in Opera and Chrome I do not get the dark blue theme;the changes"new window and preview" do work in all three browsers. Before,the Google search page was identical in all three.
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Nov. 14, 2011, 07:46 PM
Post: #6
RE: Google Updates...
i don't have a dark blue theme Sad
i don't actually have "three" themes, i only have the one ("tight light blue" - which is 'based on' sidki's "light blue" but with too many changes to enumerate)...
in my config, i've deleted the three sidki-provided themes as they have "broke" on several occasions and they're no longer "publicly maintained"...

my "Google Search: Alternate Display - Part 1" filter that replaces sidki's "Google Search: Alternate Display" filter MIGHT 'play well with' sidki's three themes - but i wouldn't actually expect it to...

basically, if you'd like a "dark blue", all that you'd need to do is edit the "odd" and "even" background colors in the "Google Tight Light Blue Theme" filter and perhaps rename it accordingly and then save it as a separate theme... that would need done "instead of" unticking it and ticking the "older" themes...

i will be publicly maintaining the "tight light blue", but have no plans to actually maintain three different color combos (the public need doesn't seem to be there)...

so i'd rather provide "one" color combo that users can just edit the colors to their liking... "infinite possibilities"...

i do plan on adding a second "set" of odd/even colors for when a search result is actually a "child" to another "parent" result (ie, the searh result is "indented" because it's actually on the same domain as the result just above it)...

i also need to improve on video results as the new/preview functions don't play well with video results...

there are also plans to allow "blacklisting"...
ie, if the search results contains a result from, say, "", then that result is "hidden" (for example, why clutter a search result field with domains known to be blocked by my hosts file?)...
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Nov. 15, 2011, 04:11 PM
Post: #7
RE: Google Updates...
Thanks Proxrocks. These work very nicely for me and are a great improvement over what was left after I attempted the updates and added my own adjustments.
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Nov. 15, 2011, 10:14 PM
Post: #8
RE: Google Updates...

ultimately, i guess i should add some "comment lines" written into the filters so that users can tweak colors, spacing, gaps, et cetera to their own liking...
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Nov. 21, 2011, 01:34 PM
Post: #9
RE: Google Updates...
update pertaining primarily to image search:
Name = "Google Search: Alternate Display - Part 2     11.11.21 {PFR} [add]"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)(*.)+{1}google."
Limit = 10000
Match = "(<div style="background\2"\3</div>(\4</ol>|))$SET(1=<!-- Sponsored Links Killed -->\r\n\r\n)"
        "|<td style\2SafeSearch\3</td>$SET(1=<!-- SafeSearch Indicator Killed -->\r\n\r\n)"
        "|<div id="tbbc"\2</div>$SET(1=<!-- tbbc killed -->\r\n\r\n)"
        "|<tr><td valign="top" id="leftnav"\2</td>$SET(1=</table><!-- leftnav killed -->\r\n\r\n)"
        "|<div id="rhs_block"\2>$SET(1=<!-- rhs_block killed -->\r\n\r\n)"
        "|<td\2id="logo"\3</td>$SET(1=<!-- logo killed -->\r\n\r\n)"
        "|<p id="bfl"\2</p>$SET(1=<!-- bfl killed -->\r\n\r\n)"
        "|<div id="fll"\2</div>$SET(1=<!-- fll Help killed -->\r\n\r\n)"
        "|<script\\3</script>$SET(1=<!-- script killed -->\r\n\r\n)"
        "|<cite>\2</cite>$SET(1=<cite><span class="flc">\2</span></cite>)"
        "|>Cached</a>$SET(1=><span class="flc">Cached</span></a>)"
        "|>Similar</a>$SET(1=><span class="flc">Similar</span></a>)"
        "|<td style="width:25%;word-wrap:break-word">$SET(1=<td style="width:25%;padding-left:65px;word-wrap:break-word">)"
        "|<div id="subform_ctrl"><div style="float:right">$SET(1=<div id="subform_ctrl"><div style="float:right;margin-right:17px;">)"
        "|<blockquote style="margin-bottom:0">$SET(1=<blockquote style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;">)"
        "|<span class="csb ch" style="background-position:(-|)[#0:100](px|) 0;(float:right;|)width:[#0:100]px">$SET(1=<span style="display:block;margin-left:15px">)"
        "|<span style="display:block;margin-(right|left)\2:(35|53)px(;|")(clear:right"|)>$SET(1=<span style="display:block;margin-\2:15px;clear:right;">)"
        "|<td valign="top" style="padding-left:9px" width="559"><form\2method="GET" action="\7"\3>\4id="sbhost"\5>\6</td>"
        "$SET(1=<div><form method="GET" action="\7">\4width="100%" "
        "style="border-bottom:1px solid #e7e7e7;padding:8px;position:relative">\6</div>)"
Replace = "\1"
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Dec. 25, 2011, 01:55 PM
Post: #10
RE: Google Updates...
@ProxRocks: Can we use these filters with the new prox-config-sidki_2011-12-22rc1 posted by jjoe. Any caveats?

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Dec. 25, 2011, 02:55 PM
Post: #11
RE: Google Updates...
i'm currently staying at mom and dad's for Christmas so i'm kinda limited with testing the rc1 because this machine is on Win 7...

yes, Proxo and everything works on Win 7 - BUT I DOWNRIGHT HATE VISTA/7!!!

that coupled with an "old people computer"...
working right now on creating registry files for my preferences versus the parents' so i can bring the system to "my standards" and "their standards" just by clicking a .reg file and logging off/on...

you know, like the d@mn high font DPI that "old people" use but is just downright INSANE for anybody that can actually SEE, lol... (the high DPI messes up Proxo's GUI, at least my 'patched' GUI...)
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Dec. 25, 2011, 03:46 PM
Post: #12
RE: Google Updates...
(Dec. 25, 2011 02:55 PM)ProxRocks Wrote:  i'm currently staying at mom and dad's for Christmas so i'm kinda limited with testing the rc1 because this machine is on Win 7...

Merry Christmas. And good luck on your reg files Smile!. I'll stay tuned.

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Dec. 30, 2011, 01:28 PM
Post: #13
RE: Google Updates...
i'm looking to 'finally' get to this later today or so...
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Dec. 30, 2011, 07:24 PM
Post: #14
RE: Google Updates...
everything still works, no changes required...

reminder, the alternate display presented in this thread is NOT intended to work with the three color themes that come with the sidki config...

so if you want the "preview feature" of my theme, you'll have to change the even/odd/background colors to fit your own color preference...
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Dec. 30, 2011, 10:37 PM
Post: #15
RE: Google Updates...
(Dec. 30, 2011 07:24 PM)ProxRocks Wrote:  everything still works, no changes required...
Sounds good.

Quote:the alternate display presented in this thread is NOT intended to work with the three color themes that come with the sidki config...
So, we use them with your 'tight blue' theme, right?

Thanks and HNY Smile!

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