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Referer of Referer
Mar. 03, 2013, 05:55 PM (This post was last modified: Mar. 03, 2013 05:56 PM by neverwasinparis.)
Post: #1
Referer of Referer
hi there.

Proxomitron handles every request isolated and does not know any correlation between different requests by default. so it can not tunnel any information (except the referer) from one site to another. to make Proxomitron able to tunnel information to another site the filter have to do this work.

let's be more specific. imagine you visit '', click on a link on that site and get to ''. this site contains a script that loads the file ''. the word 'referer' is a variable and contains the value ''. so Proxomitron sees a request with the url ''. if you use $OHDR(Referer:) here you get the value '' and not '' like the script did. they are different and that is why I would like to know a possibility, something like a wormhole, to get the value '' when handling the last request with an outgoing header filter.

the only idea I have is to use $ADDLST and to store the wanted information in a list. for every site with an own entry like ''. but that's a slow solution. the size of this list will increase permanently.

does anybody have another idea?
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Apr. 18, 2013, 05:19 PM (This post was last modified: Apr. 18, 2013 05:29 PM by neverwasinparis.)
Post: #2
RE: Referer of Referer
no answer is also an answer. so I guess the $ADDLST way is the most effective. Cheers

thinking about it it should be possible to bypass the Same Origin Policy and create a bot. not just for the referer, any information on a site should be able this way to be accessed on any other site. could be usefull.
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