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Adapting proxo 4.5 to the latest OpenSSL DLLs
Nov. 03, 2014, 12:20 PM
Post: #22
RE: Adapting proxo 4.5 to the latest OpenSSL DLLs
(Nov. 02, 2014 08:38 PM)JJoe Wrote:  I changed line 54 of ProxHTTPSProxy.pyv1.1b from
sslparams = dict(cert_reqs="REQUIRED", ca_certs="cacert.pem", ssl_version="TLSv1")
sslparams = dict(cert_reqs="REQUIRED", ca_certs="cacert.pem")
Result is "Your SSL client is Probably Okay." at .
Before the change, I saw "Your SSL client is Bad." due to TLSv1 use.
I have not noticed any problems after the change.

Nice find. It will be in the next version if it runs well on my machine for a while.
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RE: Adapting proxo 4.5 to the latest OpenSSL DLLs - whenever - Nov. 03, 2014 12:20 PM

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