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Adapting proxo 4.5 to the latest OpenSSL DLLs
Jan. 23, 2015, 09:53 AM
Post: #40
RE: Adapting proxo 4.5 to the latest OpenSSL DLLs
i'm curious, acknowledging that my views are less "mainstream" than most, but also knowing that this *IS* becoming an INCREASINGLY more "accepted" protocol -
(ie, chrome/chromium enable this via command line switches, QupZilla has an option to enable this right in the GUI)

what about a patch for Proxo that enables the end-user to FULLY DISABLE SSL cert-check "crap"?
basically a GUI "check box" similar to that used to freeze GIFs

throw in a "warning" dialog box if you feel it appropriate
(i personally don't, the Proxo user is generally MUCH smarter than the 'average' web user)
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RE: Adapting proxo 4.5 to the latest OpenSSL DLLs - ProxRocks - Jan. 23, 2015 09:53 AM

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