Adapting proxo 4.5 to the latest OpenSSL DLLs
Jan. 25, 2015, 08:18 PM
Post: #57
RE: Adapting proxo 4.5 to the latest OpenSSL DLLs
amy Wrote:@herbalist: The OpenSSL DLLs I posted do not need anything else and should work on 98SE directly - I need to find a suitable system to test it on first.When I use the files from your extracted to the Proxomitron folder, Dependency Walker reports: Code: LoadLibraryA("ssleay32.dll") returned NULL. Error: A device attached to the system is not functioning (31). Code: GetProcAddress(0x00000000, "LdrUnloadDll") called from "c:\windows\system\UNICOWS.DLL" at address 0x7F2D4066 and returned NULL. Error: The handle is invalid (6). |
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