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Adapting proxo 4.5 to the latest OpenSSL DLLs
Mar. 23, 2015, 03:46 PM
Post: #94
RE: Adapting proxo 4.5 to the latest OpenSSL DLLs
JJoe Wrote:I believe amy built the DLLs in post #35.
I didn't realize that those were altered. Nothing in the post gave that indication.
From post 35
Quote:Then you will need to use OpenSSL DLLs version 1.0.1l which I attached. These are compiled from the official source and should not need any patching to work on Win9x nor the VC redistributable package; the DLLs here should work too, but I haven't tested them. I started testing this patch with 1.0.1j, which should also work as should all the versions going back to 1.0.1a, but the latest version fixes a few bugs so it would be better to use them.
A little consistency would be a big help. It needs to be clear if Proxomitron will use the released versions of OpenSSL libraries or if they need to be modified. If they need to be modified, that needs to be made clear. With OpenSSL updating so often, this could quickly become a continuous problem. I've got so many different versions of these DLLs that I'm losing tract of which is which, where they came from, which are originals and which are modified.

I tend to agree with you. IMO, HTTPS is broken by design. All of the security features they're adding like STS are building on a broken foundation. Securing the connections has become an exercise in futility. That said, more and more sites are forcing its use. We either have to filter it or bypass. Myself, I've become quite dependent on ProxBlox and its NoScript-like abilities. I don't want to give that up. Given a choice, I'd like to see it work properly. If that's not possible on a long term basis, I'd settle for a way to shut the certificate warnings off as long as the filtering works.
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RE: Adapting proxo 4.5 to the latest OpenSSL DLLs - herbalist - Mar. 23, 2015 03:46 PM

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