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Jan. 24, 2022, 10:25 AM
Post: #31
RE: prox-config-sidki_2019-01-26b1
(Jan. 24, 2022 04:32 AM)JJoe Wrote:  As before, the better (for our point of view) but more time consuming choice would be to capture the nonce and add it to our rewritten scripts.

How do we do that?

I'm not seeing that answer in the mentioned post.
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Jan. 24, 2022, 10:35 AM
Post: #32
RE: prox-config-sidki_2019-01-26b1
(Jan. 24, 2022 04:32 AM)JJoe Wrote:  
[HTTP headers]
Key = "Content-Security-Policy:   Remove nonce,hash,strict 22.01.23     [jjoe] (d.0) (In) [add]"
Match = "(\# '(nonce|sha256|strict)-*')+{1,*}\#"
Replace = "\@"

As before, the better (for our point of view) but more time consuming choice would be to capture the nonce and add it to our rewritten scripts.
Thanks, that fixed the Google Results issue.
But I am still curious on the "better but more time consuming choice".
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Jan. 24, 2022, 05:31 PM
Post: #33
RE: prox-config-sidki_2019-01-26b1
(Jan. 24, 2022 10:25 AM)ProxRocks Wrote:  I'm not seeing that answer in the mentioned post.

It's the "capture the nonce and add it to our rewritten scripts" part. Wink
This header filter is a quick and dirty solution...
What I prefer would take significant time, study, and effort to create and test.
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Jan. 27, 2022, 11:16 PM (This post was last modified: Jan. 27, 2022 11:17 PM by ProxRocks.)
Post: #34
RE: prox-config-sidki_2019-01-26b1
What would cause the lower right corner Prox Menu to sometimes be filled in correctly and other times be missing the select boxes/circles? (see attached)

I also get the attached error, but I "always" get this error, so I'm not sure if it is related to the Prox Menu issue or not.

Thanks in advance.

Attached File(s)
.png  correct.png (Size: 22.67 KB / Downloads: 252)
.png  incorrect.png (Size: 9.39 KB / Downloads: 256)
.png  error.png (Size: 6.64 KB / Downloads: 254)
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Jan. 28, 2022, 12:30 AM
Post: #35
RE: prox-config-sidki_2019-01-26b1
(Jan. 27, 2022 11:16 PM)ProxRocks Wrote:  What would cause the lower right corner Prox Menu to sometimes be filled in correctly and other times be missing the select boxes/circles? (see attached)

I don't know. May be... I'll stick with I don't know.
The menu may still work but you can't see what is selected.

(Jan. 27, 2022 11:16 PM)ProxRocks Wrote:  I also get the attached error, but I "always" get this error, so I'm not sure if it is related to the Prox Menu issue or not.

You will get this because of the method used to add 'proxjs-full.js'. It seems unlikely that a browser will block this for the reason specified in the warning.
However, for security reasons, some sites use a Content-Security-Policy header to block our scripts.

Getting rid of these is part of that 'better but more time consuming choice'.
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Jan. 28, 2022, 01:28 AM (This post was last modified: Jan. 28, 2022 02:01 AM by ProxRocks.)
Post: #36
RE: prox-config-sidki_2019-01-26b1
(Jan. 28, 2022 12:30 AM)JJoe Wrote:  I don't know. May be... I'll stick with I don't know.
The menu may still work but you can't see what is selected.

Found it!

It's only on web sites which declare a .css opacity value of 0 for input tags.

I've been able to fix these by editing proxcss-menu.css and adding an "opacity: 1.0 !important;" declaration to input.Pr0xMLink Cheers

While I was at input.Pr0xMLink, I also changed the margin declaration from "0" to "0 4px 0 0" so that the text is not squished right up against the inputs.

Then added "border-radius: 0 !important;" to input.Pr0xM-Input because I didn't like slightly rounded buttons on some sites and square buttons on other sites (which you can also see in the previous post's attachments).
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Jan. 28, 2022, 12:57 PM
Post: #37
RE: prox-config-sidki_2019-01-26b1
Other changes made to maintain a consistent look-and-feel:

proxcss-general.css  >>  modified  >>  input.Pr0xBtn-Input   --->>>  border-color: #FFD600;    ---->>>>    border-color: #FFD600 !important;
proxcss-general.css  >>  added  >>  input.Pr0xBtn-Input   --->>>   border-radius: 0 !important;
proxcss-general.css​​​​​​​  >>  modified  >>  input.Pr0xBtn-Input   --->>>   border-width: 1px;    ---->>>>    border-width: 1px !important;
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Jan. 29, 2022, 05:37 AM
Post: #38
RE: prox-config-sidki_2019-01-26b1
(Jan. 27, 2022 11:16 PM)ProxRocks Wrote:  I also get the attached error, but I "always" get this error, so I'm not sure if it is related to the Prox Menu issue or not.

Does the error go away?
Does everything seem to work... umm... better than before?

After you replace "Header Top Add: Initial JS Code ..."


Name = "Header Top Add: Initial JS Code w/o nonce     20.02.09 (ccw!) [...] (d.r)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TST(hCT=*html)"
Limit = 16
Match = "(^(^<ProxHdrTop>))$STOP()(^$TST(nonce=?*))$TST(volat=(*.headok:)\71.\8)$SET(volat=\72.\8)"
        "$SET(jsVarsB=$TST(jsVarsB=(*$toButton: )\7(0|$SET(5=+)([^,]+)\6) \8)\7\6\516\8)"
        "$SET(jsVarsB=$TST(jsVarsB=(*$popUp: )\7(0|$SET(5=+)([^,]+)\6) \8)\7\6\532\8)"
        "$TST(jsVarsB=(*$toDo: )\7(0|$SET(5=+)([^,]+)\6) \8)\7\6\564\8"
        "$SET(5=$TST(tFrameset=*) $_frameset: 1,)"
        "($OHDR(Referer:( ) \2)|)((^$TST(\1=*.i_ua:*))$OHDR(User-Agent:( ) \3)|)"
        "$SET(4= id=\\"", i, "\\")"
Replace = "\t<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[\r\n"
          "\t (function () {\r\n"
          "\t   var c = "script", d = document, e = d.documentElement, f = e ? d.getElementsByTagName(c) : "";\r\n"
          "\t   f && (f = f[f.length - 1]);\r\n"
          "\t   if (!window.prxO || !prxO.oiLoaded) {\r\n"
          "\t     window.prxO = {oSet: {\r\n"
          "\t       $_cfg: "$GET(cfg)", $_lpPort:"$GET(lpPort)", $_uProt:"$GET(uProt)", $_xml: "$GET(mType)", $_level: \6,\5 $_xns: e ? e.namespaceURI : null,\r\n"
          "\t       $GET(jsVarsT)\r\n"
          "\t       $GET(jsVarsB)\r\n"
          "\t     }, oNce: {\r\n"
          "\t       ncFrom: "$ESC(\2)",\r\n"
          "\t       ncWith: "\3"\r\n"
          "\t     }};\r\n"
          "\t     var g = "$GET(localptron)/sidki_h_" + prxO.oSet.$_cfg + "/proxjs-\8.js",\r\n"
          "\t     h = "\\<", i = "pr0xScrLink", j = "text/javascript";\r\n"
          "\t     prxO.oSet.$_xns && d.xmlVersion === null && (prxO.oSet.$_xns = null);\r\n"
          "\t     {\r\n"
          "\t       var k = prxO.oSet.$_xns ? d.createElementNS(prxO.oSet.$_xns, c) : d.createElement(c);\r\n"
          "\t       k.src = g; k.type = j; = i; e.lastChild.appendChild(k);\r\n"
          "\t     }\r\n"
          "\t   }\r\n"
          "\t   f && prxO.oSet.$_level < 5 && f.parentNode.removeChild(f);\r\n"
          "\t }) ();\r\n"
          "\t//]]></script >\r\n$SET(jsVarsB=)$SET(jsVarsT=)"
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Jan. 29, 2022, 05:40 AM
Post: #39
RE: prox-config-sidki_2019-01-26b1
(Jan. 28, 2022 01:28 AM)ProxRocks Wrote:  Found it!

(Jan. 28, 2022 12:57 PM)ProxRocks Wrote:  Other changes made to maintain a consistent look-and-feel:

Thanks! and noted.
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Jan. 29, 2022, 11:30 AM
Post: #40
RE: prox-config-sidki_2019-01-26b1
(Jan. 29, 2022 05:37 AM)JJoe Wrote:  Does the error go away?
Does everything seem to work... umm... better than before?

After you replace "Header Top Add: Initial JS Code ..."


Name = "Header Top Add: Initial JS Code w/o nonce 20.02.09 (ccw!) [...] (d.r)"

The error does go away Thumbs Up
And everthing does seem to work better - will continue to monitor.

This web page (the one we are viewing right now) shows the attached error - but I have not yet seen this error in other web pages.

The text "oNce.ncBody" only exists in "Body Add: JS Code 19.02.23 (ccw!) [...] (d.r l.3)". I found no "oNce.ncBody" in "proxjs-full.js" or "proxjs-x-menu.js" (assumed those to be the only two places to look).

Attached File(s)
.png  oNce.ncBody.png (Size: 45.61 KB / Downloads: 211)
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Jan. 29, 2022, 02:13 PM
Post: #41
RE: prox-config-sidki_2019-01-26b1
I've also made these changes to proxcss-menu.css to correct attached.

I don't think that we need to keep the different .css's for ie10 versus moz versus w3c - we needed it in 2009 when these were implemented this way but I don't think we still need to do it this way. Or so it seems.

URLs which gave the attached Prox Menu renderings in Mypal 27.9.4 and 360Chrome v11 -

/* ADDED */
form input[type="checkbox"]
  height: 15px !important;
  width: 15px !important;
  min-height: 15px !important;
  min-width: 15px !important;
  -webkit-appearance: checkbox !important;
  -moz-appearance: checkbox !important;
  appearance: checkbox !important;

/* ADDED */
form input[type="radio"]
  height: 15px !important;
  width: 15px !important;
  min-height: 15px !important;
  min-width: 15px !important;
  -webkit-appearance: radio !important;
  -moz-appearance: radio !important;
  appearance: radio !important;

/* ADDED */
form input[type="radio"]:checked:before
  display: none !important;

Attached File(s)
.png  1.png (Size: 12.81 KB / Downloads: 232)
.png  2.png (Size: 9.8 KB / Downloads: 223)
.png  3.png (Size: 9.66 KB / Downloads: 231)
.png  4.png (Size: 11.63 KB / Downloads: 242)
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Jan. 29, 2022, 03:58 PM
Post: #42
RE: prox-config-sidki_2019-01-26b1
(Jan. 29, 2022 05:37 AM)JJoe Wrote:  Does the error go away?
Does everything seem to work... umm... better than before?

After you replace "Header Top Add: Initial JS Code ..."


Name = "Header Top Add: Initial JS Code w/o nonce 20.02.09 (ccw!) [...] (d.r)"

I've reverted to the previous Initial JS Code.
After clearing my cache, several web sites did not have the Information Hovers or the Prox Menu with the w/o nonce version.
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Jan. 29, 2022, 11:17 PM (This post was last modified: Jan. 30, 2022 12:27 AM by ProxRocks.)
Post: #43
RE: prox-config-sidki_2019-01-26b1
JJoe -

Please try this site --

Type in a RANDOM username/password.

It's supposed to come back and say incorrect username/password but instead it just returns to a home page and requests username/password again.
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Jan. 30, 2022, 02:18 AM (This post was last modified: Jan. 30, 2022 03:22 AM by JJoe.)
Post: #44
RE: prox-config-sidki_2019-01-26b1
(Jan. 29, 2022 11:17 PM)ProxRocks Wrote:  JJoe -

Please try this site --

I get

Quote:Trouble signing on? Select "Forgot User ID or Password"

Edit: Some time later it occurred to me...

Using your 360Chrome package I see

Quote:Trouble signing on? Select "Forgot User ID or Password"

and then the site loads another sign on page with a banner...

Quote:Your browser is out of date and not supported. We recommend you update your browser for a better online banking experience. Learn More
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Jan. 30, 2022, 02:25 AM (This post was last modified: Jan. 30, 2022 02:25 AM by JJoe.)
Post: #45
RE: prox-config-sidki_2019-01-26b1
What do you see, if you enable 'Bypass Filters' and try to open ?
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