sidki's config set: updates & news (Jan 10 2006)
This post tracks the last update to my config, i will keep it up to date. It is not the complete config set, the current June 9 release is here (onsite link, 262 KB), you can find more info about it here.
Installing the update is easy, just extract the zip archive into the folder where Proxomitron.exe resides, preserving the zipped directory structure - WinZip, WinRar, 7Zip do that by default. No files that don't belong to my config set will be overwritten.
Make sure to back up sidki_xxxx-xx-xx.ptron beforehand, if you've added any filters. That way you can merge them after updating. IncludeExclude-U.ptxt is another good candidate for a backup.
Here are the changes since the June 9 config release:
Quote:January 10th:
Add entries for Tucows and
Allow post-html scripts at Yahoo.
Don't touch Opera's auto-update file (coming as JS).
Content-Type: 7 Filter sel. Types:
Add "wmf".
Numerous filters,
Work around BitDefender's false "Exploit.JS.Phel.BE" alert.
Remove duped Body Tags,
<*>: Tag Flag Debugger,
BabelFish: Clean up Page,
InterTran: Clean up Site,
Top Remove: Header Data from HTML:
Add $TYPE.
Yahoo: Clean up Site,
Google: Remove Ad Blocks,
CastleCops: Skip to Origin,
CastleCops Forums: Alternate Display:
Adjust to changed page code.
Tucows: "Download Location" Link Untangler:
New filter.
Top Sniff: Sel. File Types:
Add "wmf", replace exploitable type, protect the other.
<!-- Remove: Comment-Block Ads II:
Fix for Google ads (again).
November 27th:
Google: Remove Ad Blocks,
Google/IMDB: Block BG Image Overlays,
InterTran: Clean up Site,
Top Sniff: JS & VBS Content,
Top Sniff: HTML Content: Other,
<script><style> Remove: Comments,
<applet>: Toggle Java Applets,
Bottom Mark: Start - Close open Tags:
Bugfixes and little improvements.
Google Groups: Alternate Display:
<!-- Remove: Comment-Block Ads II:
Fix for Google ads (Google Answers,, etc.)
Explain how to reduce Google's search results from 100 per page.
Several user-suggested additions.
October 16th:
CastleCops Forums: Alternate Display,
<script> Block: Scripts with "data:" Sources,
Block absolute URLs without Hostname,
<!->: Fix Comments,
<script> Block: Scripts by URL,
<iframe> Remove: Trackers,
<*>: Half-SSL:
Bugfixes and little improvements.
Fark: Alternate Display (toggle):
Adjust to changed page code.
EnvironmentalChemistry: Deblock:
Adjust filter to filter-adjusted page code, again (last explicit log entry).
Bottom Add: Display Cookies:
Critical bugfix: Don't use $ESC() anymore, the strings can be too large.
Fix for keyboard shortcuts at GMail.
Several user-suggested additions.
Some sites have started to look for "Firefox/1.".
October 3rd:
! |||||||||||| 4.1.a Session Cookies by Default,
! |||||||||||| 4.1.b Block Cookies by Default,
Cookie: 1 Block Cookies,
Cookie: 2 Fake Cookies on sel. Sites,
Set-Cookie: 2 Block Cookies,
Set-Cookie: 3 Block Cookies by Content,
Set-Cookie: 4 Block Ad Cookies,
Set-Cookie: 5 Make Cookies Session only,
Set-Cookie2: Block Cookies,
<meta> Rename: Make Cookies Session only,
Remove: Make Server-Push Cookies Session only,
Block: Make JS Cookies Session only,
<meta> Block: Kill Meta Cookies,
Remove: Kill Server-Push Cookies,
Block: Kill JS Cookies:
Add new keyword "a_cookie" (does the same as the "AllowCookies" list).
Reduce calls for "AllowCookies".
Fix CNN.
Add new keyword "a_cookie".
Google: Show Thumbnails and Log-In Links,
<iframe> Remove: Trackers,
<object>...: Toggle Flash:
Bugfixes and little improvements.
Google Groups Beta: Alternate Display: is now, acknowlege that (chesss).
Yahoo: Clean up Site,
Yahoo Search: Clean up Site:
Split old filter, do some more stuff at Yahoo Search.
CNN: Clean up Site:
Switch to JD's version, less sensitive to site changes.
Prevent stretching of images ( -> video).
EnvironmentalChemistry: Deblock:
Adjust filter to filter-adjusted page code. ;-)
September 26th:
Google: Multi URL Untangler:
Add new Google IP cluster to URL match.
Catch "clk()" (dynamically written webbugs).
Don't match if Search History is active, which is based on tracking clicks.
Google: Cached Header Mover,
Google: Remove Ad Blocks:
Add new Google IP cluster to URL match.
Google: Show Thumbnails and Log-In Links:
Add new Google IP cluster to URL match.
Adjust to changed page code.
CastleCops Forums: Alternate Display,
EnvironmentalChemistry: Deblock,
UOPF: Alternate Display:
Adjust to changed page code.
<!-- Remove: Comment-Block Ads II,
<a>...: Replace blank/new - Set Flag,
<script><style>: Close open Comments,
<body> Mark: Start,
Block: Sel. JS Properties,
<iframe>... Remove/Hide: Ad Containers - Ad IDs,
<iframe>... Remove: Ad Containers - Ad Links:
Bugfixes and little improvements.
Top JS Replace: Ad Scripts,
<script> Block: Ad Scripts,
Block: Ad Functions I:
Don't match ad-strings in scripted style blocks.
<*>: Half-SSL:
Don't match just once, but loop thru all URLs.
Fix GMail for Opera.
Remove KB's sites as Opera blockers.
Bypass generic ad filters at Google (no worries ;-).
z-index fix for Opera (moved Google header wasn't shown in cached pages).
Also toggle "kill tags" that belong to multiple classes (needed later).
September 8th:
Accept: Fake while faking User-Agent,
Accept-Charset: Kill while faking User-Agent,
TE: Kill while faking User-Agent:
New filters, needed especially for sites that block Opera
(environmentalchemistry, klbproductions).
Cache-Control: 3 max-age 1s if HTML: Cache-H!:
Bypass documents that were prefetched by Firefox, cache them for one day
Last-Modified or ETag to Title:
Don't display ETags created by our caching filters.
EnvironmentalChemistry: Deblock:
PC World: Clean up Site:
Rewrite. Match subdomains (msn).
Yahoo et al.: Multi URL Untangler,
Yahoo: Auto Login,
CastleCops Forums: Alternate Display,
<frameset>: Jump out of invisible Offsite Frames,
<frameset>: Jump out of Ad Frames,
Cut: Specific Pre-Head Blocks,
<meta> Block: Anti-Cache Tags,
Block: Ad Functions I,
Block: Frame Loaders,
<form> Remove: Ad Actions,
<a>: URL Untangler:
Bugfixes and little improvements.
<a>...: Replace blank/new - Set Flag:
Also scan FORM tags.
Block: Make JS Cookies Session only:
Be more careful when targeting "expires" variables.
<*>: Half-SSL:
Also target "background" attributes.
Fix for Google Suggest.
Fix to enable user defined aliases.
Fix for above mentioned Opera blockers.
Add ID for DDS Library Shape Control (IE msdds.dll vulnerability), and
another dialer.
Fix for URLs that contain a port number.
August 19th:
Google: Multi URL Untangler:
Also block onmousedown-rewriting of links (JJoe).
Yahoo et al.: Multi URL Untangler:
Cut off some more tracking query-strings. Catch double-escaped redirect
links (
CastleCops: Skip to Origin:
Skip some more interrupt screens.
Yahoo: Clean up Site,
Yahoo: Auto Login,
CastleCops Forums: Alternate Display,
Remove: Ad Containers on sel. Sites,
Top JS Replace: Ad Scripts,
<a>: JS Links to normal Links,
<title>: Add Time - Fix Tag - Snip Excess,
<script> Block: Ad Scripts,
Block: Ad Functions I,
<a> Remove: Image Trackers,
<img> Remove: Webbugs,
<iframe>... Remove/Hide: Ad Containers - Ad IDs,
<iframe>... Remove: Ad Containers - Ad Links,
<a>: URL Untangler,
<a>...: Remove OnMouse Status Events,
<object>...: Toggle Flash,
<object>...: Toggle Media,
Remove: Post-HTML Junk,
Bottom Mark: Start - Close open Tags,
Bottom Add: Display Cookies:
Bugfixes and little improvements.
Update for CNN.
Fix for PCMag.
Fix for Yahoo.
Start to get things compatible with upcoming Firefox 1.5 (September/October).
August 5th:
Google: Remove Ad Blocks:
Also remove Google Toolbar promo.
Yahoo Groups: Clean up Site:
Add more ad targets.
WorldLingo: Clean up Online Translator:
Reintroduce filter.
Yahoo: Auto Login,
Yahoo Groups: Fast Forward Search,
UOPF: Alternate Display:
Adjust to changed page code.
<frameset>: Jump out of Ad Frames,
Mark: Various: HTML,
<a>: JS Links to normal Links,
<object>...: Toggle Flash,
<body>: Dim white Backgrounds:
Bugfixes and little improvements.
Block ad-blocker detection, coupled to blocked Google ads (SpywareGuide).
Adjust Yahoo Groups entry to changed query strings, so that "Simple Mode"
listing becomes the default again.
July 20th:
CastleCops: Skip to Message after Posting,
UOPF: Alternate Display:
New filters. et al.: "Download Now" Link Untangler:
Include ZDNet.
Fark: Alternate Display (toggle):
Improve toggle for Firefox and Opera. (Opera only shows the original layout
correctly after clicking the toggle link a second time.)
Google: Remove Ad Blocks:
Catch recently added type of Ad DIVs.
Yahoo et al.: Multi URL Untangler
Target area tags too (
Yahoo: Clean up Site:
Add more ad targets.
<body>: Dim white Backgrounds:
Don't add our color anymore, if the body tag has neither a bgcolor attribute
nor a corresponding style value (main reason is to avoid overriding of iframe
CSS: CSS URLs to Mem-StyleSrc:
Also match "@import 'this.css'" notation.
Block: Ad Functions I:
Don't test for ad strings in code that writes tags to the page (high risk to
break pages, tag specific filters do that job better).
<iframe>: Jump out of invisible iFrames,
<a>...: Replace blank/new - Set Flag,
<iframe>... Remove: Ad Containers - Ad Links,
Bugfixes and little improvements.
July 9th:
Popups: Block,
Remove new Targets from Forms,
Google Search: Open Links in new Window,
Remove: Specific Pre-Head Blocks,
<!->: Fix Comments,
Header Bot Add: Various JS Code,
Yahoo et al.: Multi URL Untangler:
Match redirects in onclick events correctly.
Block: Ad Functions I:
Back out a previous change (TVGuide), but return "false" for "ads allowed"
checks (Switchboard).
<*>: Half-SSL:
Match Div tags with HTTPS background images.
Remove: Ad Containers on sel. Sites,
<iframe>... Remove/Hide: Ad Containers - Ad IDs:
Match tag blocks that are assigned to multiple classes.
June 26th:
<meta>: Look for default Script/Style Type
Replace bogus Content-Style-Types, as they result in our "display:none"
values being ignored by Firefox (
Top Sniff: Sel. File Types:
Fix for XHTML documents with multiple <?xml?> tags.
<base>: Get absolute Href:
New filter. Stuffs the last encountered absolute base href into a global
CSS: CSS URLs to Mem-StyleSrc,
<link>: CSS URLs to Mem-StyleSrc,
<script>: Script URLs to Mem-ScriptSrc:
If an absolute base href is present, use that one for relative URLs instead
of URL-Expander.
Simplify matching expression.
Block DOM Modification of Links / JSProperties.ptxt:
Set childNodes.length to zero as well (, disable filter while
using light settings.
Block: Ad Functions I:
Somewhat experimental changes, may not hold until the next version.
Mark: Comments:
Also treat "--!>" as closing tag (like browsers do).
<iframe>: Jump out of invisible iFrames:
Match iframes inside tables, if former include a "location" script (
<iframe>... Remove/Hide: Ad Containers - Ad IDs:
Don't remove, just hide <span> blocks, the browser knows best when to
consider it as closed.
Mark: Inline Scripts, <script> Remove: Ad Scripts - Noscript:
Fix for "<script><script></script><noscript>AD_STRING</noscript>" constructs,
where - after removing the ad'ish script/noscript block - the browser would
see the rest of the page as a broken script.
<a>: URL Untangler:
Just match opening tag, double byte limit, use $NEST.
<a>: Style Links depending on Protocol:
remove "mms:" from risky protocol list - often used on news sites.
Mark/Block: Named Script Events / Bottom Add: Various JS Code:
Bugfix (IE only) for previously added Prox onload event: Fall back to
delayed loading of "End of File" functions, if the page contains a script
with "event=onload" attribute.
Change ".p" alias and PayPal form exception for Key-U's board to
(although dead yet again as of today).
Various additions/removals/changes.
ProxFunctions.js / Proxomitron menu:
Declare separate function for Proxomitron's own popups, needed for pages that
block direct access to "" (eBay).
AdComments.ptxt / AdKeys.ptxt:
Add some more French strings, as the ads there are difficult to block by path
("ad" translates to "pub").
June 18th:
Mark: Various: HTML:
Flag object blocks.
<object>...: Toggle Flash:
Also target large object blocks, as long as the needed info isn't further
than 2KB away from the top. Fall back to inserting embed block correctly,
if object block is still too large.
<object>...: Toggle BG Sound:
Add ".au" extension. Fix small-dimension test. Don't scan the same code
twice, i.e. embed blocks inside object blocks.
<object>...: Toggle Media:
Don't scan embed blocks inside object blocks.
Header Bot Add: Various JS Code / Bottom Add: Various JS Code:
Bugfix for previously added Prox onload event: Only prepend original onload
function if it's still defined (i.e. hasn't been killed by filters).
Top JS Replace: Ad Scripts:
Write back functions without ad signs.
Fix "Remove new Targets from Forms" for IE, if target isn't a string.
IncludeExclude files:
Add keyword "a_adjsex" to allow external ad scripts.
June 13th:
<iframe> Remove: Trackers:
Also match iFrames with *either* tiny width or height. Let the webbug test
match within scripts as well.
<form> Remove: Ad Actions:
Fail early, but also block huge forms on hit.
Toggle Flash / Toggle Media:
Fail early.
Don't spoof IP address for download servers.
Allow PayPal forms at CCSP.
Bugfix for Netscape Navigator 4.x.
"End of File" functions moved to onload event. As a side effect the page
load timer shows higher but more accurate values. Debug Mode now shows the
split time, after the page has loaded, before ProxFunctions does its stuff.
"Remove new Targets from Links" function replaced by a webfilter. Less
accurate, but a lot faster.
Typo resulting in nasty bug - local JS vars became global and could conflict
with page code - fixed.
Bugfixes and little optimizations for various filters. (offsite link, 206 KB) -- homepage