Quote:Why is OpenDNS safer than what I'm using now for DNS?
OpenDNS intercepts phishing attempts. OpenDNS customers will be warned if they attempt to visit a phishing site.
Why is OpenDNS faster than other DNS services?
Two things make OpenDNS faster than similar services. First, OpenDNS runs a really big, smart cache, so every OpenDNS user benefits from the activities of the broader OpenDNS user base. Second, OpenDNS runs a high-performance network which is geographically distributed (see network map) and serviced by several redundant connections. OpenDNS responds to your query from the nearest location. That means we're very fast (and extremely reliable, to boot).
Why is OpenDNS smarter?
We fix typos in the URLs you enter whenever we can. For example, if you're using OpenDNS craigslist.og will lead directly to
If we're not sure what to do with an error, we provide search results for you to choose from.
Does using OpenDNS cost me money?
No. OpenDNS is free to use.
How does OpenDNS make money?
OpenDNS makes money by offering clearly labeled advertisements alongside search results on error pages. OpenDNS will provide additional services on top of its enhanced DNS service.
I changed my Router's DNS servers to point to OpenDNS, and I *think* pages are loading faster for me