Old Proxomitron Forums

Proxomitron Filters - Discussions welcome => Site Specific => Topic started by: Arne on August 23, 2001, 07:14:35 AM

Title: Whack Jeeves
Post by: Arne on August 23, 2001, 07:14:35 AM
This is a filter to get rid of the dedicated frames one particular anthropomorphic search engine sticks onto all of its results. Personally I'd just stick to Google, but I thought I'd include it as I often use this technique to redirect a page to a new location plucked from the original page's HTML -
Author SRL


Name = "Whack Jeeves"
Active = TRUE
URL = "(www.|)ask(jeeves|).com/main/(meta|final)Answer.asp"
Limit = 4096
Match = "*src=(w)1 name="AnswerFrame""
Replace = "<script> document.location=1; </script>k"

Best wishes
Imici username: Arne