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Messages - Clay Nichols

Pages: [1]
Questions and Answers / I ask every member
« on: August 12, 2002, 11:53:02 PM »
I am disgusted with Computer City for ripping off anyone. Businesses should be honest or they shouldn't be in business. I will email the USA Headquarters and advise everyone I know to stop doing business with Computer City until they provide what was advertised to you. I hope the other USA citizens will also flood the USA Headquarters with complaints.


Questions and Answers / Proxomitron
« on: August 10, 2002, 06:21:05 PM »
I recently installed Proxomitron and changed proxy information according
to directions. It worked great. However, when I logged off the internet, shut down and later started up and logged back on, I couldn't get to anything on the web. I got the message that my browser couldn't open the page and suggested my internet options needed to be changed. I changed my proxy information back and got back to my web sites. I want to use Proxomitron, but prefer not to have to remove and add back the proxy information. Any ideas? I use Windows ME and Internet Explorer 6.0.


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