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Messages - lnminente

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 5
Spam Blockers / Images without extension
« on: August 31, 2002, 05:39:43 PM »
Hi all.

I was watching this code:

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="120" height="90" border=0></a>

and thinked that can be matched:
1- by ad-size
2- by ad-word
3- by img src without extension

I thinked that the third would be more faster than others.
So to verify this, i made these filters:

Name = "INM-Block images without extension"
Active = FALSE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)"
Bounds = "<im(g|age)*>"
Limit = 256
Match = "*(ssrc=$AV(*.(gif|png|jpg|jpeg|jpe|bmp|xbm))|>)"
Replace = "<img src="http://Local.ptron/clear.gif" border=4>"

Name = "INM-Block image offsite-links without extension"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)"
Bounds = "$NEST(<as*,</a>)"
Limit = 512
Match = "[^>]++shref=($AV((http|ftp)(s|)://(^h)*))1"
Replace = "<span class=prox style=display:inline;><center>"
          "<a href=1 target="_top"><font color=crimson>[Link: </font></a>"
          "<a href="3" target="_top"><font color=crimson>no extension]</font></a>"

Now, is time to test if it works well or not.

Regards to all.


Community Discussions (Non-Forum Related) / Proggys & Downloads
« on: August 30, 2002, 04:07:08 PM »
Hi to all Proxo-friends and HP(48|49) users.
Update: Hi all hp15c or HpXX users .
Now Altosax is matched

All these programs are freeware.

1-4a rename
A file renamer which renames many files at once. Has Undo and preview.

Monitoring the changes made to your system when you install new software

AnalogX Script defender
Will intercept any request to execute the most common scripting types used in virus attacks

1by1 MP3Player & mp3DirectCut
Wonderful mp3 player and wonderful mp3 editor.

RAMpage is a small Windows utility that displays the amount of available memory in an icon in the System Tray. It can also free memory; by double clicking the tray icon, or by setting a threshold that activates the program automatically, or by having it run automatically when an application exits.

CDCheck is a utility for the prevention, detection and recovery of damaged files on CD-ROMs with an emphasis on error detection. With CDCheck you can check your CDs and discover which files are corrupted.

Directory Lister
Directory Lister lets you list all the files you have in selected directories on your hard disk, cd-rom, floppy and wherever you want into text or html file

GameOS 1.2.6 beta (Win9x)
Simple and slim shell made for one main purpose: to play games with the best performance and stability possible.

Wallpapers showing EARTH/MOON in real-time

Edited by - lnminente on 30 Aug 2002  21:17:11

Questions and Answers / Popups to links - Need help
« on: August 30, 2002, 02:43:53 PM »
Hi and thanks H?kon.

I am not sure.

This filter is provisional. Would be better in javascript.


Other / Allow right mouse click II
« on: August 28, 2002, 04:09:43 PM »
Update 1 for multiple matches (added
 in replace code).
Update 2 for style , dedicated to Altosax.

Name = "Allow Right Mouse Click v.IV"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)"
Bounds = "$NEST(<script,</script*>)"
Limit = 5120
Match = "1.(on(contextmenu|mousedown|mouseup)|captureEvents)2"
Replace = "

Other thing, i don't use this filter, i prefer "Allow Right Mouse Clicks" from the config set of JD5000.

I only post here for knowledge of the readers to view the use of multiple matches.

Regards to all.

Edited by - lnminente on 28 Aug 2002  21:49:01

Questions and Answers / Offsite images without specified size
« on: August 28, 2002, 03:15:17 PM »


Questions and Answers / Offsite images without specified size
« on: August 28, 2002, 12:42:42 AM »
Thanks Altosax, but i don't think so.

The filter looks inside of <im(g|age)*> like bounds
and only match completely if don't find height or width.

Try with that:
<a href=''><img src='/img/banners/b_184x70_cd23.gif' width='184' height='70' border='0'></a>


Community Discussions (Non-Forum Related) / w2k sp3 and privacy question
« on: August 28, 2002, 12:25:11 AM »
You can be more safer executing that:

regsvr32.exe -u regwizc.dll



Questions and Answers / Offsite images without specified size
« on: August 27, 2002, 11:15:53 PM »
Well, here is the filter. (I'm still testing)
I make the replace code like the ad-filters of Sidki3003.

Name = "INM-Block image link without specified size"
Active = TRUE
Bounds = "$NEST(<a*,</a>)"
Limit = 256
Match = "<a[^>]++shref=($AV((http|ftp)(s|)://(^h)*))1*"
        "(<im(g|age)[^>]++ssrc=$AV(3)*>&&*( height=| width=|>))"
Replace = "<span class=prox style=display:inline;><center>"
          "<a href=1 target="_top"><font color=crimson>[Link: </font></a>"
          "<a href="3" target="_top"><font color=crimson>not size]</font></a>"

You can see how this filter works in this page:

If you prefer, use a list, to use this filter in selected sites only. Read the proxomitron help or search in this forum to know how make it.


Update: Changed in replace code href="1" to href=1

Edited by - lnminente on 30 Aug 2002  16:23:51

Configuration Files / JD's config set (updated 08-12-02)
« on: August 26, 2002, 06:53:47 PM »
Hi JD500, my friend.
I'm back

I think that the filter "Exploit - Big Size Input {} "
will never match, maybe would change the match code to that

Other thing, the filter "Bypass redirects in links {6.d}" fails with that code:
<a href="howitworks.htm" onClick="MM_nbGroup('down','group1','how_nav','',1)" onMouseOver="MM_nbGroup('over','how_nav','','',1)" onMouseOut="MM_nbGroup('out')">
extracted from this URL:

Other more, if you have doubts about "Remove specified OnMouseOver events"
this other is perfect for only status bar. (I think that is from Sidki)

Name = "Remove OnMouseovers: De-Obfuscator "
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "($TYPE(htm)|$TYPE(js)|$TYPE(oth))"
Bounds = "<as*>|<i(mg|mage|nput)s*>|<body*>"
Limit = 512
Match = " onmouseover=($AV(*status=*))1 2"
Replace = " NoMouseOver=1 2"

And the last one. Maybe the filter "Block - Browser Info in JS (Browser & OS)" can make window_manipulation.js works bad. But i'm not sure, it's only a supposition.


Edited by - lnminente on 26 Aug 2002  20:10:06

Feature-Block / Change Flash & Sounds to link
« on: August 26, 2002, 03:34:01 PM »
Hi Jor. Thanks for your filters.

I like filter that:

<OBJECT ID="MediaPlayer1" width=300 height=41
        standby="Loading Microsoft? Windows? Media Player components..."
        type="application/x-oleobject" align="absmiddle">
              <PARAM NAME="FileName" VALUE="midis/varios/zip1.mid">
              <PARAM NAME="AutoStart" VALUE="true">
              <EMBED type="application/x-mplayer2"
   pluginspage = ""
   AutoStart=true align="absmiddle" filename="midis/varios/zip1.mid" volumen="+30">

So i modified your filter:
Name = "Convert bg or embed sounds to links"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)"
Bounds = "$NEST(<object,</object>)|<(embed|bgsound)s*>"
Limit = 1024
Match = "*ssrc=("*'|w)1*&*.(mid|midi|mp3|wav|wmx|wma)2"
Replace = "<a class="sound" class="proxlink" href=1>[2 - 1]</a>"


Updated, thanks Jor

Edited by - lnminente on 26 Aug 2002  19:35:45

Questions and Answers / images after HTML
« on: August 26, 2002, 12:24:29 AM »
I will use the first version then.
Many thanks TEggHead.


Questions and Answers / images after HTML
« on: August 25, 2002, 02:10:32 PM »
Hi all.

I am not sure, but i think that the first version of "End: Load Delayed Images [JarC]" is better.

I have realized that with the second version, sometimes kills the images, but i am not sure. If someone think the same, post here please.

I am using Crazy browser, based on IE6.


Edited by - lnminente on 25 Aug 2002  15:11:28

Spam Blockers / Banner Killers: Another Two
« on: August 23, 2002, 06:38:17 PM »


*Big* speed improvement , especially for the "Kill: Banners (not linked)" filter.
Thanks a lot for this idea!

It's good to hear it. Thanks to you, my friend.


Questions and Answers / images after HTML
« on: August 23, 2002, 06:18:30 PM »
I think this works, but i am not sure:

Name = "Visual: Delay Loading FLASH until Page Done"
Active = TRUE
Bounds = "<object*</object>"
Limit = 896
Match = "(*codebase=$AV(*flash*)*)1 SRC=$AV( 2 )3&(^*PRXsrc)"
Replace = "1 SRC="http://local.ptron/clear.gif" PRXsrc="2"3"


Spam Blockers / Banner Killers: Another Two
« on: August 23, 2002, 03:41:09 PM »


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