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Topics - JD5000

Pages: [1]
Security / Security/Malicious code filters?
« on: July 13, 2002, 08:21:45 PM »
These are the ones I know about.. Which ones are still needed?

[HTTP headers]
Out = TRUE
Key = "URL-Killer: Kill script URL exploits (Out)"
URL = "*<(script|object|applet)*"
Replace = "Script killedk"

Key = "Content-Disposition: [IE Exploit] Reveal Attached Filename (in)"
Match = "*filename=$AV(1&(^*%00*))*"
Replace = "filename=1"

Key = "Content-Type: [IE Exploit] Application/Force-Download (in)"
Match = "(*|(^?))&$IHDR(Content-Disposition:*filename=*)"
Replace = "application/force-download"

Out = TRUE
Key = "Nimda Killer"
URL = "*readme.eml"
Replace = "k"

Name = "IE5/Opera Exploit (IMG SRC)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)"
Bounds = "<imgs*>"
Limit = 1200
Match = "*src="(file:|shell:|gopher:)*"

Name = "IE5 Exploit (FORM Big Size Input)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)"
Limit = 1200
Match = "size="[1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9]+{3,*}"

Name = "Defuse "While-Loop" Browser Bombs"
Active = TRUE
Limit = 64
Match = "while ( true )"
Replace = "
<!-- PROX: Defused Potential While Loop Browser Bombs -->
          "if (true)"

Name = "Defuse "Form Action+" Browser MailBombs"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)"
Bounds = "<forms*>"
Limit = 512
Match = "<Form 1 action=("|)mailto:("|) + ("|)(w)3 4"
Replace = "
<!-- PROX: Defused a "Form Action+" Browser MailBomb -->
          "<Form 1 action="mailto:3 4"
Name = "Replace Internet Explorer Gopher links with warning of IE bug"
Active = TRUE
Bounds = "<a*>"
Limit = 256
Match = "<a*HREF=*gopher://*>"
Replace = "<font size=2 color=red>"
          "[Gopher link removed:<font><font size=1 color=red>"
          " Thanks to an Internet Explorer bug, this Gopher link may be"

Infopros Joint :: Computer Related Links And Discussion

Privacy / Block Browser Info in JS
« on: June 12, 2002, 09:17:42 PM »
I've tested these in IE6, Opera6, & Mozilla 1.0

Name = "Block Browser Info in JS (Browser & OS) {7.a}"
Active = TRUE
URL = "(^local.ptron/)"
Limit = 32
Match = ".(app((Minor|)Version|Name|CodeName)|platform|useragent|"
Replace = ".1.substr(0,0)+"NOYB""

Name = "Block Browser Info in JS (Browser History) {6.d} "
Active = TRUE
URL = "(^local.ptron/)"
Limit = 32
Match = "history.(back|length|current|next|previous|back|forward|go)1"
Replace = "history.1.substr(0,0)+"NOYB""

Just be careful with "Block Browser Info in JS (Browser & OS)" it can disable scripts..


"Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Einstein

Site Specific / DeviantART Set
« on: June 12, 2002, 09:09:55 PM »
Here's my DeviantART set.

Name = "==================== DEVIANTART"
Active = FALSE
Limit = 256
Match = "never"

Name = "DeviantART - Top Banner Killer "
Active = TRUE
URL = "[^/]"
Limit = 3000
Replace = "<!-- Top Banners Removed -->$STOP( )"

Name = "DeviantART - Misc. & Spon. Links Killer "
Active = TRUE
URL = "[^/]|(^"
Limit = 6000
Replace = "<!-- Junk Links Killed -->$STOP( )"

Name = "DeviantART - Hot News Remover"
Active = TRUE
URL = "[^/]|(^"
Limit = 6656
Match = "$NEST(<!-- TOP NEWS,*,<!-- MESSAGE FORUM -->)"
Replace = "<!-- No News -->$STOP( )"

Name = "DeviantART - Shoutbox Killer "
Active = TRUE
URL = "[^/]|(^"
Limit = 5000
Match = "$NEST(<!-- SHOUTBOX,*,<!-- NAVIGATION: END -->)"
Replace = "<!-- Sandbox -->$STOP( )"

Name = "DeviantART - Bottom Banner Killer "
Active = TRUE
URL = "[^/]"
Limit = 5000
Match = "$NEST(<!-- FOOTER; INFORMATION,*,!</td>)"
Replace = "  <tr>"
          "          <td colspan="0" align="center" class="cell">"
"<br><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">"
          "  <tr> "
          "    <td class="" align="center">"
          "      <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align="center">"
          "        <tr>"
          "          <td>       "
          " </td>"
          "          <td></td>"
          "        </tr>"
          "      </table>"
          "    </td>"
          "  </tr>"
          "  <tr> "
          "    <td colspan="0" align="center" class=""><div class=""></div></td>"
          "  </tr>"
          "  <tr> "
          "    <td colspan="0" align="center" class="">"
          "$STOP( )"


"Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Einstein

Configuration Files / JD's config set (updated 08-12-02)
« on: May 08, 2002, 08:04:10 PM »
EDIT: Updated 08/12/02


This is my config set for Proxomitron, it has been tested in Opera6, IE6 & Mozilla 1.1.


- Made with Proxomitron newbies in mind.
- Almost every "web page" filter in the list has been modified in some way.
- Includes a few original site specific filter set's.(deviantart, google & yahoo groups)
- Includes my Proxomitron "error page" replacements. (Matrix style)
- Has multiple options for Ad killing & JS handling.
- Includes updated Ad Lists.
- All lists & HTML "bits" are kept in seperate folders.
- "Web page" filters are broken down into groups.
- Many original filters.
- Can be used without overwriting your default config.
- Kill's can be hidden by disabling a filter.("Insert Style Sheet - Show Kills")
- Highlight's "email", "javascript", "redirect", ftp & image links.
- Includes two SLIGHTLY modified Super-Opener filters.
- Includes a ranking system for filters. To help those new to Proxomitron.
- Includes three configs.
     - JD5000 = What I recommend for those trying my config. A nice mix of filters.
     - JD_Basic = Only basic Ad & Pop-up blocking. Plus filters to disable annoying javascript.
     - JD_Default = My daily config. Industrial strength filtering. ^_^


DL my config set (145k) - Install notes in Readme

Thanks to Sidki3003 & Arne for testing.


"Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Einstein

Edited by - JD5000 on 13 Aug 2002  07:02:48

Edited by - JD5000 on 31 Aug 2002  09:16:22

Community Discussions (Non-Forum Related) / Your cyber home?
« on: March 05, 2002, 07:33:30 AM »
I've always found this type of topic interesting.

Here's my cyber home.

Home sweet home...


"Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Einstein

Edited by - JD5000 on 05 Mar 2002  07:36:41

Edited by - JD5000 on 05 Mar 2002  07:45:13

Pages: [1]