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Topics - haiunder

Pages: [1]
Hello! friends

I am using IE 5.5. Every time I download a file, Window pop up box ask me to save on desktop.  I have to navigate all the way to "My download" foder. I is getting annoyance.

Netscape Communicator can save the file directly to My download folder.  Can IE 5.5 do that?


Questions and Answers / Active X
« on: April 17, 2002, 08:16:50 PM »
To: all Proxomitron expert

Can Proxomitron overide Internet Explore 5.5 security seting?  I set IE 5.5 prompt me on Active X plug in.  I use allow ActiveX in my Proxomitron for allowing ActiveX in Microsoft Windows Update pages.  However, it still pop up asking me to allow ActiveX or not, every time I visit Window Udate.

Can any one help?

By the way, What does Proxomitron mean? Who genius came up with this powerful filter program?

Salute to Proxomitron!


Pages: [1]