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Messages - haiunder

Pages: [1]
Configuration Files / JD's config set (updated 08-12-02)
« on: August 31, 2002, 09:54:12 PM »
I try to download JD's config set.  However it lead to the link  I can't find the config set on this link page.

Can any one help?



Hi! Friends

I did an interface Sock Chain and Proxo. together, it ran perfectly.  I also tried Sock Cap, but it did not work.   I just went back to Sock Chain and Proxo. First I use Mutiple Proxy program to test all proxies, then pick out the fastest ones, import these fastest proxies into Sock Chain.

Some proxies have safe surf program to lock out violent, prono. materials.  It will give you a warning.  Just take those proxies out.  Another thing: If you rotate proxies more often, it may catch attention of your internet provider.  It is good idea to set the rotation time about 30 minutes.


Hello again, my friends.

I had a hard time to reach to this forum in past few weeks.  I am able to get in today.

I appreciate very much for your help.  I think that this is a best forum I ever read.

Thanks again.



Hello! friends

I am using IE 5.5. Every time I download a file, Window pop up box ask me to save on desktop.  I have to navigate all the way to "My download" foder. I is getting annoyance.

Netscape Communicator can save the file directly to My download folder.  Can IE 5.5 do that?


Questions and Answers / Active X
« on: April 20, 2002, 02:44:59 PM »
Hi! guys

I appreciate very much for your help.  I just found out that the issue is more complex than I though. It involves with my internet sercurity setting.  However with your replying, it give me some idea to fix it.

Again, Thanks a lot.



Questions and Answers / Active X
« on: April 17, 2002, 08:16:50 PM »
To: all Proxomitron expert

Can Proxomitron overide Internet Explore 5.5 security seting?  I set IE 5.5 prompt me on Active X plug in.  I use allow ActiveX in my Proxomitron for allowing ActiveX in Microsoft Windows Update pages.  However, it still pop up asking me to allow ActiveX or not, every time I visit Window Udate.

Can any one help?

By the way, What does Proxomitron mean? Who genius came up with this powerful filter program?

Salute to Proxomitron!


Pages: [1]