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Messages - arfirebird

Pages: [1]
Other / Filter to add Javascript Time & Date to webpages
« on: May 29, 2002, 08:20:42 PM »
OK, I can't take credit for writing the javascript on this
filter... I searched the web for a script to do what I
wanted & found one that was close...
did a couple of slight mods and came up with this.

Name = "Add Date & Time to top of page"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
Limit = 5096
Match = "<body1>"
Replace = "<body1><font color="ff0066"><center><script language="javascript"> date = new Date(); today=date.getDay(); if(today=="1") today="Monday"; else if(today=="2") today="Tuesday"; else if(today=="3") today="Wednesday"; else if(today=="4") today="Thursday"; else if(today=="5") today="Friday"; else if(today=="6") today="Saturday"; else if(today=="7") today="Sunday"; year=date.getYear(); month = date.getMonth(); hours = date.getHours(); if(hours < 10) hours = "0" + hours; minutes = date.getMinutes(); if(minutes < 10) minutes = "0" + minutes; seconds = date.getSeconds(); if(seconds < 10) seconds = "0" + seconds; day = date.getDate(); function y2k(number) { return(number<1000)?number+1900:number; } year=y2k(date.getYear()); if(month=="0") month="January"; else if(month=="1") month="February"; else if(month=="2") month="March"; else if(month=="3") month="April"; else if(month=="4") month="May"; else if(month=="5") month="June"; else if(month=="6") month="July"; else if(month=="7") month="August"; else if(month=="8") month="September"; else if(month=="9") month="October"; else if(month=="10") month="November"; else if(month=="11") month="December";  var the_date= today+" "+month+" "+day+","+year+" "; var the_time= hours+":"+minutes+":"+seconds; </script><script language="javascript"> document.write("Today is: " + the_date + ".  It's " + the_time + ".");  </script></font> </center>"

The Limit value may be larger than needed... not sure I haven't played
around with it to see if it still works like I want with a smaller value.
If you want to add the date & time to the bottom of the page instead
of or in additon to the top, download JD5000's config set (it has a filter
to add an END tag to the page, then make the following changes to
the filter above:

Name = "Add Date & Time to end of page"
Match = "<end>"
Replace = Same as filter above, just remove the "<body1>" part of
the replacement code.

The font will be red, you can of course change the font color value to
whatever suits your taste.


Questions and Answers / Trying to modify a complex filter
« on: May 20, 2002, 04:47:16 PM »
Thanks  I wasn't sure how to type that without having
it show as the symbol


Questions and Answers / Trying to modify a complex filter
« on: May 17, 2002, 06:43:06 PM »
One thing I just noticed after I posted that mod:
in the Replace code, on the line that starts with
" target=_blank123> the lozenge symbol
that follows it displays as the symbol on the screen
instead of the code you use to get the symobol to
appear, so following the " target=_blank123>
use this code to get it to display the lozenge "& loz"
(without the quotes and without the space between the
"&" and the "loz") then follow it with a ";"
so that it looks like:
" target=_blank123>& loz;"
again, removing the space between the & and the loz.


Questions and Answers / Trying to modify a complex filter
« on: May 17, 2002, 06:31:56 PM »
Thanks Altosax,
Coincidentally last night I downloaded JD5000's
filter set and merged it with mine - it has a lot
of cool stuff in it.
I ended up going back to the original Superopener
filter though, and finally came up with a modification
that gets it to work the way I was after (at least 99.9%
of the time - occasionally an odd link might come up
that it won't put a "lozenge" next to, but its rare.
(& BTW thanks for telling me the name for that -
JD5000's filter set had a comment under his modified
Superopener that pointed to a website that gave codes
for special characters and knowing the name for the
diamond shape helped me find it easier).
OK, if anyone else is interested in using my modified
version of the SuperOpener, here is the whole filter
(I'm including the matching expression because I had
to make one mod to it).
Name = "Links >^ SUPER-OPENER BETA 37 (aB) (bC)"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
Bounds = "<as*(<(\|)/a>|(<as))(^<!-- BPM_(W|A) -->)"
Limit = 450
Match = "<a"
        "|(sclass=$AV(*))2|(sstyle=$AV(*))3|((s[^ ]+)|>)#))+"
        "( $NEST(<,(^(\|)/a(^?))*,> )+)4"
        "$SET(6= class="BPM-supero-d")"
        "(&[^; ]++; |[^<] )5"
        "($NEST(<,(^(\|)/a(^?))*,> )+ )8"
        "(( (&[^; ]++;|[^<])"
        "$NEST( <,(^(\|)/a(^?))*,>)+)++{1,2})5"
        "( (&[^; ]++;|[^<])"
        " $NEST(<,(^(\|)/a(^?))*,> )+ )8"
        "( (&[^; ]++;|[^<])"
        " $NEST(<,(^(\|)/a(^?))*,> )+"
        "(&[^; ]++;|[^<])"
        " (&[^; ]++;|[^<]|$NEST(<,(^(\|)/a(^?))*,> )+)++ )5"
        "( (&[^; ]++;|[^<])"
        " $NEST(<,(^(\|)/a(^?))*,> )+"
        "(&[^; ]++;|[^<])"
        " $NEST(<,(^(\|)/a(^?))*,> )+ )8"
Replace = "<a123@4578 </a>"
        "<a id=BPM-supero"
        " title=Open in new window"
        " target=_blank123>◊"
        "<!-- BPM_W -->"


Tweaked the filter a bit since original post so updated
this post - only changed the matching expression.

Edited by - arfirebird on 18 May 2002  06:41:16

Questions and Answers / Trying to modify a complex filter
« on: May 17, 2002, 02:45:44 AM »
I downloaded the 3 filters for the Diamond Links (the
Superopener by BigPurpleMoon that is available over
under the "cosmetic" catagory on this board.
I like the filter a lot but wanted to change a couple
of minor things (not easy with a filter this complex
and my limited knowledge of html)...
The filter as it comes adds a diamond after some links
which when clicked opens up that link in a new window.
The other links that don't have a diamond can be opened
in a new window by clicking either of the last 2 letters
in the link.  
OK... the change I wanted to make is I wanted
to make it so that instead of clicking on the last 2 letters
in those links, that I could turn those links back to a standard link,
but add a diamond at the end of the link and make it like the
others, so that all links had diamonds
which would enable you to view the link in a new webpage.

Here's the 3 filters the way they were written by BigPurpleMoon:
Name = "Head >^ Style - Pre-Super-Opener - Option #2 (B)"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
Limit = 16
Match = "</head>|(<body)1$SET(2=<head>)"
Replace = "2"
          "<style type="text/css">"
          "#BPM-supero:hover { border: thin dotted #dd0000 }"
          "A.BPM-supero-d { font: 9pt verdana;"
          " color: #b22222; text-decoration: none;"
          " position: relative; top: -6px; left: -11px; }"

Name = "Links >^ SUPER-OPENER BETA 37 (aB) (bC)"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
Bounds = "<as*(<(\|)/a>|(<as))(^<!-- BPM_(W|A) -->)"
Limit = 450
Match = "<a"
        "|(sclass=$AV(*))2|(sstyle=$AV(*))3|((s[^ ]+)|>)#))+"
        "( $NEST(<,(^(\|)/a(^?))*,> )+)4"
        "$SET(6= class="BPM-supero-d")"
        "(&[^; ]++; |[^<] )5"
        "($NEST(<,(^(\|)/a(^?))*,> )+ )8"
        "<((\|)/a>|as)$SET(7=<font size=-2>◊</font>)"
        "(( (&[^; ]++;|[^<])"
        "$NEST( <,(^(\|)/a(^?))*,>)+)++{1,2})5"
        "( (&[^; ]++;|[^<])"
        " $NEST(<,(^(\|)/a(^?))*,> )+ )8"
        "( (&[^; ]++;|[^<])"
        " $NEST(<,(^(\|)/a(^?))*,> )+"
        "(&[^; ]++;|[^<])"
        " (&[^; ]++;|[^<]|$NEST(<,(^(\|)/a(^?))*,> )+)++ )5"
        "( (&[^; ]++;|[^<])"
        " $NEST(<,(^(\|)/a(^?))*,> )+"
        "(&[^; ]++;|[^<])"
        " $NEST(<,(^(\|)/a(^?))*,> )+ )8"
Replace = "<a123@45</a>"
          "<a id=BPM-supero6"
          " title=Open in new window"
          " target=_blank123>"
          "<!-- BPM_W -->"

Name = "Comments >^ Remove temporary proxomitron comment tags (C)"
Active = TRUE
Limit = 32
Match = "<!-- BPM_? -->"

Its the second filter -
Name = "Links >^ SUPER-OPENER BETA 37 (aB) (bC)"
that does most of the work.  
Here is my modification to this filter's replacement code:

<a123@4578 </a>
<a id=BPM-supero 6
title=Open in new window
<a id=BPM-supero 6
title=Open in new window
<!-- BPM_W -->
which has the result of laying the page out the way I wanted
with diamonds after all the links, but there are 2 problems.
Problem 1 is the links that already had diamonds in the original
filter lost the hover title which said
"open in new window" after I modified it.  Problem 2
is more serious... None of the diamonds actually open a new
webbrowser, they just open the link in the same browser.
Any ideas on how to accomplish what I'm after?

I know this is a long winded question and I apologize for
asking so many questions lately, but I'm trying to figure this
stuff out.



Questions and Answers / https sites
« on: May 16, 2002, 04:05:07 PM »
Thanks for the help!


Questions and Answers / https sites
« on: May 16, 2002, 04:17:06 AM »
Question regarding filtering secure sites.  I am using the
2 files required to make Proxo filter secure sites, however
since setting Proxo to filter secure sites I get popup browser
warnings regarding certificates ( I think I may have stopped
that one by turning off the setting in IE to warn about certs),
but I am also getting a message stating the page contains
both secure and  insecure items and asks if I want to continue.
This warning isn't there if I bypass Proxo and reload the
page.  The obvious answer is to set it so it either doesn't
filter secure sites or that site in particular but I would like
to be able to filter it without having that warning popup as
the page loads.  The site I am looking at is
They have it setup as a secure site, and anytime I type in the
address and try to load the page I get the secure and
non-secure mix warning.  Is there a way to get this warning to

Thanks a lot for the help.  That did the trick nicely.
Appreciate it


OK, I have made a filter to increase small font size on some pages
and it works but I want to add a restriction.  Here is the matching
(and there is probably a simplier way of inputting that)
and the replacement text:
Now, my question is - this works for changing small text size, but it also
works to change things like the default size for dropdown boxes which I
don't want it to do.  I don't want to restrict it by changing the matching expression to "font size=-1" for example because I still want it to match
if it encounters something in the webpage like "font face=xxxx size=xxx".
So I was trying to get it to match using a bounds limitation with something like <font*>*</font>... I would like for it to only match a
"size=xxx" statement if it was between a <font> and </font>.  
I'm sure there's a simple way to do this but I haven't figured it out yet.


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