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Messages - dave1006

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Community Discussions (Non-Forum Related) / Proggys & Downloads
« on: July 30, 2002, 05:03:29 PM »
That sounds like a similar utility, but I was 99% sure that 'sysmon' was a part of windows, and is installed with windows (because i've found it on every winME/98 machine i've used). I think any windows user can type 'sysmon' in the RUN command prompt and they'll either get the sysmon utility or an error when using NT. I do miss it's background realtime graphing... it used very few system resources and was stable too! - Maybe it doesn't come with windows after all...

dave at

I've also received an email of this sort in the past... Amusing in the short term, get's older the 50th time you recieve a different, but similar, email.

Can't believe people would fall for this though

dave at

Questions and Answers / Cutting the chord.
« on: July 16, 2002, 10:06:01 PM »
Hi Jak,
the Hosts file blocks connections to specific IPs. But, if you use a remote proxy - you will only connect to the remote proxy and not the IPs in the host list.

dave at

Questions and Answers / Naoko 4.3
« on: July 11, 2002, 12:59:20 PM »
Hi Multiproxomatrix,
I only ever got the half page loads when using pipelining with Mozilla... (Which was|is buggy).

With Opera and IE, and Mozilla with proxy pipelining off, I never have any problems at all with Proxo.... It runs as beautifully as ever

dave at

Questions and Answers / bypass doesn't work with IE6 & Win XP
« on: July 08, 2002, 03:28:31 PM »
Well I'm using Win XP Pro and Proxo4.3, with Mozilla, Opera and IE6 and have never had any problems with bypass not working.

I suggest you look at the source of the page without proxo running at all then at the source when proxo is bypassed - see if there is any difference.

dave at

Spam Blockers / DOM filter by Scott
« on: July 08, 2002, 12:49:59 PM »
I've been following the 'evolution' of the DOM Blaster over at ygroups, and it's a little over my head right now :) Not ever having used JS in my pages (or at least since it first 'came out'), as i prefer server based scripts, the DOM/JS implimentation is a little beyond most of my understanding.

However, one thing i noticed was that the DOM blaster can sometimes consume too much - to counter this, edit the 'DOM Container Killer' fourth line and change the variable to a lesser value... I changed from the default 6 to 5 - as 6 blocked a whole forum I like to visit :)

Also worth noting is that this filter won't work in Opera (any version <= 6.04), but it is supported by Mozilla and IE (DOM complient versions). If you're a avid Opera fan (as I am) you may want to try out Mozilla (, as it contains a lot of similar features - infact the only downside over opera that I can find is poor(er) support of 'tabs' for websites within the same window. Oh, and Flash for some reason uses mad CPU time, don't know if that's Mozilla or me though :)

dave at

Questions and Answers / Why hide browser properties from JS....
« on: July 07, 2002, 10:27:55 PM »
Hi Scott,
Yes, that's exactly what I was saying - so, what we need is a filter to see if the JS calls an image (or otherwise connects to a site), right? ie, look for addresses with possibly dynamically created URL within JS.

Other than this, in *most* cases, it actually helps if JS can tell what browser you have (for browser specific html/script writing...)?

This is really the main jist of what I was wondering.

dave at

Questions and Answers / Why hide browser properties from JS....
« on: July 07, 2002, 09:58:57 PM »
Ok, but wouldn't 'they' just try a whole bunch of exploits hoping that one would work? I mean, I'm currently unaware of 'exploits' through JS for Opera and Mozilla other than the usual universal JS problems. And if there are JS exploits, shouldn't a JS-filter filter those rather than, say, your screen resolution or browser name? Although I realise exploits are being found/developed constantly so maybe this isnt always possible... (But then... JS only has X amount of commands?  So shouldnt we just filter out commands which *may* be used as exploits?)

Maybe the best solution is to filter JS properties for 'unknown' sites by default, so you can browse them a couple of times, and then decide whether the site is trust worthy enough to know your details. (Which i guess is what everyone does anyway.)

As a final note, I currently use Mozilla and Opera (I like the new DOM Banner Blaster, but unfortunatly Opera doesn't support DOM just yet) - I'm thinking maybe it is best to use a 'imaginary' browser name/version etc as default until the/a site is 'trusted'... But still, maybe this is all a little 'overkill'.

dave at

Questions and Answers / Why hide browser properties from JS....
« on: July 07, 2002, 07:04:01 PM »
Hi altosax, thanks for your responce.
the first answer i feel to give you is this: why a web site should know your browser's properties?

This is my main point really, the website *doesn't* know your browser's properties - as all javascript is run on the clients machine.

On all other points I agree with you - JS should conform to standards that allow all (or all compliant browsers) to run it; and as for protecting/securing your browsing, I agree too that JS needs to be filtered, but this isn't what my original point was - that browser/computer properties need not be hidden from JS for 'privacy' purposes, unless these properties are being submitted to the website.

A last point is that, for example, DOM isn't supported by Opera but is by Mozilla and IE, and JS may need to determin if DOM is supported.

dave at

Questions and Answers / Why hide browser properties from JS....
« on: July 07, 2002, 05:36:14 PM »
Hi everyone,
I, like most here I would guess, have certain filters which block JavaScript from determining my browser name/version and other stats about my computer, however, it suddenly dawned on me 'why?': JS runs on our own computer, and therefore unless you submit data to a site (via tag or post), the remote site won't be able to use this JS to identify you or your browser in any way... The only reason I can see people wanting to hide their browser (and other info) from JS is infact not to 'hide' it, but rather to fake it - ie, for websites who will only display content to specific browsers (usually IE and Netscape only...).

I could be missing some big point here.... Wondered if anyone would care to enlighten me? Thanks.

dave at

Security / Kill off-site Images
« on: July 06, 2002, 04:32:11 PM »
Hi lnminente,

For your "URL = "$LST(OffSite)"" I would suggest using an exclusion list rather than inclusion... I would have thought you want *unknown* sites to be filtered, only once you know the site is 'friendly' may you want to allow offsite images.

dave at

Questions and Answers / "Waiting for new connections" (upgrade)
« on: July 04, 2002, 11:36:11 AM »
I'm guessing that port 8080 wasn't the port you used before...
And it may be worth checking your browser proxy settings point to 8080.
If not that, then maybe you have a firewall blocking connections?

dave at

Community Discussions (Non-Forum Related) / Proggys & Downloads
« on: July 02, 2002, 12:20:25 PM »
Thanks Jak!
When I used to use WinME, there was a handly little app called system monitor, or 'sysmon', which could be calibrated to show the bytes sent/received per second (as well as any number of other system resources). It made a little graph which would sit at the bottom of my screen, between the taskbar and my open programs, and i could watch to see what my throughput was like. Trying to run 'sysmon' from the run menu in WinXP Pro or 2k gives an error though :( The only dissapointment for me when I upgraded. Here is a little example of what iut would look like, though there is no data transfer in the picture so you can't see any graph stats:    

I will check out NSL, see if it offers what i've been missing

dave at

I was under the impression that the address about:blank was an IE thing that refers to a blank window...

ie, when in the IE options you select 'use blank page' as a start page, the address is about:blank..

I don't know why a webpage would want to open a blank page, though... Sometimes (i seem to remember, as i don't use IE anymore) when a popup opens, before it connects to the site, the window's title is 'about:blank' and then it connects and the title changes to the URL or page's title. If this is the case, it suggests a popup method is getting through your popup filters, rather than your filters not filtering about:blank addresses.

|David Gallagher        
|dave at

Questions and Answers / Need Scojo ACR Help!
« on: June 29, 2002, 10:02:52 PM »
Hi CoolBeans,
you can always simply add
to your bypass list.

|David Gallagher        
|dave at

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