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Messages - JD5000

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Privacy / Kill Webbugs: Another One
« on: August 18, 2002, 10:21:34 AM »
While messing with something else.. I noticed some bugs getting by..

Here's one...

The code is..

<img src= border=0 height=1 width=1>

Also, in one of the stories..

<img src= border=0 height=1 width=1>
<img src="" width=1 height=1 id=scrollRecord border=0>

In the first two. It looks to me that, "gif" in URL is throwing off the filter. I remember running across this before, just don't remember if I was able to find a workaround...

Right now I'm using this filter to mark obvious web bugs & my old one to kill any possible web bugs.

BTW, not that I didn't like the awesome RED gif... However, I changed it to a 'lil bug I found at the bugnosis site. I removed the white bg & flipped it...

NOTE: If anybody tries the image, you'll need to change the replacement size to 18x18.

Infopros Joint :: Computer Related Links And Discussion

Privacy / Kill Webbugs: Another One
« on: August 18, 2002, 02:24:46 AM »
Hey now, yet another filter to add to the collection.

BTW, I how long did it take to get the RED just right.

Infopros Joint :: Computer Related Links And Discussion

Other / Alternative to <start> Filters
« on: August 18, 2002, 12:17:14 AM »
Ok, I'll give it a go. Thx.


Infopros Joint :: Computer Related Links And Discussion

Other / Alternative to <start> Filters
« on: August 17, 2002, 11:24:33 PM »
So I don't need number 4?

Your still using the <end> filters, right?

Hmmm.. This is a bit complicated to explain...

Infopros Joint :: Computer Related Links And Discussion

Other / Alternative to <start> Filters
« on: August 17, 2002, 11:14:24 PM »
It seems to work, I just want to make sure.

Infopros Joint :: Computer Related Links And Discussion

Other / Alternative to <start> Filters
« on: August 17, 2002, 11:06:45 PM »
Hiya sidki,

If I remove the "marking" that filter number 4 makes, then disable filter number 6. Will they still function correctly? Filter number 4 still adds the miising tags, but doesn't put "<!-- Start injected Proxomitron filters Header Bottom -->

Infopros Joint :: Computer Related Links And Discussion

Configuration Files / My Config
« on: August 17, 2002, 09:24:22 AM »
Sweet! Thx HP.

I changed it to..

document.title "|" + "It took "+loadtime+" second"+s+" to load the page"

But, it seems to conflict with something on the ozone link you just gave me..


Infopros Joint :: Computer Related Links And Discussion

Configuration Files / My Config
« on: August 17, 2002, 06:41:45 AM »
Hiya HP,

I finally got a chance to give your set a try. So I guess you don't like javascript? LoL

Do you know if the "load timer" script could write to a page?


Infopros Joint :: Computer Related Links And Discussion

Spam Blockers / Banner Killers: Another Two
« on: August 16, 2002, 08:53:35 PM »
Ok, I must not be thinking straight... What did you change? I can't see it... I know it's going to be obvious. LoL

Infopros Joint :: Computer Related Links And Discussion

Configuration Files / JD's config set (updated 08-12-02)
« on: August 16, 2002, 01:51:09 AM »
I didn't notice the "navigator" in there. I only added the "[^a-z]" part.

Infopros Joint :: Computer Related Links And Discussion

Configuration Files / JD's config set (updated 08-12-02)
« on: August 16, 2002, 12:52:52 AM »
Hi ,

Bugs or changes i would make:
"Kill Images on selected pages"
The list $LST(BlockList_Images) doesn't exist

It should be in the ACR folder.

"Browser Info in JS(Browser & OS)"
Match = "navigator.$LST(JSProperties)(^[a-z0-9])
(this change was proposed by you)

Yup, already changed.

Things that i modified:
"Kill - ad banners {6.d}"
Match = "1<(im(g|age)|input)s*>(*)2&*src=$AV($LST(AdKeys)*)"
Replace = "<center><span class=Prox style=display:none;>1[banner.2 - 9]2</span></center>"

"Kill ad banners by size"
Bounds = "<as*</a>|<iframe*</iframe>|<ilayer*</ilayer>|<img*>|<input*>|<object*</object>|<embed*>( </ embed>|)"
Match = "((*<(im(g|age)|input)s*)|*(src|value)=$AV(*.swf)*)& *$LST(AdDims)"

Both have been replaced with sidki's filters.

Name = "Dim white backgrounds"
Active = FALSE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)"
Limit = 32
Match = "(b(gcolor=|ackground(-color|) : ))1"
Replace = "1#E0E0E02"

Name = "Allow for frame resizing"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)"
Bounds = "<fram*>"
Limit = 256
Match = "(#((frameborder|border)=$AV(*)|noresize|=$AV(0|no)$SET(#==1 )))+ 1 >"
Replace = "@1>"

Name = "Remove specified OnMouseOver events (Sidki)"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "($TYPE(htm)|$TYPE(js)|$TYPE(oth))(^$LST(Bypass_Ads))"
Bounds = "<(a|img|image|input|body)s*>"
Limit = 768
Match = "(*onmouseover=)1(*;|)2("
"$AV(((|{|) ((w.|)status)5=*)"
"|("|)3 (|MM_displayStatusMsg)5(*)"
Replace = "1234"

Will do.


Infopros Joint :: Computer Related Links And Discussion

Spam Blockers / Banner Killers: Another Two
« on: August 15, 2002, 07:02:00 PM »
Hehe, I kept the replace code. But, I  think I'm going to remove the links for the "kill banners (linked)". I mean, when I try to click them, they are killed by the URL-killer. LoL

I also liked how you gave each a diff color. So... I color coded all my kills using the "id" tag.

Infopros Joint :: Computer Related Links And Discussion

Edited by - JD5000 on 15 Aug 2002  20:02:41

Spam Blockers / Banner Killers: Another Two
« on: August 15, 2002, 07:17:33 AM »
Dang... I really like them! Gave me a an idea for my kill marks too.

Another question, why do you call adpaths straight from the match?

Infopros Joint :: Computer Related Links And Discussion

Configuration Files / JD's config set (updated 08-12-02)
« on: August 15, 2002, 06:14:41 AM »
Howdy Engsetter,

Welcome to the world of Proxomitron. It's great to hear you've found my config useful. That's the best thing about Proxo users. Everbody is willing to help each other.

Hehehe, yup... Looks like an update is coming soon.


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