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Messages - JakBeNymble

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Questions and Answers / Chaine REMOTE proxies with prox
« on: August 12, 2002, 05:59:54 PM »
Hi "RedHades",

              I don't think that there is a way to chain proxies together in a conventional way in Proxo. But there are a couple of alternatives.

(1). First You can Chain Proxomitron with some other Programs. The first one is a program that will chain two http or socks Proxies together. Here is the link: The second program You can chain with Proxo, is a 100% encrypting Proxy call J.A.P. It doesn't chain Proxies together, but it will rotate between two or more encrypting Proxies. Not only will it provide destination protection, but will also provide corridor protection from Your Machine to the Encrypting Proxies. I use this one occasionally my-self. Here is the link that has all the information about it and how to chain it with Proxomitron.

(2a). This requires a little more work. You can create a Redirector Filter with a CGI proxy in the replacement line. Here is a link where You can look at the CGI redirect filter, but You'll have to download the filter to look at it. Sorry.

(2b). Next tick the "Use Remote Proxy" on Proxomitron and use the Proxies in the list. I set Proxo to rotate the Remote Proxies in the list. Most default.config's have them set to rotate every 1 connection, but I have mine set to every 10 connections. There are persistent connection problems that occur if the Proxies are down or if they are having a bad day when You use rotate every 1 connection.

(2c). Now You have to Use another Web-based Anonymous Proxy to surf through like "The Cloak".
By working Proxo like this You will have a list of Rotating Proxies Chain to the CGI Redirector, and then logging-in to another Web-based Proxy. This will chain 3 Proxies together.

But there are some things to remember, this will for sure slow You down to a crawl, and if You use On-Shore Proxies, the logs can readily be "asked for", and You ALWAYS Share ALL Your Surfing Information with ALL the PROXIES YOU USE. They SEE all that You SEE! And Your Request/Response Data Always goes through many, many forwarding servers before it reaches it's destination and back.

I would highly recommend the J.A.P. program though, if It ran Faster for Me, I would use it instead of Free Remote Proxies for those sites I don't want my IP known. That's the only time that I use a Remote Proxy. The rest of the time I just use the Spoofers.

Sorry it took so long to get back to You RedHades, but I hope that this information helps.

Take Care and Have a Great Day!
Best Wishes & Safe-surfin',

Edited by - JakBeNymble on 12 Aug 2002  19:06:56

Questions and Answers / Chaine REMOTE proxies with prox
« on: August 10, 2002, 01:27:15 PM »
Hi "Redhades",

             Welcome to the FORUM! Glad You are here!
As to Your Question, I worked on that very subject some time ago. Right off hand I can't remember if I entered a chain of Remote Proxies in the Proxy-list in "Proxo" or if there was some other way that I did it. Seems like it was How You chained them together that made the difference. [I've got a good memory, it's just Short!]. But I will got through my notes and see what I can come up with. In the mean time maybe one of the other members knows how that it's done. But remember that chaining Remote Proxies or just using a Remote Proxy can slow Surfin' down to crawl, depending on Proxy Location, Traffic, and Bandwidth. Also this might be of Interest to You,

Again let me take this opportunity to Welcome You to(What I believe to Be)the Best FORUM on the NET!
Take Care and Have a Great & Wonderful Day,
Best Wishes,


Community Discussions (Non-Forum Related) / w2k sp3 and privacy question
« on: August 09, 2002, 01:45:00 AM »
Hi "Pooms",

           I disable windows-update and use "big-Fix" to manually get up-dates. I'm like You, I don't like my machine contacting any site period without my permission. You might already use Big-Fix, but just in case here is where You can check it out: I like the program really well. It can help prevent a crash before it happens.

Take Care and Have a Great Evening,
Best Wishes,


Privacy / Fake Proxy Host_Name & IP Filters!
« on: August 08, 2002, 06:17:56 PM »
Hi My "Proxomitronic-Friends",
                         The Via general-header field MUST be used by gateways and proxies to indicate the intermdiate protocols and recipients between the user agent and the server on requests, and between the origin server and the client on responses. It is analogous to the "Received" field of RFC 822std11(->2822prop)[9] and is intended to be used for "TRACKING" Message Forwards , Avoiding request loops, and "IDENTIFYING" the Protocol capabilities of ALL senders along the request/reponse chain.

The Protocol-name is optional if and only if it would be "HTTP". The received-by field is normally the host and optional port number of a recipient server or client that subsequently forwarded the message. However, if the Real Host is considered to sensitive information, it MAY BE REPLACED BY A "PSUEDONYM". If the port is not given, it "MAY" be assumed to be the default port of the received protocol.

"MULTIPLE VIA FIELD" values represent each Proxy or Gateway that has fowarded the message. Each recipient "MUST" append its information such that the end result is ordered according to the sequence of the forwarding applications.

For example, a request message could be sent from an HTTP/1.0 user agent to an Internal Proxy Code-Named "monica", which uses HTTP/1.1 to forward the request to a Public Proxy at ', which completes the request by forwarding it to the origin server at www" The request received by www" would then have the following Via header field:  

Via: 1.0 monica, 1.1

Proxies and Gateways used as a portal through a network firewall SHOULD NOT, by DEFAULT, forward the names and the ports of hosts within the firewall region. This information SHOULD only be propagated if explicitly enabled. If not enabled, the received-by Host of any Host behind the firewall "SHOULD BE REPLACED BY AN APPROPRIATE 'PSUEDONYM' for that host."

For organizations that have Strong Privacy requirements for Hiding Internal Structures, a proxy "MAY" combine an ordered subsequence of "Via" Header field entries with indentical received-protocol values into a single such entry. For example:
Via: 1.0 monica, 1.1 bill, 1.1 hillary, 1.0 cigar

could be collapsed to

Via: 1.0 monica, 1.1 clinton, 1.0 cigar

As You will notice there is an exception in the above examples where that a "User Agent"[us] on a LAN can be forwarded through an Internal Proxy[Proxomitron], as long as a "Appropriate Psuedonym" is used. It was upon this Psuedonym "loop-hole exception" that I was thinking about when the idea to create an Add-on to "Spoofers" that would make it "appear" not only that You were chained through two or three proxies, but also that You were a user on a LAN network. Of course this would ONLY be "Fake" forwarded information as Well.

Have a Great & Wonderful Day, My Proxomitronic-Friends!
Best Wishes,

Edited by - JakBeNymble on 08 Aug 2002  19:29:07

Privacy / Fake Proxy Host_Name & IP Filters!
« on: August 05, 2002, 05:04:15 AM »
Dear "AltoSax",

               Good to hear from You! Thanks for catching the mistake in the [BlockLists]. I made the changes and Re-Uploaded the files. And thank You so much for including the "Spoofers" as a part or Your default.configs! I'm so glad that You liked them.

I hope that I can get time to work on the Fake LAN Filters/List soon. I think that would be another good feature to add to Proxomitron, [if I can get it to work right].
I would also like to say that I really like the work that You have done on Your Default Files, the Proxo Filter Rules manual, and the Text explaining what each of Your Filters do! Great!

Also To ALL My Friends here on the FORUM, I hope that You have a Wonderful and Delightful Day!


Questions and Answers / I ask every member
« on: August 01, 2002, 06:10:55 PM »
Hi "Friends",

            I just wanted to say for the record, that a decent DVD Drive(Not DVD-R) from "" costs $19.95 US dollars, after a $20.00 mail-in re-bate. The item # is A451-4126, but the offer expires 8/15/02. One might suggest that the Computer-City Folks purchase one from tigerdirect and ship it to "Reidar". Also along with a written apology for being & acting like the 'North End' of a Mule running South!

Take Care and I hope that You ALL have a Wonderful Day,
Your Friend---"Jak"

Edited by - JakBeNymble on 01 Aug 2002  23:50:24

Community Discussions (Non-Forum Related) / Proggys & Downloads
« on: August 01, 2002, 05:49:59 PM »
Hi "Proxomitronic-Friends",

                          Here is a great little proggy that I have used for a very long time. It's works great and if You are an I.E. browser user I think You will like it too. It's called "Script-Sentry". Script-Sentry can be configured to Catch Malious Code and Scripts that someone maybe trying to run on Your machine. It will catch it, won't let it run, and put it in an quaranteened environment where You can actually run the script without it do anything to Your machine! Now I haven't tried to run anything that it caught, so I don't know how well that part of it works, besides don't think that I would want to do anything but delete the "little-Nasty" thing with a Military-grade Scrubber/Wiper into Cyber-Oblivion. "It better to be safe, than Sorry".

So if You use I.E., You can leave Your Active-X enabled and let Script-Sentry run in the back-ground. It doesn't use hardly any resoures, which is the second thing I look for in a good proggy, and now for the best part! It's FREE for the Downloading! No Trial-Version! The third best thing to look for in a Proggy!Of course the First thing is, How well the Program works. I can safely say that to this date, I haven't had one problem with malious codes! Here is the link for Your inspection on this one, I think it's a "Keeper"!

Best Wishes & Safe-Surfin'
Your Friend-"Jak"

Edited by - JakBeNymble on 01 Aug 2002  18:56:43

Privacy / Fake Proxy Host_Name & IP Filters!
« on: August 01, 2002, 05:29:49 PM »
Hi "Proxo-Friends",

                   I thought I would let You know what I have been into in the last little bit. I have been working with the Spoofer filters to make it "appear" that You are not only surfing through Proxies, but also make it appear that You are inside a "Fake" Network LAN. I thought that it would further obscure and mis-direct the attention to Your Actual IP. I have had little success, but it's not anything to post yet.

I do have somewhat of an "up-date" for You though for the "Via"-Filter. If you checked out the first post that I made on this Subject, You will see that the Replacement text of the "Via:Filter" is:

Replacement="1 /Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip; (version Foobar 2001 beta seven) 0303.022201424 , 3.0 , 2.0 , 1.0"
Now change the Replacement Text in the "Via:Filter"to:


This will clean up the string, and it gave me a little more speed on page loading. The reason that the first replacement was so long and had that strange-looking number in it, was for "over-loading" the string. But now with the combination of the other Spoofer-Filters You don't have to do that. This new replacement looks more "natural" to the sites, and as I said before I think my pages load alittle quicker.
I hope that I can get the "Fake" LAN idea working soon, but if any of You have any ideas, I would greatly appreciate any input that You can give. We are all in this together, and I believe, "that all human knowledge belongs to all humans". "The more we talk, the more we share, and the more we share, the more we are all the better for it."--ARNE

Well I hope that each and everyone has a Great Week & a Wonderful Week-end.
Best Wishes & Safe-Surfin'
Your Friend--"Jak"


Community Discussions (Non-Forum Related) / Proggys & Downloads
« on: July 31, 2002, 05:54:41 PM »
Hi "Friends",

            Here are a couple of programs that I tried out a year or so ago. One is called stealthier, and the other is called Free-bird.

(1).Stealthier is a program that is very similar to Multi-proxy, with the exceptions that it uses alot less resources and it changes remote proxies on the fly. And it has a fresh proxy data base just about everytime You fire it up. However, I stopped using it when one night I was on the Net "Flying to the greatest of ease" surfing through the thing and feeling the High that You get when You think You are "untouchable",(You what I talkin' about), when all at once I came to a Dead-stop! And the message on the Screen said, "Sorry we can't process Your Request, You are on the INTERNET POLICE CACHE PROXY! Needless to say that was the last time that little proggy ever had any life on My Machine.

(2). Free-bird is a proggy that will allow You internet access to anything and everything on the Net, even if You live in a place that has You Proxied OUT! But You have to "Fish" for a Node with it to hop on. I works pretty well, but it can be a pain trying to find a Node. (Where is a NODE when You really need one?)

Well I just wanted to stop by and check to see if any other Proxo fans were leaving any proggies, links, or had a story or Night-mare to share about a certain program that they would recommend or Warn about using.
Here is where You can download, and/or check out these and other programs.
I will say this in the behalf of the authors, they had excellent e-mail support. I have sent e-mails to their help site, and in about 5 to 15 minutes had a response!

Take Care and Have a Wonderful & Delightful Day,
Best Wishes & Safe-Surfin'


Community Discussions (Non-Forum Related) / Proggys & Downloads
« on: July 31, 2002, 05:29:42 PM »
Hi "Proxo-Friends",

                   Here is where You can download "fkWare SysMon 1.22 for Windows 9x and Windows NT/2000". I've used the default Sysmon to set-swap files, monitor memory, and CPU usage. I haven't used the this one, but I thought it looked worth checking out. Here is the link:
Have a Wonderful Day My Friends,
Best Wishes & Safe-Surfin'


Questions and Answers / I ask every member
« on: July 31, 2002, 05:21:54 PM »
Hi "Friends",
             I couldn't believe what the ComputerCity has done. There is a magazine that might publish the story and might help to resolve the problem if they have any distributors in Demark. It's called SmartComputing. Here is the e-mail addy for anyone that wishes to e-mail them.
Here is what is says in the "Problem Solver" section:

"Are you having trouble finding a product or getting adequate service from a manufacturer? If so, we want to help solve your problem. Send us a description of the product you're seeking or the problem you're having with customer service. In billing disputes, include relevant information (such as account numbers or screen names for online services) and photocopies of checks. Include your phone number in case we need to contact you. Letters may be edited for length and clarity; volume prohibits individual replies. Write to: Action Editor, PO Box 85380, Lincoln, NE 68501-5380. Or send e-mail to [email protected]. Or fax us at (402)479-2104."

I get so sick and tired of Companies "ripping people off" and getting away with it. It would be great to make an example of the ComputerCity people. And let everyone know that it takes someone lower than a "snake's belly in a wagon rut" to steal candy or (DVD Drive) from a Child. May their CPU's perish cold and all alone in the night from electo-static migration!!![8-x]

Best Wishes,


Community Discussions (Non-Forum Related) / summer riddle
« on: July 30, 2002, 04:08:43 AM »
Hi "AltoSax",

             I'm with ARNE, I think this is fun! Besides I try to learn something new everyday, . .I would rather learn from a Friend as someone I didn't know. And I believe it or not, You ALL are like Family to me!!

I think that the water will decrease as the cubes melt. The reason is that water is a "strange substance". It Expands when it freezes, so as it melts I think that it will take up less space than when it is in a Frozen state.
To those who would find that hard to believe, just forget to put Anti-freeze in Your car's radiator over a good cold Winter, and watch Your Radiator and Motor-block Burst and Crack when the water in it Freezes. Well, , . .don't actually do that, it was just for an illustration.

Take Care My Friends, and have a Great Day!


Community Discussions (Non-Forum Related) / summer riddle
« on: July 26, 2002, 05:20:18 PM »
Hi "Friends",

            Good thinking ARNE! AltoSax I see the answer to Your Last riddle. Marcus Arilius said,"You have to ask what is it's nature, what is the thing in it's self". What is the Nature and the Appetite of the Wolf & the Sheep? I think therein is the answer revealed. I will remember this one and add it to my collection. Thankx for an enjoyable and thoughtful riddle.

Have a Great Day My Friends!

One From the Mountains:
 If a racoon's Foot covers an acre of Ground, what would it's tail cover?

Edited by - JakBeNymble on 26 Jul 2002  18:22:40

Privacy / Fake Proxy Host_Name & IP Filters!
« on: July 26, 2002, 05:00:27 PM »
Hi "Friends",

             I guess I should have mentioned in the above post that when You add a URL to the "Spoofer-ByPass" list, the rotating Proxified User-Agent Filter also stops rotating the U/A's and a secondary User-Agent Filter "Kicks" in. So the when the Spoofers stop spoofing, the rotater stop rotating. . You could also set the "Proxified Hotmail filter" to be the secondary filter that Kicks in, but You'll have to change the URL match and set the path to Spoofer-ByPass list.

I hope that You have a Delightful & Wonderful Day,
Best Wishes & Safe-surfin',

PS: "If You have any problems with any of the Lists loading in JakxPack.config. after that You merge Your Default.configs' with "JakxPack", just copy the whole contents of the "JakxPack" and put them in the "Lists" folder of Your Proxo-directory and re-merge them. I haven't had this problem nor have I heard of anyone having this problem, but I thought I would make mention of it just in case You might. Thank You again for trying out and using any and all of "Jakx filters & Lists".-"Jak"

Edited by - JakBeNymble on 27 Jul 2002  18:13:42

Privacy / Fake Proxy Host_Name & IP Filters!
« on: July 26, 2002, 09:26:13 AM »
Hi "My Proxomitronic Friends"

                            I hope that You are having a great time on-line this evening. I been working on an "up-date" for the Spoofers. Here is what the package contains.

(1). All lists & Filters(Via:, X-Forwarded-For:, and Client-IP) back up to speed! Changes values every connection. If sites are going to log ALL then lets give 'em ALL. This set contains ALL Three Lists.

(2). New User-Agent list! Removed all bots, spiders, and crawlers! Replaced with Fake Browser & O/S'es! And I added a Replacement User-Agent string with a Fake Proxy also. You "Appear" to running through 3 different Proxies for the connection when You are not using one at all!

(3). I've also added along with this package a "Proxified HotMail User-Agent Filter".

(4). I thought that "JD" had a good idea adding a Spoofer-By-Pass List. So I have included one also to this package.

Just "UnZip" the entire contents into the Lists folder in the Proxo directory. I shouldn't over-write any lists, but just to be sure, make a back-up of Your Default.config. Then Merge the Your config. with the "JakxPack".config file. And save the work by clicking on the Green and blue "Floppy Disks" at the top of Proxo's main Dialog box. You should be all set!

Have a Great & Wonderful Day My Friends!
Best Wishes & Safe-Surfin'

So without further delay, for Your "Spoofin'Pleasure",Here is the link to My New 'JakxPack'--->
Attachment:   7,46?KB

[Also the above link contains the changes to [BlockLists], and the "New" Replacement Text for the "Via-Filter"] Thank You "Jak"

Edited by - JakBeNymble on 05 Aug 2002  06:17:29

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