Author Topic: Hotmail through Proxomitron  (Read 4550 times)


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Hotmail through Proxomitron
« on: July 31, 2001, 10:56:02 PM »
Greetings, All!

Despite the WebDAV extensions, Hotmail can be used through a proxy. If
you spoof the User-Agent.

I just verified my test account with Opera. From July 7 to July 20 I
received 200 fresh spams! The service Hotmail offers is really
wonderful! ;-)

You do not need to add Hotmail to "do not use proxy for" list (I did not)
However, you need Javascript in order for Hotmail to work.

Here is the filter which presents your browser as Netscape to Hotmail.
This eliminates MSN Messenger auto-loads and rich text controls
(PLEASE write in plain text and do not use HTML without necessity!).
The users of this filter will be presented a simple TEXTAREA field,
instead of the rich ActiveX control when composing. This will
decrease traffic for the recipient.

!========> Here begins Windows Clipboard... <========!

Out = TRUE
Key = "User-Agent: Hotmail"
URL = "[^/]++.(|"
Match = "*"
Replace = "Mozilla/4.75 [ru] (Win98; U)"

!========> And here Windows Clipboard ends. <========!

The filter above should be placed after your general User-Agent
filter in order to have priority for Hotmail. Just play with the
alphabetical order to accomplish this.

And here are the experimental filters for removing the logo, the
banner and the footer. Because damn hotmail changed the look, I
changed the filters. But as usual, I believe that Hotmail suxx.

This time, the table that contains the logo and the banner contained
the tabs to access as well. My solution was to insert
ShonenScript-type tag where the table begins and close the
ShonenScript-type tag and insert the table tag before the second tr
tag. This would relocate the start of the table, thus eliminating the
first row from the table.

The footer was defeated the same way it was defeated before. One of
the disadvantages: the logout link completely disappears. Any idea
what to do with the logout link? One of the solution would be to
disable the footer filter (it contains less junk that the header).

!========> Here begins Windows Clipboard... <========!

Name = "Ads: Hotmail logo and banner (pt1)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "[^/]"
Limit = 64
Match = "<a name="top"></a> <table border=0 cellpadding=0 "
Replace = "<a name="top"></a> "
          "<noscript> <script language="Hotmail Banner removed"> "
          "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 "

Name = "Ads: Hotmail logo and banner (pt2)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "[^/]"
Limit = 128
Match = "</tr> </form> </table></td> </tr> "
        "<tr style="padding-top:6px"> <td>"
Replace = "</script></noscript> <tr style="padding-top:6px"> <td>"
          "<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100% "

Name = "Ads: Hotmail footer (pt1)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "[^/]"
Limit = 200
Match = "</table> </td> </tr></table> <table border=0 "
        "cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100% bgcolor=#336699> "
Replace = "</table> </td> </tr></table> <noscript>"
          "<script language="Hotmail Footer Removed"> <table>"

Name = "Ads: Hotmail footer (pt2)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "[^/]"
Limit = 128
Match = "</table> "
        "<IMG SRC=""
Replace = "</table> </script></noscript> "
          "<WEBBUG SRC=""

!========> And here Windows Clipboard ends. <========!

With best regards, Homeric
With regards from


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Hotmail through Proxomitron
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2001, 04:23:15 AM »
Thanks but those only seem to get rid of the banners and footers,
which dont bother me as much as clicking a link which opens in a
window thats reduced its size with the stupid message by hotmail
to remind you that you are visting a site outside hotmail.

And with help from Hayley, ScoJo, Scott (forgive me if I have forgot anyone) the user got his filter

Name = "Hotmail link de-redirector"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "*"
Bounds = "<a href*>"
Limit = 512
Match = "<A href="*action=http%3a%2f%2f1"*>"
Replace = "<a href="http://$UESC(1)" target="_blank">"

Best wishes
Best wishes
Imici username= Arne


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Hotmail through Proxomitron
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2001, 08:49:34 AM »
Greg's collection of Hotmail filters:

Name = "<-----     Start Hotmail Specific Filters
Active = FALSE
Limit = 4096
Match = "<never>"

Name = "HotMail JAVA to plain Link download"
Active = TRUE
URL = "*.hotmail.*"
Bounds = "<form*/form>"
Limit = 1024
Match = "*'1'*"
Replace = "
<a href="1">DOWNLOAD THIS

Name = "Hotmail Logout Redirect Killer"
Active = TRUE
URL = "*.hotmail.passport.*"
Limit = 256
Match = "<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="10;
Replace = "
<!-- Hotmail Logout Redirect Killer

Name = "Hotmail Searchbox Killer"
Active = TRUE
URL = "*.hotmail.*"
Bounds = "<table*/form>"
Limit = 1024
Match = "*Search the Web*"
Replace = "
<!-- Hotmail Searchbox Killer -->

Name = "Hotmail Logo Killer"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "*.hotmail.*"
Bounds = "<table*/table>"
Limit = 1024
Match = "*lgo_msn*"
Replace = "
<!-- Hotmail Logo Killer -->

Name = "Hotmail Toolbar Extras Killer"
Active = TRUE
URL = "*.hotmail.*"
Bounds = "<table*/table>"
Limit = 4096
Match = "*MSN Home*"
Replace = "
<!-- Start Hotmail Toolbar Extras
Killer -->
          "<table bgcolor=#336699>"
          "<tr align="center">"
          "<td nowrap><a
CLASS="PassportSignOut" alt="Sign out of Passport
sites" border=0></a></td>"
<!-- End Hotmail Toolbar Extras
Killer -->

Name = "Hotmail Services Killer"
Active = TRUE
URL = "*.hotmail.*"
Bounds = "<table*/table>"
Limit = 2048
Match = "*Hotmail Services*"
Replace = "
<!-- Hotmail Services Killer -->

Name = "Hotmail Explore MSN Sidebar Killer"
Active = TRUE
URL = "*.hotmail.*"
Bounds = "<table*/table>"
Limit = 2048
Match = "*Explore MSN*"
Replace = "
<!-- Hotmail Explore MSN Sidebar
Killer -->

Name = "Hotmail link de-redirector"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "*"
Bounds = "<a href*>"
Limit = 512
Match = "<A href="*action=http%3a%2f%2f1"*>"
Replace = "<a href="http://$UESC(1)"

Name = "Hotmail Remaining Trash Killer (only use
with other filters)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "*.hotmail.*"
Limit = 1024
Match = "<table**<td>|<td width=145
align=right valign=top><img
rowspan=2 valign=bottom><img
src='' width=5
Replace = "
<!-- Start Hotmail Trash Killer

Name = "<-----     Older Hotmail Specific Filters
Active = FALSE
Limit = 4096
Match = "<never>"

Name = "Ads: Hotmail logo and banner (pt1)"
Active = FALSE
URL = "[^/]"
Limit = 64
Match = "<a name="top"></a> <table border=0
Replace = "<a name="top"></a>"
          "<noscript> <script language="Hotmail
Banner removed">"
          "<table border=0 cellpadding=0"

Name = "Ads: Hotmail logo and banner (pt2)"
Active = FALSE
URL = "[^/]"
Limit = 128
Match = "</tr> </form> </table></td> </tr>"
        "<tr style="padding-top:6px"> <td>"
Replace = "</script></noscript> <tr
style="padding-top:6px"> <td>"
          "<table border=0 cellpadding=0
cellspacing=0 width=100%"

Name = "Ads: Hotmail footer (pt1)"
Active = FALSE
URL = "[^/]"
Limit = 200
Match = "</table> </td> </tr></table> <table
border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 width=100%
Replace = "</table> </td> </tr></table>
          "<script language="Hotmail Footer
Removed"> <table>"

Name = "Ads: Hotmail footer (pt2)"
Active = FALSE
URL = "[^/]"
Limit = 128
Match = "</table> "
        "<IMG SRC=""
Replace = "</table> </script></noscript>"
          "<WEBBUG SRC=""

Name = "HoTMaiL FiX (frm.length)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "[^/]"
Limit = 11
Match = "frm.length"
Replace = "frm.elements.length"

Name = "<-----     End Hotmail Specific Filters  
Active = FALSE
Limit = 4096
Match = "<never>"

Best wishes
Imici username: Arne
Best wishes
Imici username= Arne


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Hotmail through Proxomitron
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2001, 01:49:36 PM »
Thanks Arne, these filters are a life saver :)

I have been using a different version of the User Agent spoofing filter:

Out = TRUE
Key = "User-Agent: Dumb Sites"
URL = "$LST(DumbSites)"
Replace = "Mozilla/4.75 [fu] (Win32; U)"

Together with the blocklist I named 'Dumbsites', this allows me to specify a lot more sites that foolishly block non-MSIE or Netscape browsers.
I also use this list to specify sites that load DHTML or ActiveX -- two technologies I distrust. Having Internet Explorer specify itself as Netscape stops the unnecessary loading ;)



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Hotmail through Proxomitron
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2001, 02:24:47 PM »
That was a good idea

Best wishes
Imici username: Arne
Best wishes
Imici username= Arne


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Hotmail through Proxomitron
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2001, 03:26:14 PM »
I've changed one of Greg's filters, and added a new one. This way, I can still access my POP email accounts through Hotmail, and remove the Other Links section as well.

!========> Here begins Windows Clipboard... <========!

Name = "Hotmail Services Killer"
Active = TRUE
URL = "*.hotmail.*"
Bounds = "<table*/table>"
Limit = 2048
Match = "*Hotmail Services*"
Replace = "
<!-- Hotmail Services Killer -->
          "<a href="cgi-bin/getpop?curmbox=F000000001" class="swnu"><font class="swnu">Pop Mail</font></a>

Name = "Hotmail Other Links Killer"
Active = TRUE
URL = "*.hotmail.*"
Bounds = "<table*/table>"
Limit = 2048
Match = "*Other Links*"
Replace = "
<!-- Hotmail Other Links Killer -->

!========> And here Windows Clipboard ends. <========!

Be sure to disable the 'Hotmail Remaining Trash Killer' filter.

As an added bonus, I just found that using the 'HoTMaiL FiX (frm.length)' filter allows Opera to delete messages from the Hotmail inbox!

No more reason at all to use MSIE ;)

Edited by - Jor on 08 Nov 2001  15:39:33


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Hotmail through Proxomitron
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2001, 06:23:51 PM »
Just completed another Hotmail filter -- this one will add the Pop Email link to the folder section, just under Junk Email. Of course, this filter will not actually create a Pop Email folder -- it is just an easy way to bring the link back, without having to load the Service pane

By using this filter, you can use Greg's normal 'Hotmail Services Killer', and also the 'Hotmail Remaining Trash Killer' filter to clean up Hotmail even more

!========> Here begins Windows Clipboard... <========!

Name = "Hotmail Bring Pop Email back"
Active = TRUE
URL = "*.hotmail.*"
Limit = 512
Match = "Junk Mail</font></a> </td></tr>"
Replace = "Junk Mail</font></a> </td></tr>
          "<tr height=25><td nowrap><img src=""></td><td><a href="cgi-bin/getpop?curmbox=F000000001"><font class="s">Pop Email</font></a></td></tr>

!========> And here Windows Clipboard ends. <========!

I'm currently using the following filters for Hotmail:
'HotMail JAVA to plain Link download', 'Hotmail Searchbox Killer', 'Hotmail Logo Killer', 'Hotmail Toolbar Extras Killer', 'Hotmail Services Killer', 'Hotmail Other Links Killer', 'Hotmail Explore MSN Sidebar Killer', 'Hotmail Bring Pop Email back', 'Hotmail link de-redirector', 'Hotmail Remaining Trash Killer', and 'HoTMaiL FiX (frm.length)' -- the result is a very clean looking Hotmail, which still offers all the functionality I need.




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Hotmail through Proxomitron
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2001, 01:48:25 AM »
Greg has updated his filters for Hotmail:

November 24, 2001
Once again Hotmail has changed its ads, links and
UA requirements.
So, The UA Random, UA Hotmail, and all hotmail
filters have been updated.

Out = TRUE
Key = "User-Agent: (random)"
Match = "*"
Replace = "$LST(UA-List)"

Out = TRUE
Key = "User-Agent: Hotmail"
Match = "*"
Replace = "Mozilla/7.0(FU M$ and IE)"

Name = "<-----     Start Hotmail Specific Filters
Active = FALSE
Limit = 4096
Match = "<never>"

Name = "HotMail Login"
Active = TRUE
Bounds = "<*>"
Limit = 16
Match = "*"
Replace = "<HTML>"

Name = "HotMail JAVA to plain Link download"
Active = TRUE
Bounds = "<form*/form>"
Limit = 1024
Match = "*'1'*"
Replace = "
<a href="1">DOWNLOAD THIS

Name = "Hotmail Logout Redirect Killer"
Active = TRUE
Limit = 256
Match = "<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="10;
Replace = "
<!-- Hotmail Logout Redirect Killer

Name = "Hotmail Searchbox Killer"
Active = TRUE
Bounds = "<table*/form>"
Limit = 1024
Match = "*Search the Web*"
Replace = "
<!-- Hotmail Searchbox Killer -->

Name = "Hotmail Logo Killer"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
Bounds = "<t*/table>"
Limit = 1024
Match = "*lgo_msn*"
Replace = "
<!-- Hotmail Logo Killer -->

Name = "Hotmail Toolbar Extras Killer"
Active = TRUE
Bounds = "<t*/table>"
Limit = 4096
Match = "*MSN Home*"
Replace = "
<!-- Start Hotmail Toolbar Extras
Killer -->
          "<table bgcolor=#336699>"
          "<tr align="center">"
          "<td nowrap><a
CLASS="PassportSignOut" alt="Sign out of Passport
sites" border=0></a></td>"
<!-- End Hotmail Toolbar Extras
Killer -->

Name = "Hotmail Services Killer"
Active = TRUE
Bounds = "<t*/table>"
Limit = 2048
Match = "*Hotmail Services*"
Replace = "
<!-- Hotmail Services Killer -->

Name = "Hotmail News Killer"
Active = TRUE
URL = "[^/]"
Bounds = "<t*/table>"
Limit = 8124
Match = "*Free News, Deals and more*|"
        "*<!-- BEGIN replace with MCS Content
file: hmhome_wc.asp -->*|"
        "*Find great gifts*|"
        "*Get instant traffic report*|"
        "*Web's most addictive games*|"
        "*Hotmail News*|"
        "*Tips on Using Hotmai*|"
        "*Report a Bug*|"
        "*Things to do on MSN*"
Replace = "
<!-- Hotmail News Killer -->

Name = "Hotmail Send Sidebar Killer"
Active = TRUE
URL = "[^/]"
Bounds = "<t*/table>"
Limit = 1024
Match = "*Send...*"
Replace = "
<!-- Hotmail Explore MSN Sidebar
Killer -->

Name = "Hotmail Explore MSN Sidebar Killer"
Active = TRUE
Bounds = "<t*/table>"
Limit = 2048
Match = "*Explore MSN*"
Replace = "
<!-- Hotmail Explore MSN Sidebar
Killer -->

Name = "Hotmail link de-redirector"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "[^/]"
Bounds = "<a*>"
Limit = 512
Match = "1"*(action|URL)=http%3a%2f%2f2"*"
Replace = "<a href="http://$UESC(2)">"

Name = "Hotmail Remaining Trash Killer (only use
with other filters)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "[^/]"
Limit = 1024
Match = "<table**<td>|<td width=145
align=right valign=top><img
rowspan=2 valign=bottom><img
src='' width=5
Replace = "
<!-- Start Hotmail Trash Killer

Name = "HoTMaiL FiX (frm.length)"
Active = TRUE
URL = "[^/]"
Limit = 11
Match = "frm.length"
Replace = "frm.elements.length"

The UA-List is the rotating User Agent list which can be downloaded togethter with Greg's default configuration elsewhere. It is on the form:

$CON(0001,1477)$SET(0=1.0 AOL tot-ta (Traffic-Server/1.1.4(dg) [1]))
$CON(0002,1477)$SET(0=1.0 AOL tserver2[ 11a12ac] (Traffic-Server/1.1.6 [1]))
$CON(0003,1477)$SET(0=1.0 AOL TurboWeb (3.1))
$CON(0004,1477)$SET(0=1.0 AOL[ 41412ac] (Traffic-Server/1.1.6 [1]))
$CON(0005,1477)$SET(0=1.0 (Traffic-Server/1.0b6))

Best wishes
Imici username: Arne
Best wishes
Imici username= Arne


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Hotmail through Proxomitron
« Reply #8 on: December 03, 2001, 10:12:23 PM »
I'm missing a file here, %prox folder%/html/HotMail/HotMail.htm

Other than that, the filters nicely take care of M$' new mangling of Hotmail :)

Also, since Greg's filters still leave the "Other Links" section in place, here's my updated version of that one, and an updated filter to restore the POP email:

===== Start clipboard =====
Name = "Hotmail Other Links Killer"
Active = TRUE
URL = "[^/]|HoTMaiL|options|addresses|compose|(hm(home|folders|inbox|bulk)))"
Bounds = "<t*/table>"
Limit = 2048
Match = "*Other Links*"
Replace = "
<!-- Hotmail Other Links Killer -->

Name = "Hotmail Bring Pop Email back"
Active = TRUE
URL = "[^/]|HoTMaiL|options|addresses|compose|(hm(home|folders|inbox|bulk)))"
Limit = 512
Match = "Junk Mail 1</font></a> </td></tr>"
Replace = "Junk Mail 1</font></a> </td></tr>
          "<tr height=25><td nowrap><img src=""></td><td><a href="cgi-bin/getpop?curmbox=F000000001"><font class="s">Pop Email</font></a></td></tr>

===== End clipboard =====

Recommended order of filters:
HotMail Login (?) / HotMail JAVA to plain Link download / Hotmail Logout Redirect Killer / Hotmail Searchbox Killer / Hotmail Logo Killer / Hotmail Toolbar Extras Killer / Hotmail Services Killer / Hotmail News Killer / Hotmail Send Sidebar Killer / Hotmail Explore MSN Sidebar Killer / Hotmail Other Links Killer / Hotmail link de-redirector / Hotmail Bring Pop Email back / Hotmail Remaining Trash Killer / HoTMaiL FiX (frm.length)


Edited by - Jor on 03 Dec 2001  22:25:34