## DHTML hidden input revealer
## Author: George Dorn (
[email protected])
## This is a simple filter, but shows the real power of Proxomitron, in a somewhat useful way.
## Some DHTML forms have hidden fields behind buttons, and this will reveal them, as well
## as allowing you to edit them before submitting the form.
## Some layout issues might occur, so you may need to edit this to suit your taste; the size
## variable and whether to <br> before each hidden field are key layout concerns.
## Use of this filter can have many interesting and potentially dangerous side-effects,
## depending on the quality of the security of the site. Use at your own risk...
Name = "DHTML hidden input revealer"
Active = TRUE
URL = ""
Limit = 256
Match = "<input type=("hidden"|hidden) name=("\0"|\0\s)"
Replace = "<br>\0: <input type="text" size="10" name="\0" "
Corrected bt Arne 2009
With regards from