Hi "Friends",
I had noticed that about yahoo. I've been working on the right string to make it work smoothly. I have heard that they had to "beef-up" their security, but that's just "hear-say". I'm still working on it, but here is what I've been using so far. I use it for Exceptions, and for the Cookie list, and I have used it for By-pass. And I have noticed that Proxo Will Continue to Filter in the "WEB-PAGE Filters" even though you have Proxo in "BY-PASS" Mode. There are probably some "Kill Java Script Filters" in that section that are still filtering and that why it works when you shut Proxo down. The only way that I know to find the Filter or Filters responcible, is to pop-up the Log-Window and see what filters are "firing", go through the Java Filters one at a time & turn them off till the Site Works. And then write an Exception in those Filters for that page or pages. It takes time and I know that you raise some big bushy "Yahoo & Hotmail Eye-brows" when you sit there diabling Filters and re-loading that same page over & over again until it works. LOL! I think it kinda makes them nervous when IPs,User-Agents, Referrers, Via:, And X-Forwarded-For: values seem to change with every re-load!=:-) Any way here is a few strings that I keep around that might help until we figure out exactly what they are doing.
I use a block for "wyimg.com" in another Filter, so I suppose that you could delete that one from the string. And you will notice that it's for Hotmail and the FORUM and Sub-Forum also. It could be put together in one string, but Proxo seems to work faster for me if I put them in different strings. (Could be my imagination, too)
Well, I hope that this helps abit. If I come up with the right filters causing the problem, I will be sure to get back to you.
Have a Great and Wonderful Day, My FRIENDS!
P.S.: I had over looked the fact that "Mbowling's" Proxo configuration works OK at his work! My mistake.
Mbowling you might check your Home Machine's Browser settings and see for sure if it is set the same as your Work Machine. Most of the time pages that you interact with, when you click something on the page, you are actually activating some Script, maybe Java or Java script or ActiveX controls. SUN came up with Java, and the Netscape folks came up with Java Scripting, and Micro-soft answered with ActiveX. And Java should not be confused with Java Scripting. All these are just another name for "Download and Run"! They make pages look more pleasant, and make them interactive, but at the same time can make great security holes. ActiveX opens your computer up to just about anybody to run just about Any Script they want to run without your consent or Knowledge, even re-formating! Forunately, only I.E. browser have ActiveX. But even the ActiveX controls in Media Players can be used to intiate I.E. commands! I disable every Java, Java Script, and ActiveX off that I can, unless I need them to interacte with a certain page and then disable then immediately. I would check your browser settings and see if they match your work machine's settings. I think that there in lies the problem. Let me know how you come out and if the settings are the same. Safe Surfing, MY FRIENDS!
Have a Wonderful & Blessed Day,
Edited by - JakBeNymble on 09 Apr 2002 18:29:01