# Proxomitron Configuration File #
# #
# F2Links.cfg #
# Includes Frames-to-Links and Hide-Style-Codes filters #
# #
# This configuration file can be downloaded from the Prox-List #
# "Filters|Cosmetic" FILES Section at
http://www.egroups.com #
# #
# Last updated August 26, 2000 #
# Frames-to-Links
# 5-part configuration file includes the actual
# Frames-to-Links filters (2 parts, required), plus
# two extra filters to prevent "jump back" to the
# links page (required as many webpages are designed
# to NOT ALLOW exploration of de-framed webpages),
# plus the Status Header filter to display status
# message and date at the top of page (not required).
# For best results with the Status Header, either kill
# all <Style> codes or use with the Hide-Style-Codes
# filter, below.
Name = "(Part 1) Convert Frames To Links (Frames Off)"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
Limit = 256
Match = "<frames*src=(w)1 *>"
Replace = "<body><font size=4>Frame-to-Link..."
"<a href=1>1</a></font></body><br>"
Name = "(Part 2) Convert Frames To Links (Frames Off)"
Active = TRUE
Limit = 128
Match = "<(/|)frameset*>"
Name = "(Part 3) Prevent "Auto Jump-Back" to Links"
Active = TRUE
Bounds = "<!--*-->|{*}"
Limit = 2048
Match = "*if*("
Replace = "
<!-- PROX: Killed Auto "Jump-Back" to Links -->
Name = "(Part 4) Prevent "Auto Jump-Back" to Links"
Active = TRUE
Bounds = "<script*</script>"
Limit = 2048
Match = "*("
Replace = "
<!-- PROX: Killed "Auto Jump-Back" Script -->
Name = "(Part 5) Frames-to-Links Status Header w/Date"
Active = TRUE
Limit = 1
Match = "<start>"
Replace = "
<!-- PROX: Added Greeting & Date to Top of Page -->
"<STRONG><FONT Size=4 Color=red><CENTER>"
"Frames Disabled...Frames-to-Links Enabled"
"<FONT Size=5 Color=blue><CENTER><I>"
"- Proxomitron Loves To Explore! -"
"<FONT Size=3 Color=blue><CENTER><U>"
"<SCRIPT> today=new Date(); document.write"
"("Today is "+today.toString()) </script>"
# Hide-Style-Codes filter
# Ensures that all <Style> Codes are not openly displayed
# on the webpage. Provided for best results when the
# Frames-to-Links "Status Header" filter is in use (Part
# 5 above). Do not use if the "Kill all <Style> sheets"
# filter is active.
Name = "Ensure <Style> codes are hidden from display"
Active = TRUE
Limit = 4096
Match = "(<style*>) (<!--|) 1 (-->|) --></style>"
Replace = "
<!-- PROX: Hid STYLE code from display -->
" <!-- 1 --></style>"
With regards from