i've upload on my proxo page a new release of my filter set. download it from:
http://virgolamobile.50megs.com/proxomitron.htmlhere is the changelog. Read also the "filters_quick_reference.txt" in the vm_readme folder to better understand how new filters work and the notes at the end of changelog.txt.
[release 2002.08.04]
- New header filters added
- Key = "Client-ip: Jakx Fake Client-IP Spoofer (Out)" [JakBeNymble]
- Key = "Content-Location: Always show real URL (In)" [sidki]
- Key = "If-Match: Always reload pages [vm] (Out)" [altosax]
- Key = "Referer: Hide Previous hosts/Local origin (Out)" [martin0628]
- Key = "Via: Jakx *Original* Proxy Spoofer (Out)" [JakBeNymble]
- Key = "X-Forwarded-For: Jakx Fake ISP Spoofer (Out)" [JakBeNymble]
- New web filters added
- Name = "Remove Pre-HTML JavaScripts" [sidki, altosax]
- Name = "Log all Comments" [altosax, sidki]
- Name = "Remove Comment-Block Ads" [sidki]
- Name = "Disable Auto-Frame-Out Jumper [vm]" [altosax]
- Name = "Hotmail Login Page Cleaner [vm]" [altosax]
- Name = "IE: Replace Malicious ClassIDs" [sidki, altosax]
- Modified header filter
- Key = "URL-Killer: kill-a-URL" (renamed "URL-Killer: Kill known Ad URLs")
- Modified web filters
- Name = "Inject Proxomitron support files [vm]" (added the "Saved from URL" info)
- Name = "Link De-Obfuscator" (modified Match field)
- Name = "Open Links In Same Window" (modified Match field)
- Name = "Kill all Images on selected pages" (modified Match field)
- Name = "Block Web Bugs" (modified matching values of height and width)
- Name = "Kill JavaScript Banners" (modified Match field)
- Name = "Defuse "While-Loop" Browser Bombs" (turned it to TRUE)
- Name = "Blink Buster (Blink to Bold)" (turned it to FALSE)
- Name = "Page editor toolbar" (now it is the original Paul Rupe's version)
- Removed header filters
- Key = "Location: Hotmail Login relocator [vm] (In)"
- Key = "Referer: Hide where we've been (Out)" (replaced by a new one)
- Removed web filters
- Name = "Pseudo Comments-surrounded Ads Jumper [vm]" (moved into "ManagedTags.txt" list)
- Name = "[EAH] Remove CGI banners - 1.2" (no more needed)
- Name = "(Part 3) Prevent "Auto Jump-Back" to Links"
- Name = "(Part 4) Prevent "Auto Jump-Back" to Links"
- Modified lists in the Lists folder
- Updated "AdDomainList.txt", "AdComments.txt", "Bypass List.txt", "ManagedTags.txt"
"AdHostList.txt", "AdPathList.txt", "URL Killfile.txt", "Keyword list.txt"
- Added "AdCommentPairs.txt", "LogFind.txt", "ClassIDs.txt"
- Removed the file "htmlhotmail.htm" due to changes in Hotmail's login verification URLs
- Updated the file "htmlstart.js" used by "Tame Javascript 1" from release 1.29 to 1.32
- Updated the file "htmlpageedit.js" used by "Page editor toolbar" from release 1.6 to 1.8
- Where known, added credits to the [filter's author] in "filters_quick_reference.txt". When credits go to 2 people, the first one ALWAYS is the original author, and the second one is the author of tweaks (note: only major tweaks are accredited, not minor and fixes). Unaccredited authors can email me and i'll add their name. This was because i don't know all filters' authors.