Lot's of changes again..
- Reordered config. =D
- Changed default filters.
- Updated filter(s) (not including minor fixes)
-Web Pages
-"Kill - comment block ads {6.d}"
-"Kill - javascript banners {6.d}"
-"Kill - ad banners by size {6.d}"
-"Kill - ad banners {6.d}"
-"Java ID jammer {5.a} "
-"Block Browser Info in JS (Browser & OS) {7.a}" (Should cause less problems now) =D
-"Multi URL Untangler vr.3 {6.a} "
-"Bypass redirects in links & Open in new window {7.a} "
-"Remove OnMouseovers - Text Links {3.a}" - (Was "Link De-Obfuscator {3.d}")
-"Open Links In Same Window (part 1) (8.a.e)"
-"Open Links In Same Window (part 2) (8.a.e)"
-"Add Time to Title, Snip Excess (3.d)"
-"Kill Images on selected pages {3.a}"
- Added filter(s)
-Web Page
-"Strip web beacons posing as stylesheets {3.d}"
-"Kill - flash ads {5.d} "
-"Kill - ad links {6.a}"
-"Object to Link {6.a}"
-"Kill Specific ClassIDs {4.a}"
-"Anti-Auto-JS-Redirection {5.a}"
-"Kill JavaScript objects {9.a.e}"
-"URL to Title - Text Links {5.sp}"
-"Jump out of invisible frames {5.a}"
-"CNET Top Ad Table Killer"
-"DSL Reports Ad Pause Unpauser"
-"If-None-Match: Proxo Workaround (Out) {1.d}"
-"Last-Modified: Proxo Workaround (In) {1.d}"
-"Referer: Hide Previous hosts/Local origin (out) {2.d}"
-"Referer: Remove Multi URL's (Out) {4.d}"
-"URL: Add to BlockFile - Allow Flash {1.d}"
-"URL: Bypass selected - Web Filters (Out) {2.d}"
-"URL: K-Meleon Google Search (Out) {6.sp}"
-"URL: Universal URL Un-Prefixer (Out) {8.a}"
-"User-Agent: Default - IE/Mac (Out) {5}"
-"User-Agent: Default - Opera/Mac (Out) {5}"
-"URL: Always use remote proxy based on URL (out) {3.d}"
- Removed Filter(s)
-Web Page
-"Kill - remaining AdList references {8.a.e}"
-"Counter Killer {4.a} " (Handled by the default ad killer)
-"X-Pad: (in) {1.d}"
-"Link: (in) {1.d}"
- Updated List(s)
-"Header - UserAgent.txt"
-"Ad - PathList.txt"
-"Ad - CommentBlock.txt"
-"Ad - Dimensions.txt"
-"JS - Triggers.txt"
~look on the next page~
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Einstein
Edited by - JD5000 on 30 Jul 2002 08:14:07