Hiya pandoras_box,
I'm sorry to say, I have no idea what could be causing the problem.

If you could, can you dbug the page for me? This is how I would do it..
1. Disable the header filters. (in & out)
-> If the error still occurs, then it's a web page filter.
-1. If the problem go's away, then it's a header filter.
-2. Now, enable the header filters. (in & out)
-3. Disable one header filter at a time, until the error goes away.
-4. Try it on the second page
-5. If no errors, post the problem filter here.
2. Disable the web page filters
-1. If the problem go's away, then it's a web page filter.
-2. Now, enable the web page filters. (in & out)
-3. Disable one web page filter at a time, until the error goes away.
-4. Try it on the second page
-5. If no errors, post the problem filter here.
3. If the error still occurs, then put Proxo in bypass mode.
-1. I would start pounding my head against the table....

NOTE: Use the log to see what filters are matching. That way, you don't have to go through them all.

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