This filter is based on
sidki's Fix <base> Target, but for a very specific use:
In Opera, sidepanel links always open in the sidepanel window (unless target=foo is used in the sidepanel pages). Using a quick rewrite of your code, I now found a way to get all sidepanels to open in new windows
[Blocklists]List.SidePanel = "..ListsSide Panels.txt"
Name = "Opera Sidepanels open in new window"
Active = TRUE
Multi = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)&$LST(SidePanel)"
Limit = 256
Match = "(<bases*)9"
"(>&$SET(3=-empty-)&$SET(1=9 target="_blank">))"
<base target="_blank">
Replace = "12$STOP()"
All sidepanels used would have to be listed in the SidePanel blocklist.
My list:
# Proxomitron4 URL killfile: $LST(SidePanel)
# by Jor
# Blocklist for use with the 'Sidepanels open in new window' filter. This file
# lists all sites currently used as Opera sidepanels.
(The last entry is an RDF/RSS interpreter I use with many RDF or RSS feeds, including Slashdot)
Edited by - Jor on 15 Aug 2002 02:11:12