I've decided to do a complete update of my config set, this is the set as I am using it now. It is designed for browsers like Opera and Mozilla, that have a near-complete implementation of the W3C and ECMA standards. MSIE usage is limited.
Many filters are either by someone else on this forum (whenever I remembered, I mentioned it in the blockfiles used), modified versions of them, or filters inspired by them. Writing and maintaining good Proxomitron filters is a team effort as far as I am concerned

Thanks go out to (in no particular order) Arne, sidki3003, JakBeNymble, altosax, JD5000, hpguru, cj, Zhen-Xjell, Mona, and probably many others who have either given direct input for my filters, or who have designed filters I got many good ideas from. Also special thanks to Scott R. Lemmon, for designing Proxomitron, and for giving such good support whenever needed

The set itself:
Attachment: jor's-config.zip 99,98?KB
Install by unzipping into your Prox folder. Make a backup of your /lists first!
Also note killed.html will be altered in the HTML folder, so make a backup.
By default all 'kills' are hidden, to enable display, edit prox.css: scroll all the way down, to the '/* Quick hack to toggle kill display */'. Comment out 'display: none !important;', and comment 'display: block !important;' to toggle display of kills.
I've started to work on some documentation of all filters, but that is
extremely painstaking work, and therefore I've not yet gotten to a releasable version.
Some notes on the filters used:
[HTTP Headers]: Header filters
Cache filters:
- Cache-Control: Always cache (in)
- ETag: Always cache (in)
- Expires: Always cache (in)
- If-Modified-Since: Always reload pages (Out)
- If-None-Match: Always reload pages (Out)
- Pragma: Always Cache/Don't Reload (Out + In)
- Vary: Always Cache (in)
All these filters have the same purpose: they allow your browser to control caching again. All filters take the list AllowCacheControl into account, to allow for sites where cache control is enabled.
- Connection: Close all connections (In + Out)
A filter disabled by default, it allows for closing all Prox connections quickly. In a way, this disables the most easily corrupted HTTP/1.1 function without needing to edit your browser settings.
- Content-Type: Fix MIME types (In)
A highly modified version of Paul Rupe's original filter. Just about every content type I've encountered that is done wrong sometimes is in there.
Cookie filters:
- Cookie2: Kill unwanted cookies (out)
- Cookie: Fool AdBuster sites (out)
- Cookie: Kill unwanted cookies (out)
- Set-Cookie: Never accept bugged cookies (In)
- Set-Cookie: Never accept unwanted cookies (In)
All cookie filters use the AllowCookie list. They effecively block all not-needed cookies, and also strip bugged cookies, and help in fooling the ad busters.
Privacy filters:
- Forwarded: (out)
- From: (Out)
- P3P: Platform for Privacy Preferences (In)
- Pragma: Block WiMP GUID Reporting (Out)
- Referer: Fake referrer info (Out)
- Referer: Randomize referrer info (Out)
- Referer: Remove URL Commands and Prefix (out)
- VIA: (out)
- X-Forwarded-For: (out)
- X-Kazaa-* [out]
This set of filters helps in protect your privacy online. Special note for the referer filters: 'Randomize referrer info' is ONLY called when opening a page in a new browser window, or when typing the URL manually -- not when following an in-site link. The 'Fake referrer info' filter is the one usually called, this helps view most if not all pages. The third one is privacy-related.
URL Killers
- URL-Killer: Kill script URL exploits
- URL-Killer: kill-a-URL (out)
I believe these need no explanation.
URL Filters
- URL: Alias Redirector (Out)
- URL: No proxy (Out)
- URL: Un-Prefixer (Out)
Alias redirector is for the Jumplist. No Proxy allows for a list of sites that always bypass the Proxy: the NoProxy list is used. The un-prefixer helps stop some prefixing by sites (far from perfect).
All these filters form one group, and should be used together with the Dumb Sites web filters. Their purpose is to fool certain malicious sites into letting you use your browser to access them, by altering the UA string. Note that only the headers will work in MSIE!
[Patterns]: Web Filters
(Documentation to be done. For now please ask if clarification is needed. Some are documented above in this thread).
Edited by - Jor on 19 Aug 2002 16:41:54