I updated my Personal Info Protector header filter yesterday so that Proxo now logs events and gives an alert when it has stopped my listed info from being snatched. Today it caught Webcrawler using my IP address in the meta data inserted into a search query.

List.Personal = "..ListsPersonal Info.txt"
List.PIExceptions = "..ListsPIExceptions.txt"
List.PILog = "..ListsPILog.txt"
[HTTP headers]
Out = TRUE
Key = "URL-Killer: Personal Info Protector v4.2 (Out)"
URL = "((*$LST(Personal))&(^(*$LST(PIExceptions))))&$ADDLST(PILog, $DTM(Y/M/D h:m:s a),u)$ALERT(POSSIBLE DATA THEFT INTERCEPTED!
Attachment: PIProt.zip 34,77 KB
Facing each other,
a thousand miles apart.