Hi all.
I was watching this code:
<a href="http://tracker.tradedoubler.com/click?p=1697&a=332534&g=11748" target="_blank"><img src="http://impes.tradedoubler.com/imp/img/11748/332534" width="120" height="90" border=0></a>
and thinked that can be matched:
1- by ad-size
2- by ad-word
3- by img src without extension
I thinked that the third would be more faster than others.
So to verify this, i made these filters:
Name = "INM-Block images without extension"
Active = FALSE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)"
Bounds = "<im(g|age)*>"
Limit = 256
Match = "*(ssrc=$AV(*.(gif|png|jpg|jpeg|jpe|bmp|xbm))|>)"
Replace = "<img src="http://Local.ptron/clear.gif" border=4>"
Name = "INM-Block image offsite-links without extension"
Active = TRUE
URL = "$TYPE(htm)"
Bounds = "$NEST(<as*,</a>)"
Limit = 512
Match = "[^>]++shref=($AV((http|ftp)(s|)://(^h)*))1"
Replace = "<span class=prox style=display:inline;><center>"
"<a href=1 target="_top"><font color=crimson>[Link: </font></a>"
"<a href="3" target="_top"><font color=crimson>no extension]</font></a>"
Now, is time to test if it works well or not.
Regards to all.