Welcome to this new webforum for Proxomitron discussions and filter exchange. The fora here have only been online for a couple of days, and we will do our best to keep you updated both on the filters and the program itself.
As you can see, the fora have been pretty well visited already, and if you have time we would certainly be happy if you wish to help us out.
You can place your posts in any forum you think it belongs, and in this forum where you are reading now, you may discuss any other things that is on you mind.
If you have filters we don't have here yet, feel free to post them here so others can enjoy your work. You may also place request for filters here, if there is one you would like to have.
Happy Discussions!!
The Proxo-Klan
Best wishes
Edited by - Arne on 05 Aug 2001 20:54:47