Well, here is the filter. (I'm still testing)
I make the replace code like the ad-filters of Sidki3003.
Name = "INM-Block image link without specified size"
Active = TRUE
Bounds = "$NEST(<a*,</a>)"
Limit = 256
Match = "<a[^>]++shref=($AV((http|ftp)(s|)://(^h)*))1*"
"(<im(g|age)[^>]++ssrc=$AV(3)*>&&*( height=| width=|>))"
Replace = "<span class=prox style=display:inline;><center>"
"<a href=1 target="_top"><font color=crimson>[Link: </font></a>"
"<a href="3" target="_top"><font color=crimson>not size]</font></a>"
You can see how this filter works in this page:
http://www.falena.net/banners.htmlIf you prefer, use a list, to use this filter in selected sites only. Read the proxomitron help or search in this forum to know how make it.
Update: Changed in replace code href="1" to href=1Edited by - lnminente on 30 Aug 2002 16:23:51